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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. So i have waited a couple of days to see if we hear anything from RLC. WOW. NOTHING!! Just an arbitrary conversion of our existing plans without discussion or any options being offered to us. Accept what we give you or FUCK OFF AND DIE. The arrogance of RLC knows no bounds. If they go out of business as a result of this, it is exactly what these arrogant assholes deserve. I cannot imagine a worse business plan or customer service than this.
  2. hmmmm.......... contracts in Russia,,,,,,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmmm
  3. hmmmm.......... contracts in Russia,,,,,,,,,,, hmmmmmmmmmm
  4. with the exception of ange/emily, i agree. at any given time it seems like half the vhtv are relocating. rlc should take a similar approach and move the better apartments out of that facist dictatorship.
  5. the referenceto gmt+2 is to VH apts not RLC. there were and are no gmt+2 apts in rlc.
  6. i just cancelled. In part because I was one of the previously bitten hands ( banned) As such I do not have a generally favorable opinion of RLC so I do not feel any obligation to give them a chance. Also, their communication over many years has been world class arrogant.
  7. i suppose gmt+2 could be in Russia? not sure. seems unlikely. i think only the ones gmt+5 or greater could be in russia. also, the surviving rlc apts are not in russia.
  8. To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as RLC does." Possible all the hands previously bitten will come back to haunt.
  9. INTERNET?? At best i would call that a crappy INTRANET, Russian internet ! HA!!
  10. I'll bet RLC has been out on sites today looking for people to ban
  11. they appear to be much more diversified of location (based on GMT+2, etc.)
  12. I do blame them. WAY to much focus in Russia. VHTV may not suffer as much because of their "diversified portfolio". For many years we have been asking for north american sites to provide some english and better time of day. Nope, more Russian and girls only sites. The hammer has come down on their single basket of heuvos.
  13. I suppose many of our religious leader would agree that running this site will get them to hell regardless any boosts from us
  14. They now have 19 girls and 6 guys ( and you have to count Hakeem and Tom to get 6). This is now a very bad soft-core porn site.
  15. I will be shocked if they do any more that their poor conversion of the replay days.
  16. its only 3 days for you (11 for me) that we will be paying full price for 8 apartments. they didn't convert the current time with fewer apartments to more time!! what if we had just bought 6 months?? six months of full price for 8 apartments (incl at least 4 useless ones)??
  17. to be honest, if they closed all the Spanish apartments, i would be more likely to stay. i find them useless, offensive, patronizing fill strictly used to justify their exorbitant cost.
  18. on the plus side, angie and emily are out of a "job" victimizing us.
  19. BTW, it looks like until the end of my current subscription (30 of June), I will be paying full price for 8 apartments. Kinda glad I didn't buy 6 months subscription.💲💲💲 I assume that true for everyone. Their generosity knows no bounds.
  20. Pretty soon we will hear that Poutine did not interfere and Trump believes him.
  21. So at a time like this, they were particularly UNGENEROUS to me.
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