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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. I've been an ass man all my life and every day in search of those shit holes covered with buns and loaded with the works. DEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS!!!
  2. Probably embarrassed to make lovey dovey comments now and if they can't control the talk then they go in hiding and let their emoji do the talking for them or because
  3. You get a deal - 2 for 1. With Leora you get Paul too - such a sweet deal.
  4. She would rather use her fingers to pick Paul's nose - such a lovely slave woman.
  5. If Leora speaks up once she realizes that her overall fan base is dwindling I can see a storm brewing. I can see this coming soon unless Leora doesn't care about her fans and RLC.
  6. It is not obvious to some but Paul does really control the dynamics of the apartment.
  7. I bet Leora would have much better sex with a 100% committed gay guy than what little Paul does for Leora. Paul is a total disgrace and a useless fuck.
  8. I think that it is time that Linda worked the cams nice and sexy for her salivating fans. Her fans would give her more attention in one day than Tibor would give her in one month. I ALWAYS say "if women got it, flaunt it". Linda, do a little extra in front of the cams for a few days and monitor the increased views and comments and maybe you will be the top cam of RLC. Won't hurt to try - 😈. Give your fans a major treat soon and watch the comments explode. It is about being appreciated (which Tibor does a poor job of it) but your RLC fans/viewers will definitely shower you with appreciation.
  9. Masha's life seems quite unstable. She appeared more grounded and well balanced when she was with Sasha. Over the last few years her life has at times been chaotic. I think she wants to have a normal life and maybe away from RLC but she doesn't know where to start. She seems bored, confused, uncertain but then goes wild. Just my opinion. She doesn't appear to have anyone around her that are capable enough to help her get on tract for the future. Does she want it? I think so but her actions are all over the map. She goes from a sweet gentle lovable woman to a drugged up sex addict.
  10. Excellent. Just BEAUTIFUL. Girl in motion. Nice to watch and admire the beauty and all the sexy movements.
  11. Can't even feel sorry for Leora because she wants nothing in life and Paul provides exactly that - SWEET FUCK ALL. No actual love as most of us know it, give it and receive it. The sex is pathetic so the only sex Leora enjoys is masturbation mainly for her fans and her own good orgasms. This really is a dead life couple. For me, the immeasurable dislike for Paul hopes that the end of this apartment can't come fast enough and then the just as useless emoji scum can follow their loves away from here. The term "cum bucket" does apply to Leora by seeing how Paul treats Leora after she works his cock for his creamy white sour cream milk. Here's my question to Leora -
  12. Hey Max - tell us how you really feel - 😁. I still can't find one positive attribute about Paul. In one cum spurt he plastered Leora's face while also shoving it in the faces of the viewers. Never seen anything good about Paul plus he has diminished Leora to being a non-paid prostitute. She has no self respect, no ambition for a career and is basically a stay at home Mom to her baby while being the only money earner and providing a roof over their heads. Leora's main attribute is her sexy body but she certainly lacks brain cells and self worth. "The love of her life" is a useless, ungrateful comatose bag of shit. Leora is a very nice gorgeous woman definitely but has a shitty slave life while supporting a fucktard.
  13. Personally, I really enjoy Leora's style of voyeur teasing for the cams and how she intentionally works the cams or more specifically on how she positions herself for optimum exposure and great viewing opportunities. The only other participant that compared to Leora was Irma. Other than that, I wish a few other tenants would somewhat copy Leora's approach to the cams while enjoying a better lifestyle when out of the apartment. For Leora to be with RLC for 10+ years she must be doing "some" things right (we all know the exceptions or bad additions).
  14. I temporarily banned myself from the VHTV Forum because I got fed up from being red flagged too many times and some of my posts deleted. I don't rewrite for other's demands. As I stay away it becomes easier to not participate or follow all the shitty apartments or realms. VHTV apartments are garbage now compared to years ago but VHTV brags about their site and Forum. If you complain then they will tell you that you have an option "go away" if you don't like the site. Some great posters but the dickheads ruin it. Overall, VHTV is poorly managed plus they have frequent IT (information technology) issues.
  15. I am having the same frustrating issues too when trying to open camcaps and then log in. Slowwwwwwwww. Sometimes I give up.
  16. In my opinion the sad and confused don't add anything to this topic and to this site but they can continue to do their crap - just amazing. I guess it is because of their undying love for Leora & cheesy Paul and the kissy kissy huggy huggy sex dynamos (sarcasm) need all the support they can get from CC. Well two can play their game since it is allowed. Did I ever say that Leora has a nice curvy yummy ass, nice set of tits waiting for groping hands and a nice hungry very active pussy? She could be an excellent sex toy for both men and women but prefers her stunt double for a dildo - Paul.
  17. YES!!! The cock sucking feels so good - 😈. Easy to imagine her doing me. I like seeing your cock rubbing on her nipples. Your cock should ride across all of her body - feet, legs, pussy, ass, bumhole, hands, arms, back, stomach, neck, all of her face and in her hair.
  18. Both of them really don't do any meaningful "real" work and everything they do during the day is half-assed or nothing. Real Fucking Boring Couple - simple minded living a simple life. Leora is nice to look at though. I use to say that they appear to be just "friends with benefits" but very little actual benefits and real friends usually have more fun together. They might live together but actually live separately. They don't even come close to being a normal couple. If Leora is already maxed out on sex and no knowledge or desire to add variety then in that case Paul can keep her.
  19. It would only be worth watching it if Leora threads the needle with one solid full thrust and to hear Paul scream and observe his eyes as Leora goes long and deep. That would be a priceless money shot.
  20. Just my opinion - in terms of doing sexy teasing for the cams Leora is/was excellent, in terms of being an exhibitionist for the cams Leora is/was excellent but in terms of her sex knowledge and performances Leora is a very slow learner and participant which is a major disappointment over the long years. The masturbations are basically the same with only slight variations. The closeness and a bit of lesbian action with Malia was great but limited, Any sex with Paul is blah (same expectations). After saying all this, I have to say that the most satisfactions that i got from Leora is/was the sexy voyeur type teasing, seeing her half naked and totally naked and all the time that she spent having Malia live with her. Either girl naked or both naked and the sexual closeness and eventually touching each others private parts - mmmm.
  21. Fuck, all the closeup gifs make my pussy feel the action but unfortunately I have a cock 😁. The pussy and dildo gifs are so close that it is as if I am her and can feel the good sensations/vibrations - lol 😈. It is similar to watching a closeup of a girl sucking a cock and easy to imagine or wish she was sucking my cock.
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