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Everything posted by trickshot

  1. Thanks, but no thanks. Uptobox can go fuck themselves. Disable my antivirus? Yeah, right!
  2. Watching Leora, I am reminded of what my dear departed grandmother would surmise of the situation: "That girl is bat-shit crazy!"
  3. Who cares what color your underwear is? Around here, it's the color of your socks that matters!
  4. sorry Cas, not any good ones from me. she was running around too much trying to get ready. She'd run into the dance room and by the time the camera connected, be on her way out again. (Attachment Purged)
  5. Obviously, another member that doesn't bother to read any 'old' threads.
  6. and that's just the Americans...
  7. or become a widow, lol. Unfortunately, There are probably several reasons. Her nationality, her age... We can always crown her Miss RLC! ;D
  8. Bad call Santa. Sorry to hear about your homophobia. There are several females I know of in our membership that probably appreciated this video. I would be surprised if there weren't a few gays here too. To demand that some one only post what you like is ridiculous. Perhaps you'd prefer that we share only the white girls or just the skinny ones? Bigotry of any kind makes you a douche bag Sir! Unfortunately, Vaginalduschapplikator does not translate as big of an insult that is.
  9. I couldn't agree with you more. She tops them all. I assume she's ineligible for that title sadly since it is "Miss" Barcelona.
  10. Operating the sound system at the Astoria during the Miss Barcelona contest.
  11. Tommy Boy needs to STFU! 2 posts in 4 months and the other one was a begger. You're not allowed to have an opinion yet. That remark shows us all that your membership in humanity is just like your membership here... WORTHLESS! (The Image Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  12. I'll have to disagree with you there. You realize that they were actually living there at the time. By your rules, MM&BF shouldn't have had sex at all in that apartment. The only thing I would have found disrespectful by a roommate is if they did it on my bed.
  13. Close, but no cigar. While she may very well DJ as well as her many other talents, that's not what she's doing there.
  14. There are programs available. YouTube has an audio translator that will caption what it can understand, so the technology is there for a website. I haven't seen anything that really works we can add on our end yet. Perhaps some member is more knowledgeable.
  15. How about Ariel & Harvey masturbating together, does that count? http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tbu287itqnzted/A%26H_2013_04_10_14_16.av
  16. Your word is my command Obi-Wan. Bombshell in the Bath: http://www.mediafire.com/?s0sfm5c708j6hde
  17. I agree that both couples seemed to be blindsided. Neither was a favorite, except for a basic watching a naked woman appeal, But I don't think either deserved what appears to be an unexpected eviction. "Your cancelled, get out!" is pretty cold-blooded, even for RLC.
  18. Alas, there goes any hope of the return of Mighty Mouse.
  19. Alma is a sick little girl. Probably from an abusive home, she now connects love with abuse and degrading sex and can only be satisfied by such acts. Stefan is tired of it and wants to leave. Alma's answer to this is to "faint" and seek sympathy delaying Stefan's departure once again (via translation: "Is this the first time it's happened to you?", "no". Of course, this isn't based on any more facts than the opposing view, but if we're going to jump to conclusions and bash somebody without any basis, we need to look over both sides of the fence. (Remember, Mark was a worthless shit for his lack of attention, then everyone realized what a filthy skank Lina was and understood.)
  20. More likely they want to see where the hell they're going in an unfamiliar apartment.
  21. Thanks for letting us know what you saw. Good timing to catch a view out of either of those, but both of them was great luck. It's been guessed before that they live in the same building, can you confirm this? Is it the same building across the street?
  22. It is still a shock for me to tune in and see a clean apartment. Where are the piles of junk on the couch & coffee table ? Where are the greasy smears on the glass table? Why isn't Leora standing in the bathroom with her fingers stuffed up her nose? Why is Paul having sex with Leora when he could be masturbating to computer porn in the middle of the night? Where are the psychotic cats? These newbies have so much to learn...
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