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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. boriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig
  2. just boring to watch ots like to see a replay please burn there game we don't pay for it
  3. the onmy timeo i see this place every time they play there stupid game
  4. the girl make up the boys berk just ridiculous i don't pay to see this shit
  5. this guy is the looser of this group he ruin everything i don't like him
  6. this dean should leave he is a bad lover have a ugly face and wear always this pink short
  7. what a bad taste this russian girls have look at his ugly face berk
  8. all this girl need to be replace i hope nex time rlc will do the good choice not let this girls c back and think this place is an hotel
  9. Sometimes i would like just the 2 girls stay and jave fun but they are always her i know they are in couple bu t would be nice
  10. still retardatz <ho stay to this place leave this place we don't pay you to see you dick head
  11. boring as hell again play there stupid card game to change lol
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