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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Either she's fondling him, herself or she's a heavy breather.
  2. The younger, more vivacious (and hotter) Maya has a talent! She's been hoola-hooping for 20+ minutes.
  3. I think it will alienate existing/new viewers. Obviously a VHTV "addition". Should have just re-positioned the camera
  4. I'm going out on a limb and saying Stephan and Maya will completely part ways within 30 days. This arrangement is very unhealthy. Maya leaves before he wakes up. He gets home when she's already sleeping. I can sense the tension in that apartment from 12,000 miles away. Whether one or the other keeps the apartment (and stays on RLC) or they both lead a new life, this living arrangement ain't gonna last much longer.
  5. Paul would never make it as a movie director. He has no sense of his surrounding.
  6. They are roommates. Neither can afford to live on their own. Psychologically, they both are doing themselves harm. Financially, they have no choice unless they want to live in a shelter (neither would move at a parent's or siblings home for long term).
  7. It's past Maya's bed time. She has the house to herself this evening and no boy-toy. :( (Image Content No Longer Available)
  8. Quoting myself above, I left out something very telling of the two: During sex, it's all about Nina. Kira does everything possible to please Nina. For Kira, it's about "like me, like me"...acceptance. Don't every leave me...look how I make you happy. For Nina, it's about being deserving of the attention (it is all about me, not you). Rarely do you see Nina reciprocate. They make kiss and hug (while clothed). But it's very much a one-sided sexual love affair. It's not that Nina isn't capable. It's that Nina wants the focus only on her. Recall the 3some they had a few months ago? It was all about Nina. For those that have the video, let me know if I'm wrong but I don't think Nina 'touched' Kira very much - at least not until AFTER they had a falling out. And even afterwards, it was a pitiful attempt of make-up sex.
  9. Three minutes of Kira's backside. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  10. I don't follow these two very much but after reading (understanding?) the past few pages of posts and of my observations the past three years, here's my take: Nina (flat chested gal, correct?) is a confident, self-absorbed, conceded and egotistical young woman. She'd be better suited for 17th Century royalty as her behavior is often demeaning (to Kira) and somewhat snobbish. Kira likes to please Nina but she lacks confidence in herself and accepts being mistreated (abused). *I* think she loves Nina more then Nina loves her but Kira's love is misplaced. *I* think Nina got into the relationship (they are married) happy she found someone who puts up with her behavior. *I* think Kira is happy she found someone, period. *I* don't think she truly loves Nina on a love that builds on a relationship. *I* think she just loves being in a relationship (doesn't want to be alone).
  11. Collage and video below (same date) is also posted in the 'non-member' section. Also placing it here for safe-keeping. Keep the volume low on your computer. She gets loud. [Media Removed]
  12. If your volume is up high, either turn it lower or use headphones. She's kinda loud. ...and you can thank me now. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  13. I suspect she'll be sore for the next day or two. (18 minutes - get some popcorn first). (Video Content No Longer Available)
  14. Kinda funny. I thought the same thing when I found out my 1st g/f was cheating on me w/ a guy 14 yrs older then us (we were both 17 and she didn't know I knew). Spoke to a buddy of mine and he said instead of giving her a good, last fuck and leave her, I should take the high road (which I did). We were already on shaky ground. I just went to her place, said things aren't working out and we split amicably. Found out years later she broke up the marriage the dude was in. They married three years later and had a kid. He then cheated on her and they divorced (she with an 18 month old at the time). Saw her at a social function a few years ago. She's 3x divorce with two kids working at a CVS. Yea, Karma's a bitch. But it's always better to take the high road.
  15. Is this a conversation they had (you understand Russian)? Or are you assuming this was their conversation. BTW, if Maya leaves for good, so does Stepan (and RLC). Nobody buys an RLC membership to see a dude (unless you're gay). RLC will replace both of them (if it comes to it).
  16. Leora you want to bang for her body/sensuality. She's a short-term bang. Not that she's stupid. She doesn't appear as "worldly" as Maya. Maya you want to bang for her body (pretty but not as well put together as Leora) and her can-do attitude. You can build a more well-rounded, nurturing relationship with Maya.
  17. He doesn't have game. Unless he introduces himself bottomless, not sure what a girl would see in him. Not sure what MAYA saw in him!
  18. There's no reason to defend one or the other. It takes two for a relationship to last. And as we don't know if one person has a bit more of blame then the other, we can only conjure opinions - mostly based on observing behavior. Maya has always been the Alpha of the two. IMO, she got bored of Stepan. He's lazy and doesn't seem to be interesting or motivated. Maya, on the other hand (and as stated previously), needs to be mentally stimulated. What doesn't make sense is they were together for many years, now broken up, and they share an apartment (and conversation once in awhile). But its clear that they are no longer a couple. They're now roommates.
  19. Knucklehead is home. Don't feel sorry for him. He's prolonging his pain by staying in the same apartment as his ex-girlfriend AND he knows she's banging boy-toy (and in the same apartment he platonically (<-- new word I created) shares a bed with her). #Loser
  20. The way these two "share" the apartment, I get the feeling Maya compromises more than he does. Could be because Stepan knows Maya could be at Boy-Toy's apartment. