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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Sometimes competition can bring out the best in others so Leora should take your suggestions under advisement.
  2. With the amount of time that Paul sits and lays down in a day it surprises me that rigor mortis doesn't set in (The main cause of rigor mortis is depletion of the cell's energy molecule).
  3. Paul needs to watch and learn but when it comes to sex he would react like "a deer in headlights"
  4. Maybe with the daily walks they are looking for a third wheel for some extra action
  5. Time for RLC to put itself up for sale again as these owners have shown how incompetent they are. They are clueless, have no real business plan, continue to ride the "returnee caboose" and seem just content on the stagnant money train without trying to grow the business. This is one brutal company that totally ignores it's customers/subscribers and even fails to sufficiently communicate anything about what is happening or any updates or look for feedback/suggested improvements. Subscribers are just as bad since they pay for a product that isn't what it claims to be.
  6. Paul sets the "Gold Standard" - (The gold standard of something is simply a great or excellent example. A gold standard is the best of the best). - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. Perhaps pulo filipe should be the only person making posts in this topic? How come the goody two shoes don't post in the Fan Pages Leora topic or even just stick to reading it instead of here? Do Leora lovers notice all the negative/unflattering/pissed off comments posted in most other camcaps topics? Why should Leora & Paul be pampered and only sweet talked? Nobody, and I mean nobody, forces you to look at these forum topics. Do people really understand what a forum is all about? If you want a love-in then go and visit Leora & Paul and bond with them in person. Oh wait, they are private unsociable loners that only let you view them 24/7 via the voyeur cams. Maybe some members really do miss the googly eyed emoji members that can't post what they think. At least, the tit for tat war of words here does help keep this topic "ALIVE".
  8. How about if we split the difference and offer up something like this for both Leora AND Paul. Fuck, I would even pay for this to happen. Both Leora and Paul need a serious anal fix, would be an adventurous threesome and a cam hit for the viewers.
  9. Paul would say "Yes", another slave woman to clean and pick up after him, give him a sponge bath, feed him, change his diapers and maybe give him a cum swallowing blowjob.
  10. You can look at it in another way - it is as if the Leora fans are married to Leora and no matter how boring the relationship is they do not want to divorce Leora for the sake of the kids (which is the mutual masturbations). I look at it like Leora cheated on me with Paul so I signed the divorce papers and only left with making comments about them - .
  11. Way too many indecisive subscribers. They ride the fence by complaining about the shitty RLC product and about useless tenants but they continue to subscribe. Some have cancelled or not renewed their subscription. Smart move - save money and not wasting valuable personal time. Some wholeheartedly believe in RLC and say this is just a slow time and will get better. Any predictions of which future year? - lol. Most threaten to quit RLC but never do - all talk, no action. Perhaps those riding the fence or sitting on the fence thoroughly enjoy getting it up the ass (see the big smile). Well, good for them. They can carry on complaining and continue to financially support RLC and all the deadbeat tenants while putting in hours of their time to view a few minutes of something worth seeing - 🤣.
  12. After all these years RLC is still providing voyeur apartments/houses and obviously making good money. Old subscribers stick with RLC either because they are totally addicted or in wait of new tenants or just scared that they might miss something good. New subscribers join because they want to see what all the talk is about or what they are missing or curious about "real life" "voyeur cam" sites. Even negative talk here and at xcamfan seems to be good advertising for RLC. The only way to make positive improvements with the RLC product is if there is a quick mass exodus of subscribers which actually would entice them to finally listen to their customers/subscribers. Unfortunately, AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Only RLC controls the shots and what type of tenants they want to bring on board. To me, I feel that most subscribers/viewers don't fully know the true meaning of "real life" or understand what it is like to be a "true voyeur". To them, being able to watch a real person, a real couple or group of real people supposedly living and going about in front of cams is the real voyeur experience - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (fuck, I fell out of my chair laughing so hard). People can't seem to distinguish what is fake, intentionally done for the cams or why tenants are boring within the RLC walls or even the VHTV walls (because they do the dirty deed/sex away from RLC). Sure there are a few tenants that behave and present their real life activities. And yes, tenants arguing or fighting or sexual assaults are real and actually result in more chatter/comments. Nothing will change in how tenants present themselves while participating on RLC so GAME ON. Too bad RLC wouldn't reconsider the ban on posting images. Damn good advertising, will definitely increase their subscriber base and would help followers/chatters know who is who. Posting images would magnify RLC's exposure to more people and would actually bring more money to RLC, pay the tenants more money and be a huge boost for sites like camcaps and xcamfan. I totally understand that most tenants don't want their images out there across the internet world for their family, friends or employers to see but FFS (for fuck sake) internet privacy is almost non-existent nowadays. Besides, if tenants choose to allow posting of their images then RLC should reimburse them financially. People tend to do things for money. Pay me and I will show my cock and cum on the internet - 😈 (don't think you could afford me though - lol). My thinking is that if posting of images along with free apartment and expenses would tend to result in more average type tenants that live their real life (similar to RLC's inception) as opposed to phony model type bimbos that are there for a free ride. Leora & Paul and Linda and Tibor live their real life in front of the cams. Leora is well known to intentionally perform daily for the cams while Linda only had/has sex when she or Tibor are in the mood. Fake life is garbage to watch. Fake sex is only good if the girl is gorgeous (Leora). RLC keeps their distance from camcaps and I guess they have good reasons to not socialize with types of sites like this or even with their customers/subscribers. They like to be incognito. Never will understand this dumb logic. Have they ever done a survey/questionnaire with subscribers/viewers? Never!!! They don't want your feedback on what it would take to significantly improve their RLC site. So as things do change with RLC and tenants everything will remain status quo. Of note, VHTV allows the posting of images with few, if any, issues. RLC preventing the posting of images has been a disservice to them and sorely missed. With no images then it is too hard to properly follow tenants especially if past tenants return ( recollection of returnees becomes mindboggling, especially some of us old folks). Plus it is nice to highlight the tenant's beauty and activities. Come on RLC, reinstate the posting of images. Fuck man, it would be a huge win for RLC. If you don't want to do it for subscribers then at least di it for me, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEE!!!
