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Posts posted by rubberball50

  1. Still like her body but the other three girls are sure giving her a run for the top choice.  They have topped her photo page by 100 pages and she has been with us for years.

    But the 'Pictures of Nora, Rita and Jenny' thread must have at least a 100 pages of flame wars and arguments...

    whereas most of the posts in here are positive toward Leora... and negative when discussing Paul's sexual prowess.


  2. Admin...

    There seems to be a continuing/recurring problem with DirtyBin. 

    When the 60 second counter reaches zero, there are either blank pages, error messages or the counter resets to 60. 

    No one has been able to get a downloaded file from DirtyBin for at least a couple days now.

    Maybe one of the Mods can lend their voice to help solve the problem.


  3. Sorry, I can't take it any longer, it's been driving me nuts for a long time and someone needs to say it. Please see it as an attempt at education, not complaint.

    For men: he, him, his

    For women: she, her, hers

    Again, sorry.

    Actually, the Google translator is the issue... the fine folks at Google can't get it to properly assign gender. 

    The non-english speaking members of CC must be wondering if all us english speakers can't tell the difference between pronouns, too.


  4. She pretended to bang him today, doggystyle. Maybe he is just afraid of her.

    He ran away, hid in the kitchen and did the dishes.

    First post by the way, I hope I did that right, got confused with how to attach a picture!

    Hi everyone!

    {see above for pictures}

    Nice pictures... nice 1st post, sinshine.

    However, when you post pictures... you might want to put them in the pictures thread.


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