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Everything posted by trickshot

  1. How uncomfortable women must be around you if you stare at their crotch all the time.
  2. Squirrel, Jade is correct. It was established a long time ago that they are in Krasnoyarsk. Yes, we used sunrise & sunset, even weather patterns to establish this. Also television programs, shopping bags, KFC locations. There are a lot of clues out there if you look.
  3. The kid's watch too much porn today. They've gotten the idea that if the woman isn't screaming & moaning then they aren't enjoying it. Then you have those that need to bash the guys in order to feel better about their own inadequacies. Then top it off with the ones that are masturbating while they're posting on here what they would do with the girls if they were there. I don't know any woman that actually wants to be pawed at & molested and fucked 24 hours a day. Do you? It amazes me that even in the age of the internet, ignorance prevails so heavily.
  4. Maybe you should just move along and find something more to your standards. There's plenty of beauty queens & models out all over the internet.
  5. The apartments are located in two places, Russia & Spain. Last time I checked, they speak Spanish in Spain. If you are referring specifically about Alina & Anton, I have never heard either speak Spanish.
  6. Come on guys! Keep both hands on the keyboard while you're here,
  7. Must be a zombie rabbit then, considering it's still hopping around outside.
  8. i think they'll more than make up for Alma & Stefan's loss for privacy. Good looking couple, not concerned about the cameras, good sex life, she has no problem cumming & he even likes to toss a little salad. Give them time, maybe they'll both end up walking around the apartment naked.
  9. Don't get so butthurt over it. If I found myself in front of an RLC camera, I'd give you the finger too. It's not like anything he does is directed personally to you.
  10. I really liked "my first girlfriend was a model". I guess you didn't measure up to her standards.
  11. Turbobit banned in the U.S. Not a good host for here.
  12. AL - you need to go to your email you gave them & click the link to validate your account, then it will work.
  13. Clear the cache Reload Change the server
  14. I see happy little clouds, I was thinking more Bob Ross.
  15. Dillie? doesn't that translate into Dinner?
  16. If that's the case, my apologies. That's how it read to me. Maya hasn't really shown much concern about her attire, or lack of, anywhere in the apartment. I don't think she's been mapping out the blindspots, more likely just a coincidence.
  17. dmizzle26: Agreed! louiej: Why do you expect them to have sex in front of the cameras all the time? I'm pretty sure it's not in their ToS, it's definitely not in yours. Shadowmag: She's running around topless half the time and you complain because she got dressed off camera. That's being a little picky isn't it? We pay (or don't pay for 95% of us here) to look in on the daily lives of some willing couples & that's what we get. No more, no less.
  18. Maybe We'll get to see the view from her window.
  19. Van, it's not your computer's fault, don't kill it. Not connecting? try changing servers (different language, click a flag in upper right). Works 99% of the time for me.
  20. the couple in the living room can hear them. they were giggling about it.
  21. trickshot

    Alma & ???????

    Damn, They've almost got the same size titties!
  22. I use oCam. It's a screen capture instead of a stream capture, so you'll still need to adjust the screen size to exclude the ID code or deal with editing it out. Benefits are that it records in .avi & the audio sync is fairly accurate (a problem with lots of others I've tried). But it doesn't help with the current problem of finding a media site that's got the balls not to delete everything when RLC whines about it.
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