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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Just throwing this out there... I've owned numerous companies in 25+ years. I do everything by the book. Every employee (including my two sisters) sign employment contacts, NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements), termination/exit papers. Yet I've still been sued several times (I have won each suit or they were dropped before the court date). Insurance companies often want to settle these 'nuisance claims' (usually if they can be settled for under $30,000). Of the three they wanted to settle, I said no (and I had to argue with them NOT to settle). In all, it has cost me over $120,000 in legal fees to defend my company's honor and integrity (and not one penny has gone to the accused or his/her attorney). What I'm getting at is no matter how hard you try to do the right thing, laws allow for loop-holes & flexibility. There are attorney's (some call them vultures) who specialize in finding these loopholes (defense attorney's come to mind). Getting political, go ahead and try and impeach Trump. It will never get any further than it has now. But ya'll think impeachment means "you're fired". Not at all - its only a censure (as Clinton's impeachment was). There is no proof (just hearsay) that Trump has done anything to be censured. It's unfortunate that the louder people scream and hollar remarks that have no basis, the more the uneducated believe them (and that's what Democrats holding office live for!). Haters will be haters. Those that are, typically are Democrats as most think emotionally and not logically. You didn't see Republicans act as Dems do now for the 8 years Obama was in office (probably because they were working vs mooching free stuff off the government). US citizens were lied to regarding the benfits of Obamacare (i.e. able to keep your doctor, coverage, reduction in premiums). Trump is right that Obamacare is (has been) imploding. The only thing that can save Obamacare as Obama designed it is for the government to give it more money (and hence YOUR taxes go up). Yea...I'm throwing shade. Mostly because it annoys me how most liberals are clueless on how the economy (or business) works.
  2. Paul rarely thinks about banging Leora. What would make you think the thought of banging her friend is a possibility?!
  3. Just a guess but I think what broke them apart as a couple is she's more motivated and creative then he is. Sexual attraction can last only so long. Most couples who 'separate' do so 12-18 months after already realizing its time to move on. How they remain on friendly terms/rommates while her "front door" is locked tight is a mystery to me.
  4. You're a bit of a noob (not a bad thing). It is no different than most of the past several months. I'm going out on a limb to say we're about to see some changes for this apartment. It's NEVER (that I can recall) down for maintenance unless a camera goes bad; and that hasn't happened a looong time. PS: 30 minutes later, Stepan still in front of the 'puter. Oh well. :(
  5. This may be my last upload for awhile. Links below. Enjoy. Part 1 - Part 2 - (Video Contents No Longer Available)
  6. Paul is to romance as pickles are to ketchup. Besides, she spends their excess money on clothes and underwear (which works for me!).
  7. I saw the exchange between them. She was very willing. For whatever reason, even with his 'love taps', he didn't want to take the next step. Paul rarely initiates sex. Leora has to go and get it from him. Apparently she decided to pull back and play hard to get. But...the bottom line is the dork wanted to nap (as he's been doing the past two hours).
  8. Paul and Leora or childhood sweethearts. I doubt either one dated anyone seriously prior to hook-up. OTOH, I've read here in the US the average age a public school attending teenager loses her virginity is at 15 yrs of age.
  9. *I* think she either sobered up (if alcohol was consumed) or realized 'hey, we're on the Internet!". I think regret has set in (because of the cameras).
  10. By chance, was their significant alcohol consumed?
  11. If the brunette had her way, she'd leave the b/f at home and have a threesome.
  12. Dude with glasses doesn't know when NOT to participate.
  13. Other dude (not Henry) seems too insecure to be involved in a foursome. You can tell by how he needs to be involved in the activities and/or be next to his g/f when she obviously is enjoying the company of another.
  14. Brunette seems to be the moody type.
  15. These newlyweds were experimental and very passionate (they usually are but not like this). I missed the first three minutes but here's the remaining 20+ minutes. She got her cookie twice (maybe 3x). As soon as they were done in the living room (not more than 5 minutes passed), they banged another out in the bathroom. I split the file into two parts: Part 1: Part 2: (Video Contents No Longer Available)
  16. My post was an OBSERVATION. There isn't one insult. In fact, one could say I'm objectifying women (shame...shame on me) by saying about Leora "...I'd still hit that all day long and 3x on Sunday". Truth is, *she* should be so lucky that I'm willing to give up my body to her for an evening's worth for her pleasure (I'd just lay on my back, 'stiff',...maybe think about baseball and enjoy apple pie... and patiently wait until she's had her three orgasms).
  17. Here ya go (because I'm such a nice guy): (Video Content No Longer Available) Turbo345: Don't d/l the file. I'd feel so, so bad for you to suffer through the video. Should your vision get impaired, I don't know how I could forgive myself.
  18. Don't like them. They ride up her hips/stomach as if they're panties belonging to grandma. ...and speaking of hips, she's getting a little soft. If you see how she looked 3 years ago, you can see she gained a few pounds. If you're in your 40s+, you kinda have a pass gaining a few pounds. If you don't exercise regularly and watch what you eat, 40 is the magic number when things start going south. But when you're in your 20s and you can see a difference in body shape within three years, you have to take notice and do something. Otherwise, things will get worse quicker when that 4-0 rolls around. But I'd still hit that all day long and 3x on Sunday.
  19. Here's a quickie between the tattoo lady from the circus and George "The Animal" Steele. Don't thank me for this upload. I'll take it as an insult. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  20. To all.... ...the horn dogs too cheap to drop coin for RLC membership. ...worms whose blow up dolls deflate when you try to mount it. ...the fantasizers who believe Leora will one day show up at their front door with lube in one hand and wearing nothing but a smile ...the guys who re-edit clips adding foolish music and moans from their 76 yr old granny who is as dry as an Arizona desert. ...the guys who can't see their dick beyond their spare tire of a stomach. ...the 5 inchers who..well..be thankful you're not a 4 incher ...the 4 inchers who can't last beyond three tugs. ....this one is for you. :-) (Video Content No Longer Available)
  21. 100% agree. From personal experience, sometimes you have to be FUCKED (or FUCK your significant other) vs being passionate, etc. Works best after a tense day or long day in the office.
  22. All his other shirts are dirty and wet. He's been crying in the closet clueless as to what went wrong with their relationship.
  23. I'm still surprised that after a few months of these two not banging, the channels is still alive. I'm sure viewership has significantly dropped. I come to that conclusion by how s-l-o-w-l-y the 'likes' have come from that video I posted 2-3 days ago.
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