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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Not one ounce of jealousy towards Paul shagging Leora. I just wish Leora would kick Paul to the curb so she can have sex with someone better. Would rather see Leora having sex with many partners to experience more than what she has to force and get from Paul. He doesn't initiate anything - only gets near her in hopes that Leora is hungry for cock (she knows Paul can rarely make her have orgasms). I would be ecstatic if Leora had sex with every Tom, Dick and Harriet that she wanted or even have gangbangs. Leora has a very boring, limited and predictable sex life. So sad and such a shame. If she is content with Paul (after 12+ years) then she will miss out on opportunities that certainly would have gave her more pleasurable types of amazing sex. Bewildered that Leora watches porn and still settles for Paul. She obviously must have a few short circuits in her brain.
  2. And well deserved of a standing ovation - BRAVO. She does have a killer sweet ass and cute butthole.
  3. 100% of the time every fucking time. Paul is a "Dead Man Walking, Sleeping and During Sex".
  4. Paul just didn't quite do it for Leora - 🤣
  5. Leora jumping on Paul when he returns from a hard day at the office - 🤣
  6. Also, really get to know your family members because they may have some built up anger/issues that eventually cause them to go ballistic. Report them but courts and cops don't take restraining orders or threats seriously. It appears that this world is getting more and more full of nutcases and extremists. You got to eliminate them before they lose it
  7. Yeah, for whatever reason(s) they are mad at the world and just want to spoil someone's enjoyment of life.
  8. She has low self worth and low standards so, yes, she deserves him and nice watching her wait on him hand and foot since she is a pretty good sexy slave woman.
  9. People should contribute to society and not be a menace. Don't play by the rules and respect others than they should not be in this world.
  10. I use to have faith in our governments, politicians, judges and law enforcement officials. Times have changed significantly and our society is in a downward spiral. We have ongoing wars, gun violence, mass killings, murders, suicides, drug overdoses, killings because of religious beliefs and deaths by careless law breaking individuals. In most countries criminals get better treatment than the victim's families. What has society done to put brakes on any of the above mentioned incidents causing deaths. Even homelessness is increasing significantly. Governments are not doing their job - just constantly handing out money, pampering the wrong people and going soft on crime. The United Nations should be allowed to step in and remove aggressive and greedy self serving leaders of countries that deprive the citizens of a decent life. Some people in certain countries only know and live war all their life - so fucking sad. Too many bleeding hearts in society who have too much sympathy for individuals that are ruining society and you are suppose to go easy on them. WHERE THE FUCK IS TOUGH LOVE NOWADAYS? Prisons are for punishment and not there for rest and relaxation. In my early days, my government had rules, policies and laws that were specific for the country and individuals to follow. Well, now being a country that is vastly multi-cultured we cater to other country beliefs, way of life and lenient towards law breakers. Our country identity of who we were now has become a country of who knows what. I am all for learning about other cultures but when we have other country cultures dictating what we do now is wrong. Just look at all the protests and sit-ins happening. Even courts allow protesters to interfere with your normal life and freedom. If a criminal breaks into your house you are expected to provide a meal and your belongings and maybe offer up sex. Go ahead, ask retailers how they are making out with all the shoplifting happening now. Politicians, judges, cops, lawyers and other people that you are suppose to trust are corrupt or serving jail time. Society sucks now and will continue to deteriorate badly. So, after saying all this and not saying more because of the expected disagreeing and fallout that will ensue I sit back now and accept any murders, wars and other unnecessary deaths as much needed population control. Life is not as safe anymore (keep an eye on your neighbors because you just never know). The reason why this angers me so much is because each next generation will get worse and worse. All for consensual sex between individuals - PEACE and LOVE.
  11. Both Leora and Linda are a waste of good women who lack a decent amount of good normal sex and even wild sex. Both Paul and Tibor are two peas in a pod - useless dumbass fucktards
  12. And born with sensitivities, allergies, no desire to be a worthy contributor to society and be a sickly introvert. Sound familiar?
  13. But she will be top cam, a rating hit and the talk of the town on camcaps. RLC not known to care about their tenants. Their motto " NEXT"
  14. Too lazy to even masturbate - 😆. Leora is also lazy but does find time to masturbate and force sex onto Paul - 🤣.
  15. We all know that RLC has very low standards, accepts anyone and desperate to keep the money flowing so my guess is that Masha will return soon as the "New and Improved Masha" - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Wouldn't doubt that RLC kissed Masha's ass to come back - 💋💋💋💋💋💋
  16. For comparison purposes only. If you follow Leora & Paul's sex life AND Linda & Tibor's sex life currently - which of these four RLC participants do you think is getting the most sex that they are CAPABLE of considering WHO they are and their own individual sex drive and horniness? Personally, I would have to say definitely Paul. He is a dead fuck with no passion or has any initiative for sex but gets his blowjob, pussy licking and fucking way more than what Linda and Tibor get. Leora has so much potential for more sex and more variations of sex but has to settle for masturbations and basically forcing some lame sex with Paul. Linda and Tibor are headed towards a sexless marriage while Leora has to more or less satisfy herself and rely on porn and fantasies for stimulation and orgasms. Meanwhile Paul gets some good attention from Leora even if he can take it or leave it. So out of these four (4) characters Paul comes out the winner for getting more sex than he bargains for or is even capable of. Really sad comparison and a reality check.
  17. Can't fix stupid but also can't fix lazy. Ever see a lazy ass move?
  18. After Paul shoots his load he says "Fuck this shit, I'm outta here"
  19. I hate when women pull their wedgie out. Butt cheeks are an amazing watch. Agree that a wedgie is uncomfortable but a small price to pay to excite her ass admirers - mmmmmmm.
  20. Totally agree with everything you said. The love she has is "dead love" - absolutely nothing for her, ALL for Paul. Boggles my mind but women are beyond trying to figure them out (oops, did I say that out loud - lol).
  21. BINGO!!! We got ourselves a winner. Right to the point. Yes, I can't watch Paul with his stunned and confused dumbass look on his pathetic face. He actually takes away any enjoyment of watching Leora. Leora is blinded by love -
  22. Not criticizing Leora. Just saying that what she is doing for RLC, intentionally performing for the cams, is actually her real "real life". She has no other real life other than RLC. She knows or does nothing else. If you live in a nunnery you are a nun. If your whole life is RLC then that is your only real life. For Leora, RLC is her real life - simple. Other Bimbos are performing for the cams which IS NOT their real life so it is all fake shows. I prefer Leora over any other fake shit. Leora is doing her real life inside RLC. Kinda sad but it is her life, her real life, for the past 10+ years. It might appear fake and intentional but this is all she knows and capable of doing. RLC gives her the real life which is being in front of cams pretty much 24/7 and 365 days a year. She seems to enjoy this "captivity" that controls her actions - work from home real life.
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