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Everything posted by Cho

  1. comme d'hab, popol est aux abonnés absents... :D
  2. This kind of behaviour can only be attributed to the fact that they don't have to pay for it. In most of the appartments, they leave the tv on all day while not watching it, and the heating must be turned up to eleven everywhere. I'm surprised their own behaviour doesn't annoy the fuck out of them. Peut-être aussi que personne ni à la maison ni pendant leurs études ne leur a expliqué que l'eau était une richesse. Ils ont été élevés dans un système communiste où la ressource est mutualisée, gommant ainsi la notion de valeur. Quand au chauffage poussé à fond, c'est la contrepartie pour les voir se balader à moitié nus. Si ce n'était pas le cas, vous crieriez au scandale. Je n'excuse pas, je cherche une explication rationnelle. -- May be nobody at home or during their studies told them that water was a richness. They were raised in a communist system where the resource is pooled, erasing the notion of value. About heating cranked up, it's the counterparty to see them walking around half naked. If it wasn't, you would cry foul... I don't apologize, I look for a rational explanation.
  3. Bon, allez, on ne va pas commencer une guerre sainte ici. Simplement je pense que nous serons tous d'accord, quelque soient nos idées de tout genre, pour dire que personne n'a le droit de tuer son voisin parce qu'il n'a pas les mêmes idées que les siennes, même au nom du divin. On peut très bien ne pas partager les idées et le dire ou l'écrire tout en vivant côte à côte dans la paix. Cela s'appelle le droit à la différence et la liberté de pensée de nos cerveaux développés. Sinon, nous ne sommes que des animaux. Etant à l'origine du débat, je pense que nous pouvons peut-être le clore aujourd'hui pour revenir à Alina et sa grosse copine.. -- Come on, we're not going to start a holy war here. Simply I think we would all agree, whatever our ideas of all kinds, to say that nobody has the right to kill his neighbor because he has'nt the same ideas as his even in God's name. One may very well not share ideas and say or write, while living side by side in peace. This is called the right to difference and freedom of thought for our developed brains. Otherwise, we are just animals... As the source of debate, I think maybe we can conclude today to return to Alina and her fat chubby... ;)
  4. If people bothered to take notice, you will find that there has been much discussion about people not making derogatory remarks about RLC members. Without them, good, bad or whatever, CC wouldn't exist. You and I have agreed on many things on this site, in fact I find most of your posts both interesting and often amusing. I am therefore surprised that you would classify that childish comment as humour. Désolé de t'avoir déçu. La semaine dernière en France ont eu lieu plusieurs agressions qui ont fait 17 morts. Celle contre le journal satirique Charlie Hebdo en a fait 12. Elle n'avait pas d'autre motif que la vengeance de gens qui n'admettaient pas que l'on puisse se moquer par l'image ou par les mots. On doit pouvoir se moquer de tout dans un pays libre sans crainte de la répression. -- Sorry to disappoint you. Last week in France took place several attacks that left 17 people dead. One against the satirical magazine Charlie-Hebdo left 12. It had no other reason than the revenge of people who don't admit to be mocking by the image or the words. Today, One must be making fun of everything in a free country without fear of repression. Maybe my unconscious that has established a link. Just think if that crazy fucker avoided the cartoon drawing, all this would have never happened. The families of the deceased persons should sue Chartlie Hebdo. Toi non plus n'as rien compris au dessin. Fais donc l'analyse de texte des propos écris. Si le prophète dis qu'il est difficile d'être aimé par des cons c'est parce qu'il ne cautionne pas les actes terroristes réalisés par des terroristes radicaux islamistes. C'est pourtant pas compliqué à comprendre... N'oublie pas que nul part dans le Coran n'est écrit que représenter le prophète est blasphématoire. C'est une invention des salafistes et autres extrêmes. Réfléchis un peu bon sang au lieu de te laisser aveugler par la religion. -- You either have not understood the drawing. So make text analysis about the words wroten. If the Prophet said "it's difficult to be loved by idiots" is because he does not support terrorist acts carried out by terrorist Islamist radicals. Yet it is not hard to understand ... Do not forget that nowhere in the Koran is written that represent the Prophet is blasphemous. It is an invention of the Salafists and other extremes. Think a little instead of letting you be blinded by religion. >:(
  5. (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). But I'm not sure it was really anal...
  6. Thanks for the confirmation but a simple "yes" would have sufficed. Leave the asshattery at home next time, it just gives the site a bad rep. I beg you to accept my humblest apologies your Grace. :-[
  7. Where are you living ? On the moon ? So, you must land my guys... It's time. Apollo mission ended a long time ago. ;D ;D ;D BARCELONE / Spain GMT+1 Winter hour. OK ?
  8. If people bothered to take notice, you will find that there has been much discussion about people not making derogatory remarks about RLC members. Without them, good, bad or whatever, CC wouldn't exist. You and I have agreed on many things on this site, in fact I find most of your posts both interesting and often amusing. I am therefore surprised that you would classify that childish comment as humour. Désolé de t'avoir déçu. La semaine dernière en France ont eu lieu plusieurs agressions qui ont fait 17 morts. Celle contre le journal satirique Charlie Hebdo en a fait 12. Elle n'avait pas d'autre motif que la vengeance de gens qui n'admettaient pas que l'on puisse se moquer par l'image ou par les mots. On doit pouvoir se moquer de tout dans un pays libre sans crainte de la répression. -- Sorry to disappoint you. Last week in France took place several attacks that left 17 people dead. One against the satirical magazine Charlie-Hebdo left 12. It had no other reason than the revenge of people who don't admit to be mocking by the image or the words. Today, One must be making fun of everything in a free country without fear of repression. Maybe my unconscious that has established a link.
