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Everything posted by cardone6161

  1. Obviously she is coming back or this apt. would be removed. Nobody is going to tune it to watch loser Lev sprawling on the couch staring at his Ipad 24/7 in his brown flannel shirt and stinkyunderpants
  2. Watched Coco in a towel grab some wine and 2 wine glasses and was disappointed to see her head up the stairs, then who do I see but Kiko >:( wandering around the free area >:(
  3. Does anyone know where this apartment is located? I notice it is still daylight there at 11:30PM
  4. well,that flat belly is kinda hottt too..! :-* :P Quite a contrast to Lev's ugly moled up back...but then again I'm a guy so....
  5. The panties thing seems to be a theme with all these people. I have at least 3 weeks worth of underwear in my drawer and I'm sure that is fairly common
  6. In that last picture above her weight looks perfect IMO
  7. I just saw Lev put the ipad on the couch and leave the room without it!!
  8. I don't think she is too skinny. Plus I don't think she is any skinnier then she was originally, if I'm wrong on this can someone please proove it via photos?
  9. Seems like every time I view this Apt. Nora is eating or preparing to eat
  10. Thread could also be titled "Lev not wearing his one-piece jump suit" with same results
  11. It's time Maya & Stepan got a new apartment. They can move to Alina's now vacant apartment. I'm sure they were both in the same area. That way we don't have to look at that mural on the wall that looks like someone took a dump.Then when Maya & Stepan have sex they'll be loud and clear. One place is just as dumpy as the other
  12. They have been in this apt. since January or February 2014. Certainly a lot better than the old one they lived in. You can't expect these couples to stay forever. Alina and Anton have stayed the longest out of all the couples. Between the two apartments they have close to two and a half years being in RLC. Having your ass in front of a camera 24/7 must get stressful after awhile. Anton seems pretty stressed ;D
  13. looks like you just wasted quite a bit of time on him
  14. Might explain why Anton appears to be staying. I can't imagine Anton as a Dad!!. It would definitely interfere with his gaming. on second thought, it probably wouldn't interfere at all, nothing else does
  15. Might explain why Anton appears to be staying. I can't imagine Anton as a Dad!!. It would definitely interfere with his gaming.
  16. I have never clicked on the "dasha and Demid" apt. as much as i have since the guest have been here. Nothing against dasha, she is fine looking and seems like a nice girl, but she has been almost as boring as Demid (who does nothing interesting).
  17. If Anton and the turtle remain it will be fun to watch the turtle
  18. Bogdan doesn't seem bad, granted he doesn't do much either, but at least he seems attentive to his GF and him and Nelly seem happy together unlike most of these other couples.
  19. ???? Lev's underwear comes with a bulge empty?
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