  13. He ain't good at that either, in my opinion. I think Eva takes care of him - takes Paul for a walk, plays with lonely Paul and gives Paul some attention to cheer him up. Eva has tried to teach Paul how to hump Leora but it isn't working - 🤣.
  14. Leora can't get Paul to do anymore or try different sex positions or be more adventurous. He is a boring sex partner. Perhaps RLC and Leora realize that subscribers/followers/viewers are getting bored of the same daily routine so Leora is catering to her fans and upping her game. It all comes down to about money. Maybe she will let Paul cum on some food and then she will eat it in full view of the cam. Maybe she will do some piss shows while in the tub. Pissing has become the thing with some members here and on VHTV. Leora pissing will be a nice treat.
  15. Edible thongs would be my choice for Leora - deeeeeelicious. What are edible thongs made out of? If you're looking to sweeten things up in the romance department, you can't get much sweeter than edible underwear. While edible intimate apparel from novelty stores has a reputation for tasting like plastic, this DIY version is actually quite yummy because it's made from fruit roll-ups.
  16. Leora is the man and woman around the apartment. Paul is a bump on the log. Paul is the human version of a dildo and why Leora keeps him around. Some dildos vibrate but Paul is a non-vibrating fucking dildo.
  17. Agree. She might be able to do it if Sasha or Elon of VHTV pounded her daily.
  18. Leora has no clue what good sex is. Paul is clueless, emotionless and useless when it comes to sex. He only wants his pipe drained - FFS!!!. Carry on lovebirds.
  19. That I don't know but Mira seems to be getting tired of Henry's wandering eyes, wandering hands and wandering cock. Henry is a pig with ALL women while Mira picks and choses who she has sex with. Henry disregards Mira when a female is within eyesight. I think Mira likes to control things but Henry's cock has the final say and gets him in big trouble with Mira. The swinging lifestyle favors Henry more than Mira so it tends to ruffle her feathers. Henry is a total asshole when he is drunk. Women do have their sensitivities and prone to jealousy so Mira can get pretty fragile and snap. Henry pushes his limit and pisses Mira off. Alcohol does play a huge part in all their fights.
  20. Back online and Mira on the sofa. Sad state for VHTV. Eventually someone will be seriously hurt or a fatality. VHTV sure likes taking huge risks. VHTV members are happy - want to see more sex with a variety of women. Seems to me that both VHTV and the VHTV subscribers want to voyeur the EXTREME side of real life. Eventually they will get their wishes. One participant already died due to ongoing drug use and resulting consequences from it. But THAT is real life that members want to voyeur.
  21. Henry is a dirty dog and ONLY thinks of himself with his big arrogant ego. Somehow he will reemerge since he brought a new woman in to fuck after the last fight 2 days ago. No other apartment/realm is as pathetic as him and fans want him back and so does VHTV. It is up to Mira to decide "should I stay or should I go" Coincident that the group is "The Clash" and the album title is "Combat Rock" - 🤣.
  22. After reading all the recent VHTV Forum comments it seems that Mira started it but for some members it was okay that Henry slapped her. Even VHTV supports this couple and says it is what everyone wants to see - REAL LIFE and be easy on them. I am sure that Henry will reappear again because he is VHTV's main moneymaker just like Leora is to RLC. VHTV condones excessive drug use, excessive alcohol use, violence and rape. If this part of real life is what you like to watch then VHTV is for you. In my opinion, both Mira and Henry are both total fuckups and neither gets my sympathy. They should join WWF or WWE since they like to fight and are good entertainers.
  23. Quick answer - back to sleep. They had a bad physical fight, she had her name off the list but it seems after 2 days they already kissed and made up. VHTV Forum has the story.
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