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Everything posted by Howard

  1. They need a larger bed (and bedroom).
  2. If someone has a better resolution video, please upload. I don't have the time to clean it up. This is OK but could be more clear. BTW...you can thank me now. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  3. Are we talking about the same couple? Adventurous??? She likes anal. I suppose if you 'kids' call that adventurous, so be it. But they bang on the same bed. If she bates in the LR (which is rare), it's over her clothes. *I* think they both have some oddities. Maybe him more then her. He bangs as if he's putting a golf ball from ten feet away. When doing doggy, he takes his club (dick) in one hand while he tilts his head and looks into her asshole as if he's taking a measurement. Then begins to "putt".
  4. I'll have to take your word on that. Too much buffering to tell.
  5. I've minimized my viewing of this channel to sporadic Fridays and Saturdays visits. For the other 5 days, it's "rinse and repeat". Stepan plays computer games and either Maya is home doing her clay molding (or whatever you call it), or reading in the bedroom. If "boy toy" makes an appearance, it will be on the weekend; even though it has been a few weekends since we've seen him (assuming he's still boinking Maya).
  6. They're banging and VH is buffering way too much. It's 2017 - no excuse for all this buffering (often happens when things gets interesting). VH needs to fix this. Not happy!
  7. FWIW, I mentioned this to a sysop before, but I wish there could be a separate forum for animated gifs. I appreciate them but even with my high-speed line, they take 2..3..4+ minutes for a page to load. Ya'll do me a favor and LIKE this post if you agree (or am I in the minority).
  8. What is sad is she dresses provocatively more for herself than Paul. When Paul sees her like this, he sees a t-shirt and panties.
  9. Thanks for the link but I am severely disappointed Eva didn't come in to the room with her blue pillow and.... :-)
  10. Get https://www.bandicam.com/ and d/l the software. Learn to record using Bandicam then upload the file at https://www.myairbridge.com/eng/ It's not difficult. As for taking pictures, Bandicam can do that, too. *I* use Adobe Photoshop for touch up pics but that is optional. You don't need to touch-up pics. Upload the pics either to http://www.hostpic.org/ or http://www.pichoster.net/. then post the url here on CC. There are other host sites but try either of these two first. Now you've been schooled. Get to it!
  11. The dog is more a nuisance to them then anything else. Pooch gets very little love. A walk in the AM and another in the evening. Otherwise they don't engage with Fido. They'll cuddle the stuffing out of the cats but Fido gets no affection.
  12. Girls with glasses often have tight asses (that's what we'd say about a couple teachers in middle school who liked wearing high heels & short skirts to tease us horny 15 year olds).
  13. Getting request for the video (and others). Sorry guys but generally, that ain't gonna happen. 98.5% of you LEECH off of the goodness of others to u/l content and you don't reciprocate. Don't need to reciprocate every time but there isn't even a ratio of 1:10. Ya'll just SUCK THE AIR out of CC life. Byte me! (like the pun?). Stepping down from my soapbox.
  14. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Leora's dildo bate from earlier today (Sunday). Anyone have video? Oh wait...I do! :-)
  15. No, no, no - don't tell me how I should enjoy RLC or VHTV. Not that I belong to one, but there are respected professionals that monitor and try to understand behavior (Psychologists, therapists - to name just two of many). My demons have nothing to do with trying to understand how a girl wants to be banged by 4 guys. Possibly you need to examine your demons as to why it bothers you I'm interested in her behavior more so than her fucking. IMO and based on her past behavior that I've seen, she has deep, emotional issues. That goes without saying. I'm further curious as to how much farther she can go without addressing HER demons before she reached bottom.
  16. Tell me something I don't know?! I find their behavior more interesting then their banging. I'm telling ya'll about it as a source for discussion (you don't have to participate).
  17. Good point. But voyeurism is far more acceptable among common behavioral studies relating to a person's mental and/or emotional state then 4 guys banging on a gal. The question remains would YOU find this acceptable (for yourself - not to watch others engage). This convo may have me coming off as a prude (which last check, I am not). RLC/VH fascinates me more from why do people participate being televised having sex vs watching banging thru the internet. For some, I have an idea why (besides the free rent and minimal paycheck). For others, I can't figure out the motivation (i.e. broken home, physically abused as a child or adult, retaliation for bad parenting, acceptance, etc).
  18. In her case, she must have significant emotional/mental issues to be allowed to be banged by 4 guys. I may be somewhat hypocritical in saying this as a voyeur, but any gal who parades in from of cameras naked (and of course have sex), has issues not common in most people. I think that applies to most of RLC or VH participants - some more than others. But I have to stress that to be banged by 4 dudes on camera,...makes me curious of her upbringing.
  19. Someone set me straight (if I am wrong) but what is the purpose of 4 guys with one gal? Does she think that poorly of herself that she needs the affirmation (admiration???) of 4 guys to touch her and come on her? It is beyond words how little I think of her for allowing (wanting?) to be felt-up by 4 guys. It's beyond the 'spicing up the relationship' thing to do.
  20. Keep your pants on, Mr. CPA (we both know a college degree doesn't make someone successful). Nevertheless, so you know who you are addressing, I have an economics & computer science degree from UCLA. Oh....I almost forgot to mention my MBA from the Andersen School of Management (also at UCLA). And more business experience on top of it all. So...you have been trumped (in more ways then one). But who is bragging (you opened the door - I'm closing it). But that's neither here nor there. More importantly (for the sake of this post), your first two paragraphs proves my point that liberals speak from emotion and not fact. And that you assume I'm too young (highlighted in blue) further clarifies that most liberals (not all but definitely you) think insults, polluting facts and raising your voice makes what they say as being true. A terrible example you give to all who are undecided on any issue. You would rather tell them what to believe then have them do their own research. Every business has different liabilities. I am primarily a real estate developer & investor. But I also own/have owned several restaurants, radio stations, manufacturing, print and direct mail facilities. Being a partner in a firm is not the same as employing people in service industries (and being exposed to various degrees of presumed liabilities). I know (employ) several partners of both CPA and law firms. You work for white collar folks (like me). You don't employ 'service industry' people. That's a job for your associates/underlings. On to politics, I know better then argue with an emotional liberal. Your points mentioned are misconstrued but just not worth debating. It's not that what you say has or hasn't merit (that you have mis-quoted my original post and have made assumptions is proof of that). It's that you so firmly believe the crap you spew (like most liberals), you don't see any other possibilities. You'd rather have a heart attack arguing your point then ever admit that 'hey, you're saying something that makes sense'. And there's little reason for me or any conservative to amuse you. The US voting public spanked you (liberals) last November and that's a pain you (liberals) have to endure for 3 more years (probably 7 more years). Thankfully, the voting public saw through the crap Ms. Clinton was dishing out (deleted e-mails, Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, to name a few) and voted the conservative ticket. Trump no doubt isn't perfect (one would never hear a liberal say their candidate has faults) but the conservative agenda is a far better route for the country then continuing to give things away for (practically) free (i.e. Iran). To sum things up, for those unfamiliar with US politics, keep this in mind: Liberals are to premature ejaculation as conservatives are to endurance. Liberals want everything NOW while conservatives know it takes endurance to get to the greater good. Postscript: As you've just read, I clearly got my message across without making absurd assumptions or insults. A lesson liberals have yet to learn.
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