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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. Does anybody have the video? I don't, but I'll post KAK123s pics again if that helps.
  2. Even in Australia we are familiar with the Guardians of the Republic. More power to your elbow brother.
  3. 1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people. 2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects – such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons. 3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal. 4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor. 5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union. 6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps. 7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext. 8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war. 9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever. 10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.
  4. Madwolf33 don't stress mate, it was a genuine misread of the data by the poster that was corrected by him straight away.
  5. 10 hours to catch a kangaroo? The bloody things might be on our Coat of Arms, but they are still vermin. Don't they have guns in Florida? Cooked properly, they do provide a nice steak and nothing wrong with a good kangaroo stew. The local eat the tails, tried it once, not for me.
  6. So, you worked it out. That didn't take long. And how many responses from you is that, 12 or 13? I see you've reverted to childish insults again. Why not, seeing as you think willful ignorance is a valid tactic. I'll respond to you whenever I can mate, at least until I start feeling some sympathy for the logical knots you tie yourself up in and get bored. Looking forward to it. Try and get some accurate facts and figures though, makes it more interesting. The stupidity of all this is that in amongst my posts I have taken the position of devil's advocate. Although I do not believe in gun control, do not believe that gun ownership increases crime, I have provided facts and figures that could support both sides of the argument. It then comes down to personal choice. The trouble is you just read the bits you want to read, leave out the facts that in actual fact, could support your argument just as strongly as mine, so obviously what's left is a distortion of the facts and the truth.
  7. So, you worked it out. That didn't take long. And how many responses from you is that, 12 or 13? I see you've reverted to childish insults again.
  8. Fuck that, that's me reading wikipedia incorrectly. that's the sum total for that year!! I couldn't see how 14% of Americans are murdered each year could be right!! But here is the total number of reported gun homicide deaths in the US, 2012 8,896. Of 14,000 murders, 9,000 were the result of a gun used as the weapon. http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states So in Russia, they had three times the murder rate as America when the comparison was done. So based on that equation, of a possible 20,535 murders, none of them were committed with a gun. I put the other country's figures for an idea of what's happening in some other countries. I choose countries that are players on the world stage, that meant leaving out Australia mate. Your repeated attempts to sidestep the figures that don't support your confirmation biased warped thinking are pathetic. As is your juvenile attempt at fudging the figures. 3 time the total murder rate in Russia compared to America's gun only murder rate??? Nice try Princess. But here is the total number of reported gun homicide deaths in the US, 2012 8,896. Of 14,000 murders, 9,000 were the result of a gun used as the weapon. http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states Mate, you've come up for air again haven't you. It's not 3 times the American count, actual murders or gun murders. It's based on the rate per 100,000. So it becomes 3 times the comparison rate, based on the period the comparisons were made. I'm not going to give you a maths lesson. I kept it to the lowest year and very conservative as the figure is greater than that, but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. The fact is whether there were 20,000 or 30,000 or 50,000 deaths none of them were murdered with a gun. As for choosing countries on the world stage so leaving out Australia, I didn't even quote figures from Australia, I used Russia. Russia is not a key player on the world stage? Also, if you could actually understand my post, I stated that all the figures proved was there was no correlation between owning or not owning guns and no simple fix that works for everyone. Some countries with guns had high murder rates and some had very low. Whereas the opposite was also applicable. Due you need a lesson in English as well, or is it my Australian accent that confuses you? You just don't get it, or you do but you're pretending not to. Either way, you're a cunt, don't ever let anyone tell you anything different. Game, set and match.
  9. Fuck that, that's me reading wikipedia incorrectly. that's the sum total for that year!! I couldn't see how 14% of Americans are murdered each year could be right!! But here is the total number of reported gun homicide deaths in the US, 2012 8,896. Of 14,000 murders, 9,000 were the result of a gun used as the weapon. http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states So in Russia, they had three times the murder rate as America when the comparison was done. So based on that equation, of a possible 20,535 murders, none of them were committed with a gun. I put the other country's figures for an idea of what's happening in some other countries. I choose countries that are players on the world stage, that meant leaving out Australia mate. Your repeated attempts to sidestep the figures that don't support your confirmation biased warped thinking are pathetic. As is your juvenile attempt at fudging the figures. 3 time the total murder rate in Russia compared to America's gun only murder rate??? Nice try Princess. But here is the total number of reported gun homicide deaths in the US, 2012 8,896. Of 14,000 murders, 9,000 were the result of a gun used as the weapon. http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states Mate, you've come up for air again haven't you. It's not 3 times the American count, actual murders or gun murders. It's based on the rate per 100,000. So it becomes 3 times the comparison rate, based on the period the comparisons were made. I'm not going to give you a maths lesson. I kept it to the lowest year and very conservative as the figure is greater than that, but at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter. The fact is whether there were 20,000 or 30,000 or 50,000 deaths none of them were murdered with a gun. As for choosing countries on the world stage so leaving out Australia, I didn't even quote figures from Australia, I used Russia. Russia is not a key player on the world stage? Also, if you could actually understand my post, I stated that all the figures proved was there was no correlation between owning or not owning guns and no simple fix that works for everyone. Some countries with guns had high murder rates and some had very low. Whereas the opposite was also applicable. Due you need a lesson in English as well, or is it my Australian accent that confuses you?
