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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Even if you don't like her you have to respect Danaya she is the one that brought Rebecca ... and then jessica ( maybe/probably others) so here is the connection ... And IMO even if she is not always happy/ ready to party she has a really nice body to look at :)
  2. Is it the new trend girls doing sports in their room when there is a shit load of space in the livingroom xD
  3. Well i voted for michelle because i liked her and i knew nobody else would have voted for her ^^
  4. In 2 days gina has already shown more than a lot of girls right now ^^ and i have to say this room is perfect for close up :) We already had some amazing one with danaya but gina is showing even more ^^
  5. I don't think angelina & danaya are the probleme they were friendly with Gina, but Gina is The twin's friend so that's why she is going to spend times at b1
  6. Sorry i taught you were the dude that post "when does danaya leaves" every day ^^' And Btw when you want to know when a girl leaves look in their "welcome thread" or "New girl" the first post is when they might leave =>
  7. When she wants to ... And you know without Danaya you wouldn't had rebecca ( no lesbian show), no jessica so have a little repespect ^^'
  8. The timeline is now getting updated again, sorry for last week i had too much work
  9. The timeline is now getting updated again, sorry for last week i had too much work
  10. OMG Gina you skipped a few steps you are already naked over cover and lights on ! Is it me or this girl is amazing
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