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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Danaya arrived first ( she arrived when candy & michelle were still there arund 15 dec), and irma arrived on something like 4jan i think +- So it only depends on when they want to leave xD but danaya is more likely to go first
  2. Gina skipped so many stepps don't know who her teacher was but rlc should hire him/her for ever ygirls She is amazing :)
  3. OMG i just had a hearth attack xD When i saw in the thumbnails that kristy was naked in heidi's roome i was like is this it ? but no ^^'
  4. I like when poeple use "it's my opinion", fine if you said it once i wouldn't mind but in the past couples of days you have been going at danaya really hard ... We get it you DON'T LIKE HER ! No need to repeat yourself over and over ... I don't like irma ( at least this time :X) but i'm not going on a rant against her, i don't see the point and if you have any complain go to the rlc support ?
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