this appartment is just a trap make by rlc for get more premium members,
renew the girls every one or two months for exciting the guys for renew suscription,it's the new tactic from rlc,
this all girls have not normal comportment with the cameras,it's not the reallife this website promess,too fast casting,
they are here just for get the job (dancers in club) with the free appartment.
they control all her moves with the cameras positions for we don't see pussy or tits exept rarely some oops
I tend to slightly agree, not totally sure, yet.
They are VERY much aware of the camera's and behave accordingly. AND, I believe they read this forum or any other forum that discusses RLC and act accordingly.
Although all of the above, I find it mysterious and challenging, to figure it all out, and if it is a trap on that account, they got me.
It all fascinates me. :)