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Everything posted by Cho

  1. Come on guys, you know the "cowboys" always want to be number one... Let us believe this, it reassures them and we have fun reading their comments. ;D ;D ;D
  2. I never imagined that a clock out of sync could generate as much interest. :o
  3. Nb 4 : Alina is pregnant about 6 months and she has a dick !!! :o OMG ! Absolutely, you can choose your preferred Alina :) Once upon the pics disappeared, this post has no more sense... :(
  4. Don't care, Frenchies avoid some disappointing posts in english too...
  5. Watch it they don't use a dildo... ;D ;D ;D
  6. Nb 4 : Alina is pregnant about 6 months and she has a dick !!! :o OMG !
  7. Et la tête, et la tête, Alouette, alouette Alouette, gentille alouette, alouette, je te plumerai ... Bah oui, y'a que son cul qui est bien plein, le reste sonne le creux... comme une tête d'alouette. Quant à la tête de travers, elle penche du côté de son seul neurone, celui qui la différencie d'un cheval et l'empêche de chier partout pendant les défilés.
  8. Yes indeed ! But are you sure this flats are on the Earth ? Maybe they are on Mars and pictures by relay satellite ! Finally, I don't know more... :-\
  9. We allow you to call the fire department. :o
  10. Another thread before yours... (The Web Link is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  11. Leaving in France (GMT+1), I confirm the daylight is right with the real hour of the day. Sure the clock is out of sync in Spain. Maybe the battery is out or they know somebody living elsewhere, or during a party, a guest made a joke, or... They have so many other opportunities to read time (watch, computer, oven, etc.)
  12. His haircuts look faggish. The hairstyle at the old apartment was called "Neo-Barbarian." It replaced the "Mullet," on the soccer circuit. I expect it's quite fashionable over there in Euro-Land, since apparently the population of barbarians invading Europe is quite large and they are reproducing like vermin. Je ne connais pas exactement l'information qui vous est donnée aux US mais elle semble quelque peu exagérée. Si l'immigration existe en effet, elle ne remplacera pas à court terme la population autochtone avant longtemps, soyez rassurés. Vous ne serez pas obligés de venir nous libérer de l'envahisseur (2nd WW). De plus et comme toujours, si certain d'entre eux peuvent être indésirables, la majorité des immigrants quitte son pays où elle meure de faim ou d'oppression avec l'espoir de trouver du travail en Europe. Le terme "vermine" est sans doute exagéré. S'il faut en effet combattre un certain radicalisme, il faut de ce fait utiliser d'autres méthodes que celles que l'on combat. Pas facile, je suis d'accord... -- I don't know exactly the information given to you in the US but it seems somewhat exaggerated. If immigration is, in fact, it does not replace the native population in the short term before long, don't worry. You won't have to come to liberate us from the invader (2nd WW). In addition, and as always, if some of them may be undesirable, the majority of immigrants leave their countries where it dies of hunger or oppression in the hope of finding work in Europe. Indeed, whether to fight a certain radicalism, we must therefore use other methods than those we fight. Not easy, I agree... ;)
  13. The way things are going in this world. It will be lucky if it's still in existence by the year 2100. Ouais, Il faut rester optimiste cependant je n'ose pas imaginer la tête de toutes ces filles en 2100... Et encore moins leurs fesses ! -- Yeah, you have to be optimistic but I dare not imagine the head of all these girls in 2100... And still less their asses ! ;D
  14. Aside from the fact that you could have written this in "Adriana & Daniel - Pictures" Did you compare the hour on clock with the outside sunlight ? Is there any difference ? ;)
  15. T'as compris Laura... Le modérateur estime que tu parles pour ne rien dire, ce qui n'est pas tout à fait faux, malgré toute l'estime que j'ai pour toi. Rassure le sur ta génération quant au devenir de la planète car il s'inquiète... Bisous. :-* -- Did you understand Laura ? Moderator believes that you talk for the sake of talking, which is not altogether wrong, despite the esteem I have for you. Reassure him about your generation as to the become of the planet because he is anxious... Kisses.
  16. Error... post Deleted
  17. These people are completely out of sync biorythm. They live during the night and sleep all day long... :-\ ???
  18. T'as rien de plus intéressant à faire ? Sors un peu pour oxygéner tes neurones et si tu regardes bien, tu verras qu'il y a aussi de jolies filles dehors dont tu pourrais peut-être un jour admirer aussi le cul... mais en vrai ! -- Nothing more interesting to do ? Get out to oxygenate your neurons and if you look at good, you will see pretty girls of which you could, perhaps one day, also admire the ass... but for real !
  19. You shouldn't... One thing is sure, as boss13's vid, you record in "mkv" format without trying to produce smaller files (AVI for exemple), you swamp every topic and you are hosted on UL. That's a lot of coincidences. Is that ? :-\
  20. It's probably Boss13...so why bother. Sure he is.. :-\
  21. En tous cas, quoi que vous puissez dire ou écrire, c'est lui qui la baise et vous ne serez jamais celui-là ! -- In any case, whatever you may say or write, He is the one who fucks her... You'll never be ! ;D ;D ;D
  22. It's her job to be sexy in a gogo dancing. Argably she perfected her image, not her ego...
  23. Das Mädchen im roten Kleid ... am Anfang der Diana & Efim (24/06/2014) und nie mehr gesehen. -- The girl in red dress... at the beginning of Diana & Efim (24/06/2014) and never seen since. ??? http://camcaps.net/diana-and-efim/diana-efim-pictures/915/
  24. Bises à toi également et bonne année. De moins en moins de choses à commenter je trouve. Faut dire que le niveau baisse... :'(
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