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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Stella & gina have been really good friends since they met, they were the only two that had fun in the partys and still are
  2. i almost forgot about him thank you for reminding us of him but it's just probably going to be another arts & crafts night, soon both apartments will be filled with dick clay until someone find another arts & crafts theme night LMAO. Maybe rlc is going to switch B's apt into a family show with arts & crafts who knows they are capable of anything xD
  3. Well i just came back and i see that the 2 apt are empty LMAO Btw guys just a tip, when something pisses you off from rlc just writte them and do something else i have been doing that for the last couple of weeks and i have to say it's better than getting worked up on CC ^^' rlc still hasn't answer my e-mail from 2 weeks ago and they probably didn't even read it but it's something right :P and another thing i saw that mikelima you send them a e-mail because the girls are out, i don't think that rlc "forcing" them to stay in would change anything. It must come from them and if it won't then let's wait for the next girls ^^'
  4. When the new girls are naked & the old one is fully clothed xD Well i had enough with one day, So much shit that rlc are doing and i can't understand. see you guys later or tomorrow :)
  5. tu dois être nouveau sur rlc , c'est arrivé 1 fois ( 2 fois avec les même personnes) mais il y a extrèmement peut de chance que ça arrive encore une fois ^^'
  6. personaly i use a "tubing machine" ( i don't know the exact word in english) it's simple :) and it's cheaper than regular cigarette ^^'
  7. yhea another that i think her "potentiel" is censored by the other girls she would have been amazing in the party era :)
  8. i don't think it's for the viewer ... who wouldn't laugh watching this. Sometimes MrBox you are just over too much ...
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