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Everything posted by cardone6161

  1. That's because here at CC, the only requirements to being a perfect human being is having tits and vagina. Just be careful not to question this rule, else you risk be labeled a misogynist. Ha I knew you would reply
  2. I get a kick out of how dressed up the girls are only to sit around that shitty apartment. I don't think they go out after dinner ever do they? Of course Anton is wearing his only button down shirt for the occasion
  3. I see Kamila wearing the same shorts yet again. Most women, knowing thousand of people watching them, would not want to be seen wearing same clothes so often, am i not right? ....Dasha in those colorful shorts is another example
  4. Every time he seems to leave for work in the mornings, he always wears the same pants and shirt. He is wearing pants and a shirt right now, of course the shirt is a Real Life t-shirt
  5. yes but with big fog ! we see nothing Do you really want to see these people naked that bad?
  6. j know there is hot vapor when you take shower but can you explain me why there no problem vision in others appartment when they take shower?we see good in other appartements bathroom exept diana where there is the same problem.maybe it's not the same cameras focus quality in this bathroom,j don't know...when alisa take shower,there is vapor too,we can see that on mirror on the side on camera but the focus stay clean,j don't understand why in this bathroom in sabrina appartment,we see nothing,many fog on focus camera. maybe no ventilation in this bathroom,there is no problem in second bathroom(cam9) uhh... maybe these dude/girls take hotter showers maybe
  7. I guess that would mean the other half are blind thickheaded fools that don't know how to take more than half a second to see if there's a similar thread already before starting a new one... ESPECIALLY since there are 4 other goddamn threads about the same topic. Sorry, still don't understand how that makes you so angry Obviously you are talking about the 'borderline psychotic' comment. No, but I agree, he also sounds angry.
  8. I guess that would mean the other half are blind thickheaded fools that don't know how to take more than half a second to see if there's a similar thread already before starting a new one... ESPECIALLY since there are 4 other goddamn threads about the same topic. Sorry, still don't understand how that makes you so angry
  9. Do you think that bigger dude with glasses is also a girl?
  10. Why is somebody starting a new thread such a big deal?
  11. Karen, you are by far my favorite Poster here, don't make yourself so scarce
  12. Exactly why I like Dogs over Cats. Cats do whatever the hell they want. Probably walk on counter directly from litter box...gross
  13. Which are? He doesn't like girls Does that mean Paul's parents don't like girls either? Do I not like girls because I'm not some pussy thirsty neanderthal like 70% of the CC members? When you claim I don't like girls, are you saying I'm a homosexual and I don't find girls attractive, or are you saying I'm a misogynist? Seeing as how you're making the claim, the very least you could do is tell me why I don't like them. Just a guess based on a lot of your posts I'm guessing your not homosexual so probably the latter
  14. Its her only dance move i think the dog has had enough of the dancing
  15. In a way that is what is somewhat intriguing about RLC in my opinion I'd rather see real reactions not fake moaning. I'm sure she enjoyed it...or she wouldn't except 17 minutes of it
  16. Friend, I have nothing to prove , as I said in previous posts. Believe those who want = ) , I will not expose the tenant as this behind consequences for them. The information that these are spent , if you find it imagination of fruit, fine by me . As I said the one who is not sure Stepan , and Nina and Kira that I know nothing about them beyond their names. The others I'm sure = P . Ps: do not think that Demid is old , it's just the beard that leaves him with older appearance , he has boyish face , and it is only a little older than dasha . PS2 : you will not be the first nor the last to want to know how I know that. Ps3 : There are several languages ​​only 3 : Russian, Spanish , and Portuguese Its not Demid's appearance or age that doubts he is a college student...all ages can be college students. its the fact that he seems to do nothing but stare at his laptop maybe...never studying or doing homework etc.
  17. Paul = You are on vacation from college, and when I was in the last apartment was working Leora = is medical and is unemployed at the moment Alina = You are on vacation from college and also works as a night clerk Anton's military = Inside Job spends some days at work and one at home Maya's hairdresser = Stefan = I'm not sure but it seems is creator of virtual games Veronica = works as a stylist Lucas = This unemployed and looking for work in academia Dasha and Demid = Both are college and no job Diana = Actress It works with theater / music and makes college Efim = to a time ago was at the gym in the morning and studied the afternoon Adriana and Daniel = work in the same restaurant, times schedules together sometimes in separate schedules, Daniel makes Capoeira I hope I have clarified their doubts. Now my question, Demid is masturbating at dawn? maybe 1 or 2 of these might be a lucky guess...I mean really, demid in college haha
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