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Everything posted by Cho

  1. She is the favorite of many mature men reasoning no more with their dick but with their heart. Those recognize in Diana a number of qualities: She is hardworking, shows some education, demonstrates artistic talent, supports domestic work, holds the purse strings and seems fairly faithful to the man she has chosen to share her life, so her distress today being unfaithful, or being mistaken about him... Not forgetting that Slavic charm, a pretty face, harmonious body, soft and modulated voice, a lot of class. I think that many of us would dream to have a woman like her. Blessed are those who have found her. You will say that I'm in love... :) There is no age... And it is so much the better if these few lines, that she reads perhaps can make her smile and morale, She has what it takes to find another man of her level who does justice to her. ;)
  2. My own experience passes to myself that it is not of gallantry or kindness which brings to leave the bedroom to the other, but simply that the idea of physical contact is unbearable. This solution is tamporary before one of the two quits home... At this moment, she is crying again and it's a heartbreaking to see like that, then we can't help... :-[
  3. She is very kind to prepare food ... I'd let a post-it on the table where Efim could read: "The recipe is on page 43 of the cookbook and ingrediants are at the grocery store. Enjoy !" It's not very nice, I admit, but sometimes it does you good ... ;) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  4. Please... please, what do you give in swap apart your best regards ? >:( >:( >:(
  5. Subscription or not, we can all be helped by someone who happened to be at the screen when there was some action. I guess you find it irritating that some of us asks for help. But there is no need to call us names. I'm quite sure you too enjoy watching all the clips and pics the users post here. I guess most of us take this daily cc tour to check if there is by any chans a new vid/pic post. If noone ever posted any of that, this site would probably die. I have a question for you : How many vid did you post since your registration date 11-16-2013 ?
  6. Je pense que tu n'as pas compris le sens de la remarque. Tu as pourtant sans doute remarqué que le niveau d'échange devenait de plus en plus faible, tant par la qualité des propos tenus que par la quantité. Il me parait évident que ce forum est envahi depuis quelques temps par des personnes de plus en plus jeunes qui sont affolés, rien qu'à la vue de 2 cm² d'une petite culotte... Ce sont les mêmes qui réclament ici sans cesse des vidéos, lesquelles n'existent quelquefois pas, à l'image du sois-disant trio dans la baignoire avec Efim. Par contre comme l'a écrit "Std", aucun échange en retour. Autrement dit, ce sont des prédateurs qui n'ont rien à donner et qui veulent tout gratuitement. Mon commentaire allait en ce sens. -- I think you didn't understand the meaning of my remark. Yet you probably noticed that the level of trade was becoming weaker and weaker so much in quality than the amount. It seems obvious to me that this forum is invaded for some time, by younger and younger people who get excited at the mere sight of a 2 cm² panties ... These are the same people who are calling here constantly videos, which sometimes does not exist, like the Be-called threesome in the bathtub with Efim for exemple. However, as wrote "tbg150" no swap in return. In other words, they are predators that have nothing to give and want everything for free. It was my comment's idea.
