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Everything posted by wathou

  1. When BB gets mad you now something is wrong ^^' i guess i'm not the only one being let down by rlc these days :X
  2. Anyone wanna bet if it's going to be a "new girl" or a "girl coming back " ? :) My bet (hope) is on a new girl :)
  3. i think she gave what she had to give to the B's apartments BUT i wouldn't mind seeing her in her own apartment either with one or 2 friends in a roomate apt like k&k or with a boyfriend in a couple apartments :)
  4. Do you realise that one girl won't change the whole situation ? they'll probably stick to their routine and the new girls will follow :X
  5. rita & nora (maybe milena if i remember correctly) are the only 2 that were already in barcelona before coming in the apt ^^'
  6. Btw don't want to lower your hopes but adele landed 8 hours in barca so either rlc paid for one night in the hotel or she will not be back in the rlc apt ^^'
  7. i was thinking that too but last time i was also sure she'll be back but didn't :X i wouldn't mind seeing her back :) + she'll fit perfectly with the girls routine phone during the day & night out
  8. i think for all irma's fans the best plan would be if she could get 1 or 2 friends to go in a roomate apt like k&k. that'd be nice to see :)
  9. then you missed the poor Mrbox trying once again to trigger everyone with the classic "it's only going to be a tease show" 2 or 3 times and nobody answer him it was so funny :)
  10. it would be great if the new girl is a friend of angel we only saw glimpse of her party side when danaya was there. :)
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