The Tom Hanks of cities? You mean old, broken down & way too popular twenty years ago?
You're right on one count, it is definitely a place to find the self-righteous.
Yes, I have been there. In fact I've lived in several locations around town. I prefer to live outside the city now since the yuppies took it over & fucked everything up.
I think you would be much happier with a porn site than voyeur cams, where you can find much more exciting sex and won't have to put up with anyone being too boring.
The double standard comes from your complaint of the men being "lambasted", yet you have no problem making derogatory remarks about the girls,
Posting comments like "fucks like a Thai hooker on crack" and "These chicks are no different from strippers" clearly shows your contempt for women. This is the 21st century, come out of the closet already.
By the way, my stripper friends would like to relay the message: "Fuck off & die you piece of shit!"
There were several other remarks about you, your mother and some physical shortcomings you may have, but I was laughing too hard to remember them all.