  10. Fuck that, that's me reading wikipedia incorrectly. that's the sum total for that year!! I couldn't see how 14% of Americans are murdered each year could be right!! But here is the total number of reported gun homicide deaths in the US, 2012 8,896. Of 14,000 murders, 9,000 were the result of a gun used as the weapon. http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states So in Russia, they had three times the murder rate as America when the comparison was done. So based on that equation, of a possible 20,535 murders, none of them were committed with a gun.
  11. Mate, I told you should keep your head shoved up your arse because every time you come up for air, you show your ignorance. Using your reference Wikipedia, it states that 14,173 people were murdered in the United States in 2012, which represents 4.8 per every 100,000. In France it was 665 in 2012, which equates to 1 per every 100,000. As for the Russian / American comparison, its states that Russia had three times the murder rate as America even with some of the strictest gun controls possible. Three times as many people died in a country that had no guns compared to America that probably has at least one weapon for every man, woman and child.
  12. Did you know that TONY Abbott, Australia's Prime Minister, has warned that beheadings, like in the case of American journalist, James Foley, could happen here in Australia. This is after a number of senior muslim leaders refused to meet with him. They didn't refuse to meet with the secretary of the under secretary to the minister supporting the minister etc etc, they refused an audience with our Prime Minister, their Prime Minister (?) He went on to say: “It just goes to show that this is not just something that happens elsewhere, it could happen in countries like Australia if we relax our vigilance against terrorism and potential terrorism here on our shores. ISIS is the most effective terrorist movement the world has ever seen, whose actions have ramifications for Australia. The video of the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley is a sign of the evil barbarity of the group responsible. It’s a sign that there is an utter ruthlessness and depravity about this movement which is hideous and sickening and deplorable. It just strengthens my resolve, and frankly it should strengthen every Australians resolve, to do whatever we humanly can to ensure we never have the slightest hint of this kind of thing here in Australia. I have little doubt that the ISIL movement are masters of propaganda and social media, that’s why it’s very important we redouble our vigilance and boost our efforts to ensure that our country is safe. There are about 60 Australians working with ISIL and another 100 with its support networks. This is of deep concern, yes it’s a tiny, tiny, tiny minuscule percentage of our population, but nevertheless it doesn’t take very many people, as the September 11th assault on the United States showed. It doesn’t take very many people to do enormous damage to countries using modern technology and it is quite concerning that groups like Jemaah Islamiah are being energised by ISIL. This is a different level of threat of that which have seen in the past, and Australia does need to take it very, very seriously. Yes what happens in Syria and Northern Iraq is a long way away, but it has ramifications for our country because there are Australians involved. Everyone has got to put this country, its interests, its values and its people first, and you don’t migrate to this country unless you want to join our team and that’s the point I’ll be stressing,” he told a media conference.
  13. "A French 50 times less likely to be killed by gun an American, if you believe the statistics of the United Nations Office against Drugs and Crime. Homicide by firearm speak for themselves. In the United States, they were 9,149 in 2011, or 2.97 per 100,000. In France, the same year there were 35 cases, or 0.06 per 100,000"... extrait from http://frenchmorning.com/un-francais-a-50-fois-moins-de-chances-detre-tue-par-arme-a-feu-quun-americain/# No comment... Don't doubt that figure, but from the other perspective, murders account for 1 in 100,000 in France compared to slightly under 5 per 100,000 in America. That's not a multiple of 50 so the French are still finding ways to kill people but, just like the Russians, they are finding other weapons to do it. What's the likelihood of stabbings or being beaten to death? All the figures prove is that if people want to murder people they will find a way. They also show that there isn't a single solution for everyone, countries that have high gun ownership with low murder rates prove this. You also have to consider, the amount of violence occurring in countries like America at the moment, those murder rates could be much worse if the population wasn't armed. Given the choice, I'll err on the side of caution and keep my guns.
