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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 7 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I think Stas is the wild card here. But at the same time, we don't know if Chris would be ok with Stas doing anything with Dana.

    I think Stas still can't accept these ridiculous group sex rituals. When Chris and Dana started oral sex, Stas wasn't in the Kitchen. Clara was watching Them. When Stas entered the kitchen, he had a gaping expression on his face. He quickly took off his panties. D&C got hot Fast. For me, that couple can do anything. Stas Wild card? imho, He's an ineffective individual. That's not Insulting. He's just in love with a very powerful and insatiable woman.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Still monfix for the bathroom cam... Figures and says a lot about managers :rolleyes:

    If they don't care about the customer, their customers don't care about them either. I guess there's going to be nothing new in this house. So it's not as appealing for me as it used to be. I don't even want to criticize.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

    If you've reached the point where you can tolerate your lover watching porn on their phone during sex then I feel sorry for you cause that's just not right. I love porn, even porn in the background during sex, but I'm not cool with the idea of masturbating with another person's flesh while watching porn on your phone. It's just comes across like your partner is literally so bad at sex and you are so disinterested in them as as a person and that they cannot bring you to an orgasm. Fine, you want to say that it is just another form of sex! Sure! Whatever! I know better though. This will kill your sex life eventually.

    sex is meaningful when both people are made willing. unfortunately there is now a commercial commodity. reluctance increases when you do something too much. and of course they need more porn to be more horny.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Seems change of plans... all clara&stas workers are "alone" in their houses 

    But it's time to have bate shows in the bathroom with butt plugs and dildos. She must be such a dirty girl to take so many showers 😂


    Almost all tenants in Odessa are very honorable. They don't cheat on their lover. The girls are all bisexual, bu t they don't change partners. Girl-girl and girl-dildo when it is very necessary.😁

    All this is enough to attract new customers. But I don't even want to share pictures so much as routine now.

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