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Everything posted by Parasite

  1. Pretty tough words coming from a skunk, Mr. LePew.
  2. Place the accused on one of these wheels that woodworker speaks of. Then let the public pay one lousy dollar to take a shot at the perp on the wheel as it spins at a fair clip. One shot per person. And then let the public keep shooting until just like the little red star on the paper at the carnival, it all disappears. Have a firetruck standing by to just wash the chunks that fell to the ground down the drain. Sounds quite fair to me. And be sure to let the victims family and all of it's members have the first shots.
  3. Me? Buy? Not only no, but Hell NO. Unless you serve a good beer there. Seems everyone here likes the hard stuff. But after Obama gets done with my paycheck, there isn't enough left to buy anything but some American made swill you people call beer. That's like an Aussie drinking Fosters. Pure Abo piss. I need a good IPA to wash the taste of this place from my mouth. And who was this Nick guy? Someone parading around pretending to be a Viet Nam Vet. What a loser. Many time I wanted to jump on him but reserved my writings. People like him aren't worth the time of day. And HEY ADMINISTRATOR. When are you going to get a way for me to join up so I can see the pictures that I'm missing. tbg has a picture posted of supposedly me riding on his dashboard and I want to see it. Riding on the dashboard of what? His Moped? His little red wagon? What? And yes, HMFIC, Kindergarten. Look at the way you wrote this. No sentence structure, your spelling is atrocious, no spacing, improper punctuation, capitalization. And what does HMFIC stand for anyway? And you all have the nerve to call ME a troll. Look around on this board. There are more trolls then members. 100 people post out of 20, odd thousand. More like a troll country. Gimme a beer Squirrel. I'm parched from all of this BS.
  4. I'm still waiting. The suspense of the foul things that you'll write about me is killing me. Let's get to it Pops.
  5. You can hope, I'll keep the change. After all, that's all that's left after being monetarily raped by this communistic government. Russia is starting to look good again.
  6. Only if she does it wearing that little schoolgirl outfit that Maya wears. 8)
  7. You're a real wiseguy, aren't you tbg? You have a smart comment for everything but never a solution to the problem. You just try and create another problem. Of all of the tens of thousands of posts on this board, no one, but no one can come up with a definitive answer as to what RLC is all about, aside from it's a voyeur site. You know nothing of the people, you know nothing of their life situations, their families, jobs, nada, nothing, zilch, zipidedodah.
  8. Oh me. Oh my. Those even made my old tallywacker twinge. Nice itsme.
  9. See woodworker. I agreed wholeheartedly with 2 of your posts. Would a LIberal agree with what you wrote? And it isn't smoke and mirrors either. Christians and Jews better wake up. Extermination of our kind is well under way.
  10. Life starts at inception. Be scientific instead of biblical. But I do agree in a woman choice in her own life. Living in society today is tough enough without having to drag around a child anchor. There are instances of rape, incest, failure of a contraceptive device, etc... Children aren't for everyone. Some people would make lousy parents and know it, so why bring a child into this world that is unwanted to begin with?
  11. Now that the subject is broached, it appears the 'hater of all' is correct. It shows my zip code as the tracking code also. Any walking random numbers calculators around here?
  12. Troll my ass. Come on 'Dude', I mean no harm. First you call me a Liberal, now you're comparing me to the filth and scum in Missouri. You people are really accepting of a new guy aren't you? NOT !!!!!!! I guess I'll need to hook up with the Brits, the Germans or the Turks to gain any ground here. And move on? No. I don't think so. I want to be loved just like Nick. ;) I wish I could see what Foamy and tbg posted for pictures. For now, I can't even pay the 12 bones to join the Elitists. We are all locked out. By the wording, I remember as a kid the trolls called Iggy Dolls. Is this it? If so, I wish I had as much hair as they do. And at this point in life, the color won't matter either. Little person, you'll never bother me with your weak words of supposed wit. You're only showing your lack of upbringing. This isn't even worth commenting on. Kindergarten material at it's best. I suppose I should expect this from a Florida maggot. These are fly larvae by the way. And every time I land, I sh*t on whatever it is I land on. Think about that next time you shoe a fly off of the rim of your glass or burger bun.
  13. Yup. Even us shit disturbers know what you do around here and it is well appreciated.
  14. It sure is fun to start the drain swirling around here. A few well placed words and you all hate each other. And the chances are, you don't even know the real name of the person that you are hating.
  15. Are you people for real? Shall we go back and reread this thread and analyze it from the start? I'm called a Liberal. That's more insulting than you using the 'N'word tbg. I'm agreeing with observer1 here. Social Media is the crutch of the idiotic, unsociable crowd. They can't talk to each other. They don't know how. Next, I only blasted tbg and foamy t squirrel for the use of 1) a derogatory name and 2) a really foul word that not everyone wants to read. Then you have Nij, that comes in either making a statement or a comment. Which is it? Now in comes Aubrey. Falling over he's leaning so far to the right. Now we have this Dth character. I wonder about him with his past posts. Liking to be pissed on, wanting to share himself with another man, a self proclaimed bi-sexual. Well, okay, whatever, but I still think pink. As in pussy pink. Now we ice the cake with woodworker. Really man. Are you all there? Where did you come up with this nonsense? Is a request of a moderator suddenly a demand to silence and ban or expel a certain individual in your mind? You just fell over Aubrey. Now Aubrey comes back lashing at woodworker. What's with you guys? Do you base your writings on how much booze intake you've had? Now you twist it all into bashing old people. At 69, I of all of you should be 'offended' by this inane remark. Do any of you think before you write? There is a blazing possibility that some of you may be related to Obama. You have no productive brain matter. Now, finally, to my dear new friend, tbg150. What can I say. So much of what you post is hard to disagree with. But you have to be thee most hateful person on the planet. Are you Muslim? If they aren't white, they aren't right. Be a person that thinks along the lines of center. Parasite is a play on names. I'm 8th generation American. Probably more so than yourself. A Liberal. Damn that's a low blow.
  16. Parasite? Someone mention my name? And using it in vain I might add. Shame on you. >:( I've been watching this board for a long time now and I finally had to say something. To watch these people beg for pictures, videos, passwords and even to go so far as to try and create software to hack into the cameras is, shall I say, quite amusing and distressing all at the same time. It's a wonder you don't see people walking around with one arm bigger than the other for the workout they give it from spending their every waking moment on a computer. Get a girl. Or, if you're so inclined, get a boy. Your preference doesn't matter to me. But don't sit all alone yankin' your crank to a screen image. The social media sites? What a joke that is! 'I'm going to the store. I'm going to take a shower. This is what's for dinner. See my s**t pile this morning? Look at the colors. I'll send this girl a picture of my little worm. Maybe she'll get excited and send me one of her snapper.' Walking around screaming into a cell phone about absolutely nothing. And you can hear both sides of the conversation. The people here? Some of you are outright GREAT. Others jump off of the cliff to conclusions before researching anything. A couple in an apartment go on vacation. The moment a duffle bag comes out, there is a new thread..."Oh, no. They're leaving. My world is in a shambles. There will never be another one like her/him." And the funny part is, you have no clue in the world what they are even saying to each other. But I plead with someone who controls this board. Stop, STOP, this mentally challenged 'Nick', who can't spell, form a sentence and bad mouths everyone. Also the tbg150 guy and his racism and the Foamy Squirrel with his foul printing keyboard. Every other word is the 'F' word. Such intelligence wasted. The non-English speakers? No worries. I simply skip over the thread. Generally it's not worth the time to translate anyway. Always watching in the shadows. Parasite
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