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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 2 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:


    I strongly agree! I too lost my mother and felt remorse for my choice of words, and your right about culture. It includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. IMO, hard times are good in their way too. Because the only way anyone can achieve true happiness is if they experience true sadness as well. It's all about light and shade. Look for a reason to laugh, is necessary. A sense of humor helps you both get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. Today, people look at a person, based on their appearance or the way they are talking or acting, we immediately become a magistrate. The crazy thing is, we have no right to do so. Thanks for the share as always! 

    You've written such beautiful things. I'm so relieved. Nice Cuban guy. Thanks

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  2. 24 minutes ago, dh2995 said:

    Your post arrived while I was writing mine. I quite agree.

    My mother died a few years ago. In the first years of my marriage, I had experienced similar things. I still feel remorse for my words and deeds that I told my mother in the past.
    Okay, they're adults. but this is for us. they are still a child for their mother, even if they are 50 years old. Balance is very important. For all three!
    If the debate was over last night, Clara could leave the house and not return. You can change your lover, you can fall in love with another girl again. But you can't change your mother. The same goes for Clara's mother.
    I understand you. Including letsdothis. but this is also about the culture of the geography where you live. And although the place where they live seems close to Europe, it is not far from the eastern culture.
    sometimes small earthquakes are good. prevents the occurrence of larger earthquakes.

    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

    Dear Clara, I can’t tell you how much this hits home. But the members here are not wrong. We all form an opinion, and that's our right. Remember your the one who turns on the lights. Thanks for all you do. I only wish I was able to see more of you. Criticism of others Is like walking on freshly fallen snow, the true imprint of your meaning will instantly show.

    You are lovely, one of a kind, uniquely valuable. Right now, think of your positive qualities, and things you can do better than the average person can. Always remember, you are smarter, more capable, and more significant than you think you are. Joey 27.gif.0eef0aabb1e3db737aec31e50c70b0ae.gif

    You look like a wise man 😄

    I guess this place has the most wise title on CC

    • Like 4
  4. last night I watched their discussion with fear. their discussions are normal. But it was so meaningless that Clara dressed to get out. I was sure it was too hard for Stas. If you have a real love between them, the "abandonment" weapon should never be used. I support Stas if their subject is "mother". Regardless, the mother is indispensable.

    If the issue is business and money, Stas should not carry these issues home. OK, it's nice to share, but it's always best to have just one boss.

    if the subject is VHTV (I saw Clara pointing the cameras several times with her hand), it is a result of what has happened in recent days. No anger can be hidden forever. Clara is ambitious. Stas is not happy. Maybe their mother started watching VHTV. who knows?

    Voyeur is to take permission from the mother and go to a friend to study. VHTV is like going to a group sex party with this permission.

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Right but I don't each them at all anymore bad they have the same daily routine for months now. And Clara bending over for the cams is not sexy but looks totally ridiculous and artificial :rolleyes:

    It's a great opportunity to see Clara again doesn't like criticism.
    Now she can give you an answer.  🤣

    "you always criticize. I put on make-up for a long time, I masturbate a lot, etc. once you said that we are engaged in too much sex with Stas. now I miss that time ...

    I do not have enough sex, I save myself by masturbation ... I think to start fucking with a sex machine, because Stas has too much workload"

    • Like 4
  6. 9 hours ago, At7 said:

    I actually don’t think they left. I saw they took some packed bags but they were both dressed in all black and she was all dressed up so my guess would be they went to a funeral and are maybe staying the night somewhere. Because their cat is still there and laptop. 

    I'm concerned if the cat is still at home. 😞

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  7. 12 hours ago, groomy said:

    Contrary - good. Two couples without experience. Without negative - this is important.:rolleyes:


    They played an erotic game. Need take paper - with erotic tasks. For example - to tie girl.




    It was stupid to expect from them - swing orgies at level experience in 1+ year.

    And now crisis in this topic.

    Valerie&Glen - stoped.


    Roberta - stoped.


    Nina leaves project due to health problems:cry:🤧. Since she was core, brain and organizer, without Nina - no orgies.


    Sweet Mira and Henry - few months offline - or never back:cry:. Private problems in negative scenario. Since they deleted the biggest twitter in VH (not counting webcam stars who made twitter for Chaturbate before participation in VH). 



    I didn't follow the houses you said, but at least they tried, they started, and some stopped. For this couple, Tim & zoi, Cleo & axel, even Tom and Stella had been experimenting. The common point was not to change the partner. 

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  8. 8 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    Unfortunately, this may be something we all have to get used to or find
    another voyeur website, because I don't think VHTV is going to change
    their business model anytime soon.

    You're right, I'd like them to live in the RLC I followed five years ago. I don't know the Rlc's current broadcast Policy

    • Like 4
  9. 16 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    I wouldn't want to see what you might say about him if you didn't
    admire him. 😊 However, this had nothing to do with what Stas
    said or did or thought or felt or might be afraid of. I was only
    referring to what you said, which I believe was humiliating,
    insulting and inappropriate to say about a tenant (or a CC user,
    for that matter).

    Yes, it was your opinion, but just because you can say something,
    doesn't mean you should. And, some opinions are insulting.

    "I'll tell you something nice: they're real Lovers. and they're the best of vhtv . They respect each other"

    That, I agree with.

    "It's not humiliating to be passive in a situation."

    This, I partially agree with. I think it depends on the situation as
    to whether or not it might be humiliating.

    If honest and sincere people act, you will understand it very easily. Stas looks like a man. Frankly, he can't roleplay
    Why do I write these things? I'm against filming porn movies under the name Voyeur. and I'm angry that good people do it. so if they really want to do it, I have respect. But I'm sorry for them if they are forced by managers to make more money.
    If there are items that do not comply with the forum rules, please report it.

    • Like 4
  10. 41 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    I have nothing against you personally, Alt0na, but I felt someone
    needed to say something here. IMHO, not only is that an insulting
    thing to say, it's an extremely insulting and inappropriate statement,
    no matter what the reason, but especially because he loves a woman.
    In a lot of situations, if you said that to a guy face to face, you'd likely
    get your clock cleaned in very short order.

    You could have worded that so that you weren't insulting someone
    for being in love with someone else. And if you couldn't, maybe it
    would be best left unsaid entirely. As my dear, departed Grandmother
    was fond of saying, "If you can't say something nice about someone,
    don't say anything, at all."

    Some opinions are insulting. IMO, that was one of them.

    I like Stas, and I admire Him. Stas's ineffective only relates to these group sex jobs. and it's all my personal Opinion. Every lover is afraid of being dumped by his/her lover. Sometimes love leads to concessions. again, It's not humiliating to be passive in a situation. I'll tell you something nice: they're real Lovers. and they're the best of vhtv. They respect each other

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