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Everything posted by wathou

  1. "Welcome to RLC a world full of unsolved mysteries" xD you better get use to it it seems that is the new rlc solgan
  2. c'est pas de la jalousie du moins pour moi, j'ai juste pas envie que b1 & b2 devienne un appartement pour les couples ... les appt avec des couples ( pour moi) sont vraiment chiant ennuyant à regarder ... ( sauf quelque exceptions ^^')
  3. Single girl apartment xD That'd be weird and not cost efficient for rlc but hey anything possible at RLC xD I'd be more happy if they open a new girls apartment ^^' ( i know 2 is enough, well not for me :P )
  4. That's what happend when a girl's bf is there but at least angelina & danayadidn't change their habbit of walking around naked ^^ C'est ce qui arrive quand t'as le copain d'une des filles qui est là ... mais au moins angelina & danaya n'ont pas changés leurs habitudes de rester topless :P Btw Nicole already on sangria ....
  5. i don't know megan needed a leader and angelina is not a leader ^^' me i'm just asking for girls that would bring back B2's sexy parties :)
  6. yhea i know but i love watching her ^^' but that being said i'd love to see 2 new girls with angelina :) and if danaya leaves before nicole i would felt like rlc fucked me xD
  7. Ho yhea thank you ze81 i taught danaya might be leaving but she is just maybe transfering her stuff into nicole's room nice :)
  8. Puré rlc ne m'ont jamais répondus comme ça xD t'as de la chance ! ou alors ils commencent enfin à communiqué plus ... Btw so it was indeed someone who disconnected the infra-red light the other night ...
  9. Indeed looks like she is packing T_T WHY ? If she leaves before nicole i don't understant RLC ! T_T Effectivement on dirait qu'elle est entrain de faire c'est valise .... T_T PQ ?
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