Night is not over Amy and I think she would prefer to have fun with Anna. The guy is happy right now. He's having fun with both of them. Alex is a downer though. They'd have a hell of alot more fun if he had of passed out for the night. Even half sober I can see he's a real ass hole.
He was drinking water out of the sink and I think they took him outside to try and sober him up a bit. I believe the guests told him, or Anna, they were going to leave because Alex was too drunk and acting like an ass. Hence the attempt to try and get him half assed sober. I don't speak the language guys so I'm only guessing.
Better guy. Just a slight touch more. There ya go! Done! Now get Layla to take her clothes off and dance around for us and your job will be done for the day! BTW. Watch the drinking. You act much more intelligent and much more of a gentleman without it. Yeah guy. You were a jackass last night.
Well! Isn't this special! All three of my favorite apartments are offline. Indeed; almost 1/2 of the apartments are off line. Just my luck I subscribed for 90-days when everything would get f**ked up. Tell me, is this normal or is it SNAFU?