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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. No kidding. Been obvious since the first day Paul arrived. Paul can suck the energy out of Leora, RLC and any Leora fans, including you. Comments here are more about Paul than Leora - wonder why, duhhhhhh.
  2. Paul does have a lot of issues but not sure if depression is one of them. He definitely doesn't have a sex addiction - lol. He is sleep deprived. Nowadays, young kids that I work with are always complaining about being tired all the time. Well, get off the damn phones and quit with the game boy shit. Watching a phone or screen/monitor for hours will make you and your eyes tired. Most people, including Paul, don't know what physical work is. Paul doesn't even break a sweat when having sex with sex craved Leora - what a fucking shame.
  3. They basically go through the same motions day after day. Same masturbations and occasional sex. Same ol' same ol'. Like I have said before - Leora lost her spark due to Paul's presence. When Paul wasn't around she had her fans to please 24/7. When Malia was around there was the "two girl" possibilities of what might happen plus two naked women (can't argue with that - optimum viewing). Another thing @jimbo4 - I think that all your videos that you have posted are quite the collection for members to really enjoy especially now with Paul affecting Leora's teases and showtimes. Who really wants to see Paul? Leora was the star attraction but now she is co-starring with Paul. Enough said - lol.
  4. To me, Leora doesn't come across as being happy. Maybe good moments and some feelings of being somewhat happy but just look at her eyes. Sometimes she seems to be in a daze, she has those tired aged look in her eyes or she is thinking about something else. For a couple living 24/7 in the apartment they sure don't show the full happiness and togetherness. More boredom than anything else. I suppose a boring life makes them both ecstatic and happy.
  5. voyeur refers to someone who derived sexual pleasure from watching others undress or engage in intimate acts Patience is a virtue The ability to wait for something without getting angry or upset is a valuable quality in a person. patience = the ability to wait calmly; the capacity to accept delay without getting angry virtue= a quality or trait that most people consider to be morally good or desirable in a person to wait - what is the timeline for how long to wait? - hours, days, weeks, months or longer? Isn't RIGHT FUCKING NOW an option? - 😡
  6. Fair play. Your turn to enjoy the tease and unknown sensations for your cock and balls.
  7. Leora has two things going for her and her longevity with RLC and she needs both for her ride (money train) to continue. She has amazing good looks to match her shapely delicious body plus she is a 24/7 exhibitionist. If she was an average looking girl while being the exhibitionist that she is her fan base would be much less and most would have not re-subscribed once Paul arrived. If Leora was less of a 24/7 exhibitionist (only occasionally) even with her great looks and curvy body it would not save her with Paul's presence. The fact that Leora has both the look and being an exhibitionist has allowed her to ride out the storm/distractions/hinderance of Paul, so far.
  8. All tied up and no place to go - lol. Great way to take full advantage of her naked body and sweet pussy. Wonder how her orgasms would be while being tied up. I imagine that they would be even stronger.
  9. Just watched a video of Leora masturbating in bed while Paul slept with his blinders on. WTF!!! Leora, I have two (2) words of advice for you - "WAKE THE FUCK UP, DAMMIT".
  10. Maybe she is expecting company for a threesome or foursome - 🤣
  11. Leora has a huge diehard fan base. Some would give an arm and a leg to have her. Some would spoil her with love, sex and money. Some would treat her like royalty. Some would use her shit for toothpaste and her piss for mouthwash - 😄 😋. She can do so much better for herself but she settles for Paul
  12. Very well said. You covered quite a lot and bang on. Leora is a stay at home Mom to her "working from home" child (ignoring the sex stuff). With the respect to the sex stuff - Yuck!!!. I still look at Paul as just being an emotionless sex toy for Leora. Yes, to describe Leora as being "happy" is an overstatement - she appears to have lost that fiery spark and just seems to go through motions for her fans without her previous bubbly exuberance. She is definitely not the same and comes across as being "tied down". In terms of sex, Leora can be a live wired horny wild sex craved animal while Paul is nothing but a dead fuck. Any resemblance to Linda and Tibor of late? Paul is sucking the energy and life out of Leora. She is oblivious to this since she has her "real" man in her life - 🤣.
  13. Leora seriously needs to get her eyes checked and a reality check to see what she really has in Paul. What does she get from Paul? - the occasional cock and balls and cum (white gooey milk). That's it, that's all folks. NOTICE THE USE OF PORKY THE PIG?
  14. Their relationship is totally one-sided and lopsided. Leora gets more love and support (financial and moral) from her drooling fans while Paul gets blow jobs and some penetration of her.
  15. At the most, they come across as friends with benefits. No spark to their life as a couple. Even retired couples have more life in them, do things together and have fun together, Paul is rubbing off on Leora with regards to doing less, sleeping more and overall being more of a boring person. Still nice to look at. Leora, what a waste of a fine horny woman who is missing out on really good fucks and a wild sex life. Guess that is her lot in life. She has very low standards for happiness and love.
  16. Oh, you so kinky. Leora does need some adventurous dirty sex fun -
  17. I bet she was overly excited knowing she was going to get fucked by a banana. She is getting adventurous with her pussy needs.
  18. Very nice sex play - some cock sucking, pussy fingering and legs spread wide open to admire her pussy.
  19. Of course Greg has a Russian dick just like the rest of us. Our rushin' dick is in a hurry to penetrate Leora's three glorious holes - luscious mouth, wet juicy tasty pussy and her "just asking for it" asshole.
  20. Basically Paul is similar to a battery operated fuck toy. Toy won't start until you push the start button. Most of the time (or should I say all the time) Paul's batteries are dead and needs plenty of sleep time and food to recharge. It is so fucking obvious that when it comes to women - Paul is one clueless male (sorry, can't refer to him as a man). He wouldn't even know what lesbian lovers would do with each other. I think his own electrical wires are crossed FFS!!!
  21. Nicely shaved pussy. Good change from being hairy and makes the pussy more inviting to play with - eat, finger and fuck.
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