Seems that yesterdays warm up on the LV couch was a lead up on tonights action. She turned her lovely pussy around to him and just loved it from behind. Maybe she will give us more previews to coming events. Lets hope so. She is becoming more inventive with what she does. Last year I stated watch out when she finds out what her body will do, also I stated she will find a dildo/toy soon. Wow just think of what we will be seeing later. We love you Leora. xoxoxo
I made the same comment about 18 mos. ago. I thought she was seeing a woman because of the way she was dressing and where she was putting her perfume. Also some of the sexy and sheer under garments that only woman would like to take off or have a nother woman take off. Time will tell.
maybe one of the mods could make a welfare check to see how things are going. have not seen leora in some time and her coat and stuff are still in the hallway.
Well I guess it is time for me to put my 2 cents in the pot. I have been here for sometime and it looks to me like Leora may have found someone else. But hears what I think. this is my thoughts. We all see Leora on the couch or in the GR getting ready to as you all say BATE. To me when she starts the slow touching of her mouth and neck area, leading to the slow and soft touching of her tummy with her fingernsils. Then the soft carass of her outer and inner legs. And then the actural masturbating. This all leads me to believe that she has found a female lover. Who else would she be talking to on the phone for 1 to 2 hours at a time. I don't know any guy that would do that. When ever Paul gets near her she turns away. She moves his hand away from her breasts and when he trys to kiss her she turns away. I could be wrong but when she sprays her self with perfume all over I think it is for a woman not a man. Maybe one day we will find out what she is up to.
As for me I felt the heat move across my arm but the flame burned all the nerve ending. I used water from a hose to cool the area and that is when the top layer of skin came off. I now have a divit in my left top for arm but no feeling in the burn area.
I burned the forearm skin off my left arm with an Oxy/Act cutting torch and found that a cream call silver seal was the best stuff you could put on a burn. The Dr. said change the dressing once a day and in a week it was healed.
I have been away for 2 weeks and when I come back it seems something MAJOR has happened. Please some one fill me in on just whats going on with the two of them. Would hate to see this room closed.
she got her sour throut after Paul came home. Hmmmmmmm , makes you wonder if when Paul was away he and his buddys had a little extra work outs with each other. lol. she got her sour thout after giving Paul a blowjob in the guest bedroom.