  14. What? You're the jumped up little goon who started throwing out insults like asshole, prick, insulting Britain and France. Just like a snotty nosed little bitch you can dish it out but you can't take it back. Nothing I've written is in fact false, pretty much everything you have written is just an insult or is in fact false. You never had a case to begin with Keyboard Warrior, or should I say Princess, so I suggest you go rest your head, your brain needs it mate. No, your right, I can't compete with Keyboard Warrior and Princess. Wouldn't know how to respond to something so sharp and scathing, so I give up, you win. (That'll teach me to debate with the intellectually handicapped.) Over and out.
  15. Sorry mate, she's taken!!!
  16. Good stuff Aubrey, no fact or substance, ignore the facts, resort to childish insults. Rest my case.
  17. Mate, I'd keep my head buried in the sand if I were you, or is that your arse, because every time you pull it out and open your mouth, you continue to prove how totally ignorant you are. Australia is a founding member of the UN and played an important role in drafting the UN Charter and sits on the Security Council. I'm not going to bother listing all the other initiatives Australia has been and is involved in world wide, you are obviously not interested anyway because that sort of knowledge simply defeats your argument. A founding member? Well done Stralia, you and 51 other countries, but yeah, welcome to the party though, take a seat at the back there, ok. An important role in drafting the charter? Hmm, a role maybe, as Australia was at the table granted. Whatever input Australia may or may not have had is moot anyway as the charter in its final form was always subject to ratification by the Great Powers: China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States. Pirate/Ozioziwtf, the keyboard warrior with small man syndrome. Go home Australia, you're drunk. You really have a thing about Pirate! Not sure how many previous members of CC get so many mentions after they've left, quite an honour, although because it's only you, I wouldn't be too excited if I were him. Did he intimidate you that much? Maybe he reminds you of the man you really want to be but never will? Or maybe you get a bit of a hard on every time you think of him? Yuk. Not all Aussies are Pirates and it's not unusual for such a small, puny country, to have people with a bit of a polarised viewpoint of the world, particularly when we can sit back here and watch how you and your like are fucking up the place. He's still a serving member from what I can work out, like to think I may have served with him. I mean, such a small puny country could only have a small puny army, so there can't be that many of us. So all respect and gratitude to him for his service, more than you've ever done I bet. Besides, for such a small puny army, we certainly pack a punch and are always in demand by the Yanks, the Canadians and yes, the Brits. Guess who trains your special forces. Anyway, I don't need to justify him, myself or my country to a prick like you. You can try and live off the reputation created by you great grandparents, ours is being created by the current generation. Great power? The UK? Open yours eyes mate, you are being overtaken by so called third world countries for that title. You can't even manage the people you've got. Scotland isn't trying to leave because they don't like the Welsh and Irish!
  18. Aubrey: "I know, let's ask an Australian for their valued and informed opinion on global politics!", said absolutely no one, at any time, ever. Mate, I'd keep my head buried in the sand if I were you, or is that your arse, because every time you pull it out and open your mouth, you continue to prove how totally ignorant you are. Australia is a founding member of the UN and played an important role in drafting the UN Charter and sits on the Security Council. I'm not going to bother listing all the other initiatives Australia has been and is involved in world wide, you are obviously not interested anyway because that sort of knowledge simply defeats your argument.
  19. Great argument except for the fact that it's bullshit. First, let's look at the relationship between gun laws and violence in general. The former Soviet Union's extremely stringent gun controls, successfully implemented and enforced by a police state, did not keep the nation, and successor states like Russia, from posting murder rates from 1965-1999 that far outstripped the rest of the developed world [sources: Kates and Mauser; Kessler; Pridemore; Pridemore]. The killers in question did not obtain illegal firearms -- they simply employed other weapons [source: Kleck]. Yep, they simply used other weapons! In the 1960s and early 1970s, murders committed by Soviet citizens -- again, almost entirely without guns -- equaled or surpassed the lives taken violently in the gun-saturated United States. By the early 1990s, the murder rate in Russia trebled the American rate, which had by then leveled off, then dropped significantly (more on that later) [sources: Kates and Mauser; Pridemore; Pridemore]. What, without guns they managed to treble the American murder rate, while the American rate was dropping off. On the other hand, Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, all countries with heavy gun ownership, posted low murder rates in the early 2000s compared to "gun-light" developed nations. In 2002, for example, Germany's murder rate was one-ninth that of Luxembourg, where the law prohibits civilian ownership of handguns and gun ownership is rare [source: Kates and Mauser]. So, countries with heavy gun ownership had lower murder rates! Statistics within countries paint a similar picture: Areas of higher gun ownership rates correlate with areas of lower rates of violent crime, and areas with strict gun laws correlate with areas high in violent crime [source: Malcolm]. So, more guns less crime, less guns, more crime. But how can that be possible?
