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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Leora is a control freak. Paul is a submissive little boy. Leora needs to go shopping and buy herself a decent size strapon dildo and then ram it deep inside Paul's tight asshole with one good quick thrust without any lube. Hopefully, as an eye opener Paul will realize that sex can be fun, adventurous and feel oh so good. If he doesn't, then Leora should piss all over him and get him to taste and swallow her golden nectar. Just trying to help the boy into being the life of the party. Ahhhh, never mind - Paul is stuck in his ways of doing nothing.
  2. Linda doesn't smile or look happy (just a sad face) while Paul is emotionless. Linda and Paul are dead fucks - no spark or life in them - FFS!!!.
  3. At least Leora loves to taste and swallow cum - such a good girl.
  4. Gone out of the apartment for some morning sex while Paul sleeps his life away?
  5. Sure didn't take long. The hungry piranhas (subscribers and wannabe subscribers) are wanting changes again. Obviously some don't like certain cast of characters and want another update of new participants. I guess real life boring girls and real life prostitutes and real life drug suppliers and real life studs are not what subscribers want. Seems like when there is drama like what happened at B1 and the Dasha/Sasha heated argument is what members want. There has been talk of some participants being a brother or a sister (twins included) or a mother so maybe some members want some "other" types of activities. The more I read in the forum topics it has become clear that members have quite different opinions of what "real life" and "voyeur" mean. Whatever the members think about these so-called "real life voyeur cam sites" it appears that most subscribers have a "real life" addiction to them and can't break away and walk away or be a free cammer for long. RLC stands for Real Life Control - 🤣. My "real life" addiction is the forums - - because I need to see and read what everyone is talking about or focusing on. To me, it is the forums and topics that are real life and not so much the voyeur cam sites (more fake than real) - lol. A hidden cam provides true voyeurism. Obvious cams can provide fake/intentional activities for the cams or tenants can avoid doing normal activities in view of cams. After saying this - these voyeur cam sites have some resemblance of real life and some resemblance of voyeurism but never 100% or even 75%. Depending on each tenant/apartment/house it will vary. Subscribers only get what they perceive or think they are getting. I am still an old-fashioned voyeur whereby when I see a bit of a tease (cleavage, pokies, side boobs, tight shapely ass in jeans, bare legs, fishnets, see through clothing, drop dead gorgeous woman, girl's cute smile, sexy eyes, and I can go on and on) my imagination goes wild to fill in the blanks or just amazed and appreciative of the sighting. Sure half naked, totally naked and sex are the ultimate goal of being a voyeur but the tease or build up to any nudity is the adrenaline rush. Carry on camcaps members - you make for good reading between my daily viewing of the VHTV Forum and the xcamfan chat room/forum.
  6. I would hire her to be my own personal skank but I don't think I could afford her plus Paul is tied to her hip (not good unless I wanted to make a cuckold/cuckhold of him).
  7. Since Leora is basically a shut-in by choice and not comfortable mixing in with people and the reality that she can sexily perform for others (sight unseen) because of the availability of the RLC voyeur cam site via the internet she is able to make good money without being in public but still interact with the public. This appears to be her job for a monthly income (no pension or health benefits) and how much money under the table (pay no taxes). Obviously she is making good money. Perhaps by doing RLC and with all the compliments it must stroke her ego to the point of pleasing her followers even more while feeling very much appreciated. Almost like RLC came along at the right time for Leora to try it and grow with it (show more voyeur type teasing, nudity, masturbation and sex while making progressively more income). Safe bet that Leora is the highest paid tenant of RLC. I do feel bad that someone as nice and genuine like Leora has a very limited outside life with little to no friends. Her choice. Hey, some rich kids choose to live a life being homeless or others turn to drugs. Their choice. With respect to Leora, we are not use to seeing a vivacious sexy hot bodied woman be such a loner (even with Paul she still is a loner) so it is hard to accept. Would it be any good if she seen a counselor or psychiatrist? Even having one or two friends would help. Imagine going through life doing nothing and not interacting with anyone. Leora's main life experiences are RLC, TV and the internet (laptop and phone). Other than the occasional dog walk, shopping, maybe hairstylist for one or two customers or whatever small thing comes along the apartment is her solace or comfort zone. It could be that Leora would prefer a longer ride on the RLC MONEY TRAIN. if possible.
  8. As long as Paul is there - this apartment and Paul are unwatchable. Leora by herself or when she had Malia as a roommate was worth the price of admission. Paul and Leora together are boring and their sex is repetitious, boring and pathetic. Leora can not see how much of a slave she is to "good for nothing" Paul. No loss now if they leave RLC. The good run is over for Leora unless she can pull some pussies and other cocks out of a hat. She needs some magic tricks to maintain her fan base. I think Leora gets off (has orgasms) mainly from her imaginations and fantasies rather than anything Paul does to her. Paul ain't a stimulator, he is a simulator or a fake fuck looking for a blowjob from Leora.
