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Posts posted by mic351

  1. Ok, now I'm over at the Flame Wars.  Fuck you and all the whiney ass posters in the forum who cry about the participants being "fake" all the time.  Take your whiny little bitches' asses to some other forum where you can cry all you want.  People can sit in the different rooms and insult the shit oput of the participants and that's fine with you mods!  When they get called out for it; it's: I've sad it once and that's enough"  Again, fuck you!!! Try applying the rules to everyone or sit the fuck down!

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  2. You will be missed hun.  You went through a lot of shit but you always came out on top with a smile.  Not only are you hot and sexy as hell, you also seem to  have a great personality.  I can see you are a loyal friend and any guy would be lucky to have you.  I will be watching anxiously for your visits with Ruby.  Take care sweetheart and enjoy your life...:heart:

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  3. Looks to me like they overloaded the living room with cams.  They can take that # 5, or #15 cam and put it in the bathroom; it is pretty much useless where it is.. Doubt they will though.  I'm still waiting for the extra cams that Jabbath promised weeks ago in Courtney and Heather's place.  At VH they simply throw cams everywhere with no rhyme or reason.   Wish they would hire someone who knew that the hell they were doing when it comes to lighting and cams.

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  4. I will say this.  The 1st time I ever aw Nicole ever have sex on RLC it was fricking epic!!  she was completely uninhibited and completely into it!!❤️  As far as I am concerned, she was one the the top 5 all time at RLC. She even got into a fight with her girlfriend that was epic and she pissed off Nora to the max!!  My kind of girl....💞

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  5. 1 minute ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Me neither. I don't watch this place.

    It was kinda funny in a sick way.  Buddy went to all the trouble to cut her pants and feel her up and then he couldn't seem to get it up..  The girl hadn't moved since she rebuffed them both.  Zack turned over and went to sleep while Buddy persisted.  
    I cannot imagine anyone not feeling their pants being cut off unless they were feed a "roofie" or something.  I wouldn't' put it past this apartment; especially after seeing them hit the 'roids.

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