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Everything posted by Cho

  1. and you,you come here just for spend the shit with the members you don't like, and most of the time it's french CC members like if they were only able to post shit. Ca y est, ça le reprend. Pas capable d'assumer ses propres erreurs il colle ça sur le dos des français. Sous doué ! -- That's it, he resumes. Not able to take his own mistakes he sticks them on french's back. As pathetic you are !
  2. Depuis l'arrivée des 2 dernières, la vulgarité règne en maître dans cet appart... Et ce n'est pas Nora qui va rehausser l'ensemble. -- Since the arrival of 2 last girls, vulgarity reigns supreme in this flat... And Nora won't enhance the level
  3. Philosophe en plus... Rendors-toi pour rêver encore et laisse hurler la meute ! ;)
  4. De toutes façons, c'est pas le style à fumer du belge... ;D -- Anyway, she never smokes belgian tobacco.
  5. Wake-up Baby, U r in the "reallife"... ;D
  6. Yeah, a few is seriously insane... :D
  7. Not a beautiful face !!!!! And don't fuch so much !!!! NEVER ANAL !!!!!!! An other sexy pic from Leora. ;) (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  8. Et comme ta caméra est éteinte, tu fais quoi toi ce soir ? :)
  9. You are living in the past, guys... :-\
  10. Nul doute... Avec les hommes aussi ?
  11. thanks alot man Page not found at 21:43 GMT. May be RLC stroke yet...
  12. If that were true, then let them build all the roads, bridges, buildings, take over land, establish communities and make all the technological breakthroughs. And while they're at it, they can be the ones that pay the majority of dates and spend the most time chasing dick while men get to have the option of not working. where have you been,a lot or women have salary position's,in government positions,can talk Most men in buying them something (gold diggers )ok but it still happens.and as for chasing dick (what dick)measly 6 inches)they don't need someone who can't really satisfy them.that is why a lot of women use dildoes,fuck machines,sybians etc.and if they had a dick as big as a horse(and some might)they don't have a clue how to use it.and finally more women are turning to other women for love and sexual satisfaction. there are only 2 sexes in the world,men and women,so women have half the money and ALL the pussy. And i know you will come back with all your stupid shit but i dont CARE. Indeed. If other retrograde discourse than Buster's one were emerging, we would meet them... more. >:(
  13. Ils ne sont pas pressés pour te répondre les copains... les cow-boys non plus. :) A priori, elles parlent russe. Anderstood ? ;)
  14. Je crains fort que vous ne soyez souvent déçu(e)s...
  15. ;D Ouais... pas terrible. Mais bon, elle a le droit d'être fatiguée...
  16. je dois être blasé car Nora ne me fait vraiment pas bander... Dans le 1er appartement, elle se comportait comme une larve vautrée sur la banquette, ici elle se prend pour le chef et ne propose rien d'agréable à regarder lorsque Kiko est absent. Comparer ces moments aux autres filles seules est une preuve de mauvaise foi évidente, n'en déplaise à ceux dont elle est l'idole. Je suis convaincu que le spectacle de Lilu avec un mec aurait beaucoup plus d'intérêt que la prestation épisodique de Nora. -- I must be jaded because Nora does not really make me hard... In the first apartment, she behaved like a wimp sprawled on the sofa, here she takes herself for the boss and offers nothing nice to look at when Kiko is away. Compare these moments with other girls alone is evidence of obvious bad faith, no offense to those she is the idol. I am convinced that the spectacle of Lilu with a guy would have much more interest than the episodic performance of Nora. >:(
  17. This is on purpose so people subscribe. Those that can't pay are not interresting for RLC. It's not a non profit-making organization. :D
  18. Oui, un nouvel appartement... Combien de temps faudra-t-il encore les supporter ? Un si bel appartement pour une petite dinde, un mec totalement insipide et leur clebs. Autant donner de la confiture à des cochons. Yes indeed, new flat... How much longer will we put them ? Such a beautiful apartment for a goose, a completely insipid man and their mutt. However throw pearls before swine >:(
  19. Dude you know all the rooms a labeled with the girls' names? You can't see which girl stays in which room? And if this apartment is so uninteresting to you that you can't wait to see who goes where and view it "in passing" then what the fuck do you need their names for? You have to be very unhappy to be so aggressive... Find a gf (or change) and fuck properly. It will calm your nerves. TBG150 has the right to ask a question without being insulted and if it bores you, the best is not to answer. Nobody forces you. ;)
  20. Entre l'épicier du coin et la grande surface, tu as choisi. La qualité du produit est à l'image du fournisseur... -- Between the grocer and supermarket, you chose. Product quality is the supplier's picture... :)
  21. the new girl is a friend of nora, it is normal to hear it and forms a clan !!! lilu had a fight with nora it a few weeks ago, and they are "enemy" ..... since it is normal lilu stays away. Stop lilu blame for its isolation, since it does not intend to nora alis and is a friend of nora .... enjoy lilu, which certainly looking for a chance to enfuire fast !!! I agree. http://camcaps.net/nora-sofie-lilu-and-mia/lilu-4697/msg89260/#msg89260 No we blame you, because we can't understand shit you're saying! Use the translator... ;D ;D ;D or open your narrow minds. ;)
  22. Especially if it's a futon that has a pull out bed as before. Took one of those apart once. It's more than a chore if you don't watch what your doing. Can lose a finger or two quickly if a spring snaps on your fingers. If it comes from Ikea, it can only be a "pain in the ass". ;D
  23. the new girl is a friend of nora, it is normal to hear it and forms a clan !!! lilu had a fight with nora it a few weeks ago, and they are "enemy" ..... since it is normal lilu stays away. Stop lilu blame for its isolation, since it does not intend to nora alis and is a friend of nora .... enjoy lilu, which certainly looking for a chance to enfuire fast !!! I agree. http://camcaps.net/nora-sofie-lilu-and-mia/lilu-4697/msg89260/#msg89260
  24. Moi j'aime bien Lilu. Elle a de jolies jambes et est bien plus sexy que Nora dont les amoureux vont me haïr. Concernant la critique qui tend à dire qu'elle fait la gueule, reconnaissons que Nora n'est pas plus agréable lorsqu'elle est seule. En conséquence je n'accuserai pas plus l'une que l'autre. Cela dit, je pense que nous regretterons Lilu lorsqu'elle partira. Elle a de la personnalité et c'est pour celà que Nora ne l'aime pas car elle ne la domine pas. La nouvelle arrivée n'a pas beaucoup de classe non plus. Son visage est quelconque, sa coupe de cheveux très ordinaire et il semblerait que son corps ne soit pas celui d'un top modèle. Si mon impression se vérifie, Nora prendra l'ascendant rapidement. Je pense qu'il n'y aura pas grand chose à regarder. -- Right and I like Lilu too. She has beautiful legs and is much sexier than Nora whose lovers will hate me. :) As for the criticism to say that she sulks, everybody recognize that Nora is no more pleasant when she is alone. Therefore, I will not accuse one more than the other. That said, I think we regret Lilu when she leaves. She is a steadfast person and that's why Nora does not like her because she can't dominate. The new incoming is not too classy.Her face and her haircut are ordinary and it seems that her body is not that of a top model. If my feeling is right, Nora takes the upper hand quickly. I think there will not be much to look at...
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