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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Sad but true. RLC seems to be trending towards how VHTV is (porn style of fucking and sucking for the cams). Here at camcaps, at xcamfan and also at the VHTV Forum the emphasis by members that comment is that they want to see nudity and lots of sex and even gangbang parties. Members believe real life is 100% sex 24/7 with some spousal abuse and sex assaults. These cam sites are not about voyeurism but more about who will have sex today, who will be their sex target, what kind of sex will they have and where will they have sex. If tenants have sex away from the cams or hide from the cams or perform undercover then they cry "GET RID OF THEM". Members believe they have the right to control the cam sites and it seems to be working because slowly the members do get what they want. True voyeurism (like the early days of RLC) are long gone and will never come back. Obviously, with respect to all these voyeur cam sites - sex does sell (subscribers pay to watch what they think is real life which is so funny). Voyeur cam sites are not interesting anymore and the forums are about talking trash and complaining so not worth following much. Camarads is another voyeur cam site but it is the opposite - totally fucking boring and hardly anyone home.
  2. What I like about this vertical dildo riding machine is that she can adjust her body position in a way that will give her optimum sensations and she can adjust the speeds for optimum pleasure. This is one of the best fucking machines and very comparable to the horizontal dildo fucking machines. Don't be surprised if one day she squirts because of the pussy workout.
  3. I made comments in the VHTV Forum about this and VHTV didn't like what I said so they flagged my 2 posts and hid my comments. Hey VHTV So, needless to say, I am done participating in the VHTV Forum. A lot of forum members casually said "oh well, that is real life which we strive for" and "it wasn't that bad" and "it does happen with alcohol and drugs". They trivialized and minimized the incident.
  4. She will learn the hard way. I love a good dark tan on a girl but fuck, do it slow and steady over time and with sun tan lotion. Getting burnt and then skin peeling is the wrong way to go. Over the years, Leora should know better but this shows you how not very smart she is. She pampers her skin daily with cream and whatever else but damages the skin in an instant - DUHHHH!!!
  5. Another possible sex assault or rape. SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for VHTV. Hide the truth again!!!
  6. It is just very hard to not watch her. When I close the screen I say to myself "will I miss something good", "every body movement is worth watching and I don't want to leave", "Leora, I want you bad", "Leora is such a true major voyeur tease", Leora's hips don't lie and my eyes don't lie", "Leora makes all the other RLC female tenants/guests look blah" and "Baby, Come to Me'
  7. Just checked in to take a look but no Kim & Nick apartment listed. Also only 12 apartments listed.
  8. Almost cruelty - last minutes teases before she eventually leaves.
  9. Leora looks good no matter what she has on or off. Beeeeeeeeautiful!!!
  10. So true but Leora lovers don't use the Fan Page to talk well of Leora but instead use the Leora & Paul Home Activities Page to bitch about what members are free to talk about. Some members want to criticize and try to control what others choose to comment about. Things tend to end up being argumentative. This is a fucking forum not a damn love-in FFS!!!
  11. Just a reminder - there is a Fan Page Leora topic that is rarely used - mmmmmm.
  12. Some midget girls are cute with nice body parts. Usually they have nice shapely big asses. And yes, they will make me feel tall and my dick appear huge - 🤣.
  13. Leora and Linda should room together. Cam girls with adorable bodies. Use dildoes and butt plugs as substitute for men. Paul and Tibor should room together. Computer geeks.
  14. Internet porn video sites. Female midget wrestling is funny as hell to watch.
  15. Can look at it this way - Leora and Leora & Paul living 10+ years in jail or in a coma and then back into real life and how things have changed. They will definitely feel the "anxiety disorder". They more or less live in a self imposed vacuum. What does it mean to be living in a vacuum? In a vacuum describes something that stands alone, something cut off from other influences, something without links to the outside world. Something or someone that exists in a vacuum is totally isolated. Havingno interaction with or connection to other people, places, or actions. Often, the term is used in the negative, to admonish someone that his or her actions affect others.
  16. It must be a Russian thing but Leora and Paul do not come across as an affectionate couple. More like friends with benefits. Also, to me, it appears that any sex that Leora and Paul have is mostly performed and positioned for the cams and doesn't look natural. Sorta like Leora is using Paul as an added attraction to supplement her almost daily masturbations. Leora's only #1 priority is the cams and how to benefit the most by providing continuous optimum exposure to her fan base. As they say "money talks".
  17. Leora should just do her shows/performances right in full view of Paul. When Paul is at his "work from home and afar" computer Leora should do her masturbation and orgasm routine on the sofa and standing beside him. When they lay in bed together Leora should do her "she works hard for the money" showtime for her loyal fans. Sure would be curious how Paul would react. Perhaps Paul could be a voyeur to his woman and watch and masturbate. Nah, Paul would leave the room or go outside to sulk plus he doesn't know how to masturbate.
  18. Must be an RLC record for the longest drawn out goodbyes from the site.
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