  20. Shits and giggles? Sounds about right because that's about all you'd be good for. Reading the old posts, I obviously had you pegged right from the start, a total arsehole. Funny you mention France and England, two countries that are just about totally fucked. Keep living in your dream world mate, because the 22 miles of sea won't save England this time. They are already arriving in droves to fuck you over and you are just too stupid and blind to see it. The problem is sometimes things are as simple as black and white, us and them. Normally wouldn't waste my time with fuck wits like you, but as I said before, if you're not part of the solution, you are the problem. Churchill once (supposedly) said that the benches in front of him in Parliament were the opposition, but the ones behind him were the enemy. Certainly wouldn't want idiots like you standing behind me. With your attitude you'd probably cave in and sell out.
  21. What I really can't understand is that if you guys, there are lots of you, are such super studs and world class lovers, which you obviously all are based on how you critique all the males on RLC, why are you all wasting so much of your time watching this shit and then spend so much more time complaining about it. I am not saying I am a stud or a porn star, but this was more like him stroking his own dick rather then having real sex with her. I personally don't call that sex. You and Bill Clinton would get on really well.
  22. Yet another fucking Liberal from France no less. Try and take my guns and you will become one of those victims. Most all of the killings you mention where not committed by gun totting Law abiding citizens they were by criminals and I assure you if most of the victims had been carrying there would have been a whole lot less dead people. In this country (The Greatest there ever has been) our Constitution gives us the right Bear Arms and I proudly do so for protection of my family and myself. So why don't you do what the Liberals do best throw up your hands and Surrender. Mate, your frustrations are showing. When the shit hits the fan, and it will, guess who they'll be looking to for protection? They had a gun amnesty in Australia awhile ago, we don't have the constitutional right to bear arms, so they tried to get them with lies and deceit. They didn't get mine.
  23. Rarely get this chance, or even bother, but I was on line surfing the rooms when this started. She instigated the sex, starting stroking his penis, set the pace, got what she wanted and he ejaculated. Both enjoyed it and seem pretty content now, both smiling at whatever it is they are doing, still together, in the lounge. I don't know what else people expect, this seems pretty normal to me.
  24. What I really can't understand is that if you guys, there are lots of you, are such super studs and world class lovers, which you obviously all are based on how you critique all the males on RLC, why are you all wasting so much of your time watching this shit and then spend so much more time complaining about it.
  25. Mate, maybe I got this place all wrong. See to me this forum is like turning up at a mates bbq with a few beers and a bottle of scotch, oh yeah and some wine for the ladies. People just come and go, some you know and some you don't. Some are total fuckwits (the f word again, my bad) but who gives a shit (is shit ok?) you just ignore them. And as normally happens when a few blokes get together and have a few beers, you talk a lot, mostly shit, about cars, sport, more cars, women, even more cars, generally in that order. And yes there's always one that wants to talk about bikes. Every now and then some dickhead (what about dick, is that ok?) will mention religion or politics, and the shit hits the fan and things get all serious, a few punches might even get thrown. Anyway, after the women come over and settle things down, everything gets back to normal and the whole thing eventually starts all over again. Yep, sometimes some topics do get serious and heat up real quick, but that's the nature of the beast. And like everyone else, I have my pet loves and hates and will fight to the end to defend them. No one really takes it seriously and generally by Monday morning, most people have forgotten all about it, you are too interested in working out who is having the next barbie to care. And who holds the best barbies? Well on this forum, the likes of tbg, Woody, Pepe, Squirrel and a few others who I apologise to for leaving you out, you know who you are. Some people don't get invited, but turn up anyway, like Nick, but that prick (oops) will always let you know he's there and it doesn't take much to shut him up. Others will just sneak in and hang around in the shadows, hoping to connect with someone or something. I'm sure that's why my dog always appears traumatised when the barbies have been at my place. Anyway, that's my spin on the place. If your looking for intelligent, sophisticated and cultured discussions, and social intercourse, mate I think you are on the wrong fucking planet.
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