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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Always nice to finger fuck a hungry pussy. Pussies need lots of special attention with fingers, mouth, cock and toys. Slapping her pussy with your cock adds to her excitement.
  2. This video I really like. Perfect front view of her riding you. Thanks.
  3. Maybe she went for some extra sex away from Paul. She deserves more sexual satisfaction from other men AND women.
  4. Has anyone ever seen Leora and Paul have a bath or shower together?
  5. From the amount of sleep Paul does, how often he lays around doing fuck all and the total daily time that he is in the horizontal position it wouldn't surprise me when rigor mortis sets in before the 5 years creeps up. Not much blood flow in this guy - lol.
  6. He is there to stay on Leora's orders (okay, rather because she loves him to pieces). Don't they make a sweet loveable couple?
  7. Obviously Leora definitely has some major insecurity issues, low self esteem and low motivation for life outside of RLC (whenever outside the apartment and eventually away from RLC altogether). The cams ARE her life. That is what keeps her moving and living - sad reality. My opinion and observations, as seen over the years. For Leora to thoroughly enjoy her life, Paul is her crutch. What is a crutch in a relationship? - One particular problem in love can occur when people find themselves becoming too emotionally dependent upon their partners. When this happens, it's said that they're using emotional crutches What is a psychological crutch? - A psychological crutch can be defined as an individual who supports you in social interactions. As its name suggests, it's someone you rely on to get through a situation in which you don't feel comfortable Leora really believes that she needs Paul and relies on him for added comfort, reassurances and for love and support as she gets through life (perhaps she fears doing things alone and lacks self confidence in herself). Her RLC fans and Paul are her "rocks" that mean so much to her personally. We all know Leora can be a strong dynamic lovable woman, wife, worker, friend and an amazing person away from RLC and even away from Paul but this is her choosing, for now.
  8. Obviously RLC will accept anyone even just temporarily or as a trial since they have trouble finding quality/optimum tenants for their real life "adult porn" voyeur cam site. Quantity doesn't mean or bring quality. The "do nothing" tenants and RLC owners/managers only make themselves look bad and hurts their site.
  9. They are doing their slow voyeur tease whereby this lets your imagination go wild and you visualize what crazy sex that they might have in a few years, if they stay committed to each other and if they don't cheat and have sex with others behind their backs - 🤣.
  10. To the diehard twosomes that mainly put , I guess they figure Paul is Leora's valentine - 🤣, Obviously these two members are quite confused about relationships.
  11. Too hard to fathom and believe a woman like Leora can be such a walk over and be a subservient to Paul. I imagine that maybe she was raised to be the slave to men. Those videos of Paul physically abusing her and yelling at her to make her cry are heart-wrenching. Someday he will explode again.
  12. Just like in United States football - Leora is the quarterback who calls and controls all the plays while Paul is the receiver who tends to fumble a lot. You can never accuse Paul of " going-all-the-way".
  13. Sarcasm or being funny - but you covered what we ALL know and see.
  14. If you don't watch Leora & Paul then at least you can stay updated here at camcaps with pulo's daily updates about their activities.
  15. No kidding. Been obvious since the first day Paul arrived. Paul can suck the energy out of Leora, RLC and any Leora fans, including you. Comments here are more about Paul than Leora - wonder why, duhhhhhh.
  16. Paul does have a lot of issues but not sure if depression is one of them. He definitely doesn't have a sex addiction - lol. He is sleep deprived. Nowadays, young kids that I work with are always complaining about being tired all the time. Well, get off the damn phones and quit with the game boy shit. Watching a phone or screen/monitor for hours will make you and your eyes tired. Most people, including Paul, don't know what physical work is. Paul doesn't even break a sweat when having sex with sex craved Leora - what a fucking shame.
  17. They basically go through the same motions day after day. Same masturbations and occasional sex. Same ol' same ol'. Like I have said before - Leora lost her spark due to Paul's presence. When Paul wasn't around she had her fans to please 24/7. When Malia was around there was the "two girl" possibilities of what might happen plus two naked women (can't argue with that - optimum viewing). Another thing @jimbo4 - I think that all your videos that you have posted are quite the collection for members to really enjoy especially now with Paul affecting Leora's teases and showtimes. Who really wants to see Paul? Leora was the star attraction but now she is co-starring with Paul. Enough said - lol.
  18. To me, Leora doesn't come across as being happy. Maybe good moments and some feelings of being somewhat happy but just look at her eyes. Sometimes she seems to be in a daze, she has those tired aged look in her eyes or she is thinking about something else. For a couple living 24/7 in the apartment they sure don't show the full happiness and togetherness. More boredom than anything else. I suppose a boring life makes them both ecstatic and happy.
  19. voyeur refers to someone who derived sexual pleasure from watching others undress or engage in intimate acts Patience is a virtue The ability to wait for something without getting angry or upset is a valuable quality in a person. patience = the ability to wait calmly; the capacity to accept delay without getting angry virtue= a quality or trait that most people consider to be morally good or desirable in a person to wait - what is the timeline for how long to wait? - hours, days, weeks, months or longer? Isn't RIGHT FUCKING NOW an option? - 😡
  20. Fair play. Your turn to enjoy the tease and unknown sensations for your cock and balls.
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