  7. Yes, it is time for the kids back playing marbles in their schoolyard... >:(
  8. Nous n'avons sans doute pas la même notion relative au fait d'agir comme un enfant. Personnellement, je n'analyse pas les cris, frapper du poing sur le plan de travail de la cuisine ou vouloir à tout prix faire l'amour avec son mec comme une attitude infantile mais comme du désarroi et une attitude désespérée pour garder celui qu'elle aime. Je pense Diana amoureuse et fidèle à Efim. J'ai lu récemment une allusion relative à une possible tromperie. Je regrette que la rumeur, une fois de plus, fasse loi dans la discussion. Par contre, seul "suckvivor" a fait référence récemment à l'attitude puérile d'Efim avec la fille qu'il avait ramenée à la maison. Nous avons par ailleurs observé son attitude avec les filles lorsque le couple recevait des invitées filles qui dormaient chez eux. Enfin, remarquons que depuis l'apparition de cette fille aux cheveux noirs, la semaine dernière, Efim qui passait son temps devant l'ordinateur du salon n'est plus jamais là. Alors, rapport de cause à effet, je ne sais pas. La coïncidence est troublante... Concernant l'attitude de Diana, son manque d'assurance est caractéristique des gens du spectacle toujours en proie au doute lors de leurs début. Enfin, je n'apprendrai à personne que plus une fille est jolie, plus elle se trouve moche et doute d'elle même, simplement parce qu'on la regarde et qu'elle imagine toujours avoir un bouton sur le nez ou la bouche de travers. Elle a de toute évidence besoin d'un homme mature qui pourra la rassurer, quelqu'un qu'un sur lequel elle pourra s'appuyer. Efim n'est pas celui là et elle se trompe en essayant de le ramener à elle, c'est pourquoi je dis qu'elle est amoureuse. La pire solution serait de tomber enceinte maintenant. Un enfant n'a jamais ressoudé un couple brisé. Au contraire... J'espère qu'elle n'aura jamais cette très mauvaise idée. Ne vaut-il pas mieux vivre seul(e) que mal accompagné(e) ? -- We will probably not have the same concept on the fact of acting as a child. Personally, I do not analyze the screams, hitting her fist on the kitchen worktop or want at any price to make love with her boyfriend, as a childish attitude but the distress and desperate to keep the man she loves. I believe in love and faithful Diana with Efim. I recently read a hint on a possible deception about her. I regret that the rumor, once again, make law in the discussion. However, only "suckvivor" referred recently to the childish Efim attitude with the girl he took back home last week. We also observed his attitude with the girls when they slept at home. Note, since the appearance of the black hairs girl last week, Efim who spent his time in front of the living room computer, is never at home now. So cause and effect, I do not know, but coincidence is disturbing ... Concerning the attitude of Diana, her lack of insurance is characteristic of entertainers always beset by doubt in their beginning. Finally, I won't teach anyone that, more wonferful is a girl, the more is she thinks to be ugly. She doubts, simply because people look at her and imagines having a pimple on the nose or crooked teeth. Obviously, she is alone to keep the pot boiling. Considering music demo we've seen by Efim, it's not his fee that allow to live, only put butter on the bread. She obviously need a mature man who will be able to reassure her, someone on which she could rely and have her mind free. Efim is not this man and it is wrong in trying to bring him back to herself, that's why I wrote she is still in love. Actually, she is lost and the worst solution would be to get pregnant now. A child never strengthens a broken couple. Quite the opposite... I hope she never has this very bad idea. :P It's better to be alone than in bad company.
  9. Et dans 10 ans, si elle n'a pas trouvé le riche pigeon qui l'épousera après l'avoir engrossée, où sera-t-elle et que fera-t-elle ? Pute au bois de Boulogne ou à Pigalle ou l'équivalent en Russie? Ses voyages seront encore plus nombreux mais plus brefs. Entre le trottoir et la chambre d'un hôtel minable... -- And in 10 years if she didn't find the rich sucker who marry her after pregnant, where will she and what will she do ? Whore to "the Bois de Boulogne" or "Pigalle" or Russian equivalent ? Her travels will be even more numerous but shorter... Between the sidewalk and a seedy hotel's bedroom ... :-\
  10. ...And if women could also not be ashamed of their redneck husband in public, it would be just as wonderful. ;D
  11. Not threesome ! Look at pics below, open yours eyes and don't let your cock control your brain... :o
  12. You have to register a complaint... ;D rlc gonna answer: "it's real life,it's not an actors,it's not a porn site......", j'm ok with that but the difference it's j don't have this comportment in real life when j take a shower, j know there is no camera when j take my shower but if the girls come on rlc and are not ok with the cameras,don't come on rlc,it's simple,it's that what j don't understand.the girls come on rlc just for get the job and the free appartment but are not really ok with the cameras You don't know the terms of contract. Of course shall be indicated the presence of cameras but no obligation to show his privacy which is inalienable under private international law. ;)
  13. An error has occured in the pictures below. Look for the goose and her mutt. ;D
  14. You have to register a complaint... ;D
  15. The deal is between you and RLC... and too bad for you if it's a shady deal. RLC doesn't mean naked all day long showing her pussy. How many times do we write this for people understand ? :-\
  16. Just for information and to be deliberately very succinct, Holland/Merkel saw Putin in an attempt to find a common solution to prevent war. It is not more the interest of Europe than that of Russia. The problem in Ukraine is much more complex...
