Yes indeed ! But are you sure this flats are on the Earth ? Maybe they are on Mars and pictures by relay satellite ! Finally, I don't know more... :-\
Well, flats on Mars might be possible, but eventually it is a far fetched thought. Let me explain. On the one hand their pretty limited social life might explain why they rarely leave their home--who to visit in a small martian colony, it gets boring pretty soon. We do see them at the backyard or balcony like Adriana and Daniel. While martian atmosphere is toxic for human beings (we have seen that in Total Recall) we might assume they are under some kind of protective dome, perhaps with some light to match conditions on Earth.
However there is one point that totally disproves any possibility for life on another planet. You can fake light, atmosphere and some social life, but you can't fake gravity. On a planet with about 40% of our gravity, humans would hop around like bunnies. Clearly we don't see them doing it. What more, sex would be far more impressive, especially with women on top who tend to vigorously fuck their partners. People would literally fuck like bunnies. Again we see plain old missionary (or mars-ionary) variations. And that disproves the whole thing QED.
Congratulation. Wonderful demonstration !
Although "Total recall" is not the most absolute scientific reference. ;D ;D ;D