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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 6 hours ago, At7 said:

    I agree, thank you for sharing your story Amy. And, nice ass....I’m a straight chick....someone was was referring to me as a “he” in a previous post which doesn’t really matter....Lol...but I Was wondering the same thing about what exactly you had too. 

    if i've previously addressed you as "he" this is with google translate reason. 🙂
    sometimes I write without distinction between men and women.

    Is this the reason why you chose this nickname because of a tank model in WorldOfTanks?



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  2. 3 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    No it wouldn't. This isn't the first time videos have been deleted from the VH archive.

    You may be right. But this was the most reacting event in the last period. I'm against all kinds of censorship. You can't fool anyone if you can't take the time back.

    Anyway, I'm just a fan of Amy3. if she really isn't trolling me she's got as much ass as Clara has. Let's take a look at the Z & B page. 😍

    • Like 3
  3. 8 hours ago, groomy said:


    Top level:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:





    Wow! Jade makes noise is more Decibel (Db) than Darcie - I guarantee.🤓











    Poor Blonde. Sleeps alone. In recent weeks - no luck with girls.:confused:


    But today was busy night in other apartments.

    Mira&Henry. First time on cameras, after disappearance. I do not think that there was lot of audience (orgy level). But Mira and Henry have a lot of fans (biggest twitter, excluding webcam stars and official VH twitter)  - who would choose this apartment, because Mira and Henry visit.


    Kate&Molly - 2 girls+guy 3some, advertising on Twitter. Thematic drama.


    I think cash champions this night are Clara and Stas. For them (and their fan army) this is new step. Guests - Spartak and Alice = who are also guarantors good show. And time is all night activity. Not an hour. Not two.




    I'll always see this championship as a rigged championship, as long as it's not a man who can fuck  Clara other than Stas

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, britmatt1 said:


    When Jabbath? I'll cash in for a premium 10 day pass, just want to know about when? Also, had Stas been with anyone?

    and then, with no little exceptions, no man touched Clara. At least under VHTV cameras. Most of the people here have respected it. If this censorship happened in one of the other ordinary houses, it would end the house. But Clara has always managed her fan base with beauty and charm. with some exceptions.

    I'm watching Clara in this kind of group sex activity. It's more fun to watch that girl's face without joining them.

    • Like 4
  5. 8 minutes ago, britmatt1 said:

    Clara never sleeps with another man. Stas never sleeps with another women. They only play.

    Are you sure? oh what a bad. I waited till morning to see if they'd do it. Because I watched them for the first time.

    Joke, of course..
    I slept all night long as Stas did just before. but now I can have fun watching them like this.

    • Like 3
  6. Stas, man, nice guy.
    Give that girl the freedom she deserves. I'm not saying leave her.
    See how Clara admires them. I'm sure she wants to join them.
    I guess you're the cause of all this.

    There is a man in your kitchen who has a huge penis right now. That guy rubs his penis and chats with your girlfriend. Why aren't you jealous of that? Is it just bad to touch? You're just jealous when someone else touches your lover. You sleep well.

    If you tie something too tightly than necessary, then you'll have trouble solving it









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