  9. Paul = You are on vacation from college, and when I was in the last apartment was working Leora = is medical and is unemployed at the moment Alina = You are on vacation from college and also works as a night clerk Anton's military = Inside Job spends some days at work and one at home Maya's hairdresser = Stefan = I'm not sure but it seems is creator of virtual games Veronica = works as a stylist Lucas = This unemployed and looking for work in academia Dasha and Demid = Both are college and no job Diana = Actress It works with theater / music and makes college Efim = to a time ago was at the gym in the morning and studied the afternoon Adriana and Daniel = work in the same restaurant, times schedules together sometimes in separate schedules, Daniel makes Capoeira I hope I have clarified their doubts. Now my question, Demid is masturbating at dawn? maybe 1 or 2 of these might be a lucky guess...I mean really, demid in college haha Yes I agree with you. Maybe Daniel&Adriana, Diana and Maya's occupations are the right ones. No more... Great imagination or fantasy about the others... I think mainly to those who idolize Leora. I could be wrong. It is not enough to say, PROVE me I am. ;)
  10. Cela montre surtout qu'"On peut rire de tout, mais pas avec tout le monde".(Pierre DESPROGES) et c'est bien dommage... Moi j'aime bien l'humour de Chiller. -- This shows especially that "One can laugh at everything, but not with everyone." (Pierre DESPROGES) and that's a shame... I really enjoy the humor of Chiller. ;)
  11. Paul = You are on vacation from college, and when I was in the last apartment was working Leora = is medical and is unemployed at the moment Alina = You are on vacation from college and also works as a night clerk Anton's military = Inside Job spends some days at work and one at home Maya's hairdresser = Stefan = I'm not sure but it seems is creator of virtual games Veronica = works as a stylist Lucas = This unemployed and looking for work in academia Dasha and Demid = Both are college and no job Diana = Actress It works with theater / music and makes college Efim = to a time ago was at the gym in the morning and studied the afternoon Adriana and Daniel = work in the same restaurant, times schedules together sometimes in separate schedules, Daniel makes Capoeira I hope I have clarified their doubts. Now my question, Demid is masturbating at dawn? Cette énumération est-elle le résultat de l'imagination collective ou la traduction de paroles entendues dans les appartements ou encore un mélange des 2 ? -- Is this enumeration the result of collective imagination, or translation of words heard in the apartments or still a mixture of the two ?
  12. Maybe not... Pas de raison qu'y ait que nous qu'y se la collions sur l'oreille... ;D Jamais on nous écrit à nous :(
  13. Sans blague... :) De qui faut-il avoir pitié ? De celui qui échange des idées ou des expériences ou de celui qui n'a rien d'autre à partager que sa hargne.
  14. This kind of behaviour can only be attributed to the fact that they don't have to pay for it. In most of the appartments, they leave the tv on all day while not watching it, and the heating must be turned up to eleven everywhere. I'm surprised their own behaviour doesn't annoy the fuck out of them. Peut-être aussi que personne ni à la maison ni pendant leurs études ne leur a expliqué que l'eau était une richesse. Ils ont été élevés dans un système communiste où la ressource est mutualisée, gommant ainsi la notion de valeur. Quand au chauffage poussé à fond, c'est la contrepartie pour les voir se balader à moitié nus. Si ce n'était pas le cas, vous cririez au scandale. Je n'excuse pas, je cherche une explication rationnelle. -- May be nobody at home or during their studies told them that water was a richness. They were raised in a communist system where the resource is pooled, erasing the notion of value. About heating cranked up, it's the counterparty to see them walking around half naked. If it wasn't, you would cry foul... I don't apologize, I look for a rational explanation.
  15. She does it to attract the airhead ... And it works ! ;D ;D ;D
  16. Je me doutais bien que ça ne devait pas se résumer à cela. :P Vous êtes compliquées...
  17. Je ne pensais pas que la perfection s'arrêtait au football et au reflet dans un mirroir ! Nous n'avons pas les mêmes critères... -- I didn't think perfection stopped to football and watching in the mirror ! Wow, we don't have the same criteria ... ;D ;D ;D
  18. Je n'ai jamais compris que les gonzesses préfèrent faire cela alors qu'un gars est tout à fait capable de faire la même chose et même davantage puisqu'il a son propre « gode naturel ». -- I never understood that chicks prefer them to do this while a guy is quite able of doing the same thing and therefore more since he has his own "natural dildo". ???
  19. You didn't know that ! :o Yes this site has moved on jan 1st on French server. You have to learn french my dude... et Bienvenue en France ;)
  20. C'est quand même pas le pot ! On a 2 nouvelles frenchies toutes fraîches et c'est "Gazon maudit" :-[ Merde alors... Bisous quand même les filles. :) Cho.
  21. Well aren't you a fucking gentleman! I would even say contemptuous of the womankind. :-\
  22. Océane est une "ancienne" de Camcaps, bien qu'elle puisse revenir un de ces jours car ce n'est pas la 1ère fois qu'elle disparaît.
  23. Devine... Mais je ne suis qu'un mec. ;) ;D
  24. and you,you come here just for spend the shit with the members you don't like, and most of the time it's french CC members like if they were only able to post shit. you are just a fucking racist soo now close your stupid mouth and go spend the shit in other site At least you make me laugh. You see, ultimately, this topic had an interest since it made you laugh. ;)
  25. Surtout t'arrête pas. J'aime bien quand les filles se lâchent... :-* ;D ;D ;D
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