  9. Anybody who thinks that Reallifecam is real life can continue to subscribe and throw their money away. The only thing real life about Reallifecam is that they are real life crooks that use the term "real life" to mislead subscribers and viewers. All participants and all apartments/houses perform for the cams one way or another for the free rent/expenses and extra money. Fake/intentional masturbation and/or sex specifically in full view of the cams is not real life. In time, stubborn viewers will see through RLC's crap. VHTV is even worse.
  10. No, he does indeed get some action. Even at Alida's place. There are pics in the VHTV forum of Kano grabbing the black guys cock. I think Kano believes that he is entitled to share the sex with others. He has had sex with Trisha and others. I am sick of seeing this bum living on handouts, leftovers and sloppy seconds (easy VHTV women)
  11. That Kano bearded character is VHTV's homeless bum bouncing from realm to realm for free food, lodgings and sex.
  12. Way to go. Need more subscribers to do the same thing and show their frustrations and displeasure at RLC for not providing a more decent "real life voyeur cam" site. Fake shit, boring shit, undercover shit and revolving door of returnees or who you know just doesn't cut it any more. RLC needs to listen to it's customers (subscribers and viewers) and present a better site than what they currently fail at miserably. A very quick drop in subscribers would open their eyes to much needed improvements. Money talks so it is time to give RLC a big hurt.
  13. RLC will continue to ride the money train as long as paid subscribers stay addicted to the site. A whole lotta bitchin' about the tenants and that any recent changes have resulted in the same old same old. Even with more apartments/houses it only magnified how shitty the RLC product is. Complaining in the forums or sending messages directly to RLC is so laughable. Subscribers have to know that the only way RLC will positively react is based on subscriber numbers and revenue. CLOSE YOUR FUCKING WALLET or CANCEL ASAP. Explain to RLC why you won't renew or will cancel your subscription. Be direct and show disappointment. One, two or a hundred subscribers quitting won't make a difference as new dumbasses decide to subscribe. Only a mass exodus of subscribers will get their attention. Take a pause for the cause. Tell yourself that if you cancel or not renew and take a three month sabbatical or break from RLC that you won't really miss anything at the way things are right now. Too many gutless stubborn subscribers that can't break their addiction to RLC. Perhaps the behavior of the tenants is the way it always will be. If so, then subscribers should "put up with it or shut up with the constant complaining or jump off the train wreck. SIMPLE!!!
  14. I prefer watching your "real life" videos than watching Leora trying to have sex with boring pathetic emotionless Paul. Real couple, real sex, real emotions and really exciting to watch the action.
  15. This Political section is overkill and waste of time to try and follow it. Since this topic of Politics is a free-for-all which does get nasty but acceptable then I am surprised that camcaps doesn't allow a Religion topic too. That's all we need to bring out the worst of people. Even the topic of guns seems to help condone gun violence with the appearance of advertising all the types of legal/illegal weapons FFS!!!. I am a peace/love/nudity/sex kind of guy that hurts no one. No place in society for wars, violence, spousal abuse, hatred or disrespect. Imagine a totally naked society. Any naked person of any nationality works for me - happy, happy, happy. Don't really see much naked fighting other than naked porn videos (wrestling, fighting, etc.) or the odd weirdos fighting while drunk and naked or women catfighting and ripping off each other's clothes (good to watch for the upcoming nudity - lol). So my answer to all the problems in this world is to "just get naked already".
  16. Got that right and they try to set us straight or tell us to go check out porn sites instead - them dumb fucks.
  17. Gotta laugh at members here on camcaps, on xcamfan and on VHTV Forum that refuse to accept the fact that these voyeur cam sites ARE porn sites FFS!!! No children under 18 years of age are allowed to be on cam, all kinds of nudity plus sex, masturbation and other adult content. Porn is porn no matter how you slice it. These voyeur cam sites are not PG rated or for children to view (funny though how some members behave like children in these forums). These voyeur cam sites are not like all the porn sites as we know it but normal, fake or intentional nudity and sex in front of obvious cameras is fucking porn. It may not be 24/7 porn but with the use of cams it provides the viewers to watch participants do their daily activities which could include nudity and sex. This is the same as members thinking that all these voyeur cam sites have participants living their "real life" in front of the cams - haha. Perhaps some resemblance of their real life but since the participants obviously know that the cams are there they will, at times, provide fake or intentional activities to satisfy the paid subscribers and viewers. So if you want to look at it - these voyeur cam sites provide real/fake/intentional adult porn type activities.
  18. Got me hard pretty quick. Beautiful sight watching women giving a guy some special attention.
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