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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Referencing yesterday's dildo bate, if Paul & Leora's relationship was a bit different (i.e. she could be forward and initiate sex and/or tell him specifically what she likes), she'd never leave the house.
  2. First time seeing this couple. Nice clip but dude needs to work on his stamina. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
  3. My New Year's wish for this apartment is either... 1. They both move on with their lives off camera 2. Stepan moves out and Boy-Toy moves in. 3. The dog gets more exercise. Whatever it is, SOMETHING has to change. Adios to Maya should that be. But it isn't fair to paid members to allow this apartment to remain as it is. RLC will offer the excuse that you're watching people's lives 24/7 however they may play out. But I guarantee if they took away the cams in all bedrooms, the RLC website would fold within a few months.
  4. Two clips within an hour of each other. Not sure why I'm being so generous today. :p Here's another Leora throwback. You can thank me now. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  5. Children (including myself): Time to move on. Move your attention to the (Leora) video forum. There's a shmuck (with both no sense of humor or respect) posting videos.
  6. Throw back from two years ago. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  7. I always thought you blokes down under had a strange sense of humor. ( <--- smiley face - Ha!)
  8. Because you say so,...No. Just don't reply/respond to my posts. Ignore me like the person you think I am ("...Howard does not have a sense of respect or humor).
  9. First off I wasn't flaming (maybe my large type came off that why - I typically increase the point size of fonts when I type). But I was a bit "tongue-in-cheek", just doesn't express well in type. But seriously, even G-d took a day off from creation to rest.
  10. She can't bate every day! You may be able to but sometimes you have to give the equipment the day off.
  11. Where does Paul go around 7AM during the week? Anyone know....is he working and if so, what does he do? First person to say he works as a gigolo gets their CamCaps membership revoked! ;-)
  12. When the 'floor' moves out from under you, ya know that was one helluva good time!
  13. Will someone please post (or send me) video of these two shagging in the bedroom? I've never seen them shag there. Plenty of shagging in the LR and an occasional kitchen quickie, but never the BR. I think when they walk out of the LR or kitchen, they walk into a black hole - they disappear. I just don't see them do the wild thing in the BR.
  14. Observations: This apartment is truly depressing. Just alone that there is no Christmas trees/decorations as they've had every year in the past tells you how depressed this living situation is (probably more for Stepan than Maya - she has Boy-Toy to be consoled by). Anyway, looks like Maya is packing more things (to take to Boy-Toy's apartment?). This insanity has to stop for the mental well-being of both people. Misc video (nothing terribly exciting): (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible)
  15. Efim places his yule log in Anabel's fire place. If there was a poll of which gal on RLC is the best tease, Anabel would win - she has no equal. Although I missed the first few minutes, it's a 650MB+ file. I don't want to compress it as the they are shagging in low light. Watch all of this 19+ minutes. It's hot...and funny (in a teasing kind of way) what she does to him. If this wasn't consensual, some would call it rape (or sexual harassment at its finest!). You can thank me now. https://mab.to/aCvyGTptr Edit: Because I such a 'giver', here's a link to a compressed version for those with slow Internet speed (it is 120+MB) - http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/CSyhSuey/file.html
  16. For those who celebrate Christmas, join in with Linda and Tibor welcoming in the holiday. Can only show a a short clip as there was too much buffering. https://mab.to/9qmC109CG
  17. Leora's multiple orgasm (with a little help from Paul). You can thank me now. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  18. Lots of bags on the couch/bed and Maya & her mom are discussing something in the kitchen for quite a while (strange they are not gathered in the LR).
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