Are you people for real? Shall we go back and reread this thread and analyze it from the start? I'm called a Liberal. That's more insulting than you using the 'N'word tbg.
I'm agreeing with observer1 here. Social Media is the crutch of the idiotic, unsociable crowd. They can't talk to each other. They don't know how.
Next, I only blasted tbg and foamy t squirrel for the use of 1) a derogatory name and 2) a really foul word that not everyone wants to read.
Then you have Nij, that comes in either making a statement or a comment. Which is it?
Now in comes Aubrey. Falling over he's leaning so far to the right.
Now we have this Dth character. I wonder about him with his past posts. Liking to be pissed on, wanting to share himself with another man, a self proclaimed bi-sexual. Well, okay, whatever, but I still think pink. As in pussy pink.
Now we ice the cake with woodworker. Really man. Are you all there? Where did you come up with this nonsense? Is a request of a moderator suddenly a demand to silence and ban or expel a certain individual in your mind? You just fell over Aubrey.
Now Aubrey comes back lashing at woodworker. What's with you guys? Do you base your writings on how much booze intake you've had?
Now you twist it all into bashing old people. At 69, I of all of you should be 'offended' by this inane remark.
Do any of you think before you write? There is a blazing possibility that some of you may be related to Obama. You have no productive brain matter.
Now, finally, to my dear new friend, tbg150. What can I say. So much of what you post is hard to disagree with. But you have to be thee most hateful person on the planet. Are you Muslim? If they aren't white, they aren't right. Be a person that thinks along the lines of center.
Parasite is a play on names. I'm 8th generation American. Probably more so than yourself.
A Liberal. Damn that's a low blow.