  17. or efim :) Maybe Efim doesn't help too... It was so obvious to me that I didn't fit in. :)
  18. I had to miss an episode because I didn't know this information. Can you tell me the sources, or maybe you speak Russian... In that case you will know probably and can tell us where the models start working until 3 am every night/day. It is unusual to take pictures during the night and the high fashion collections do not happen every day. ;)
  19. Agency models! Open your eyes, these girls would never selected ... It seems rather that they be barmaids or gogo dancers... ;D j have hear alisa one time when she was one skype whith her ex-boyfriend say: "tomorrow j go to costa brava with photographer for make photos for my book",and alisa,sofie and nika are very told,perfect for work for agency models,it's my idea OK, Sorry for being a little abrupt in my answer. That said, make a book does not automatically mean that you are a model, even if you would like to be. Amateur photographer informed, I have already done several books for friends who asked me and who don't belong to high fashion model agency. One of them, for example, was preparing to competitive exam stewardess... Showbiz job needs to have a book....
  20. Je pense qu'il faut recentrer la discussion sur les personnes et leurs occupations. Nous savons de façon presque certaine que ces deux là appartiennet au monde du spectacle. Chaque jour de la semaine, Diana se prépare, soit pour répéter soit pour assurer la représentation théâtrale. Lorsqu'on la voit dans la douche, la cuisine parler toute seule ou faire des gestes ne signifie pas qu'elle est folle mais simplement qu'elle répète son rôle...La pression psychologique doit être énorme car il faut être performant tous les jours sous peine d'être exclue du spectacle. Sans vouloir excuser Diana, nous pouvons comprendre que ses nerfs soient mis à rude épreuve et qu'elle craque parfois dans la vie de tous les jours. -- I think we should focus the discussion on people and their occupations. We know, so almost certain, that these two belong to the world of showbiz. Everyday day, Diana gets ready, either to repeat or to ensure the theatrical performance. When viewed in the tube, the kitchen, talking to herself or making gestures does not mean she's crazy but simply she repeats her part... Psychological pressure must be huge because you have to be efficient everyday or risk being excluded from the show. Without excusing Diana, we can understand that her nerves are strained and she sometimes crackles in everyday life.
  21. Si nous raisonnons dans ce sens, RLC creuse sa propre tombe puisque moins, voire pas d'images ou vidéos, signifie moins de résultats en recherche et donc moins de visites et donc à moyen terme une rentabilité du site à repenser. Alors, "wait and see". Je n'y crois malheureusement pas beaucoup car la rentabilité doit être maximum et avant d'arriver au point mort, il s'écoulera beaucoup de temps -- If we reason in this sense, RLC digs his own grave, as fewer or no more pics / videos, means less research results and therefore fewer visits and thus, in a medium-term, profitability of the site redesign. So, "wait and see"... Unfortunately I do not believe a lot because profitability should be the maximum and before arriving at the break-event-point, it will take a lot of time. -- Wenn wir in diesem Sinne argumentieren, gräbt RLC sein eigenes Grab, da weniger oder gar keine Bilder oder Videos, bedeutet weniger Suchergebnisse und daher weniger Besuche und also mittelfristige Rentabilität des Standortes zu überdenken. Dann "warten und sehen". Ich denke leider nicht viel, wie Rentabilität muss maximale und bevor er zu erliegen, wird es viel Zeit abtropfen lassen. ???
  22. Agency models! Open your eyes, these girls would never selected ... It seems rather that they be barmaids or gogo dancers... ;D
  23. You don't need much for you panic, kids ... :-\
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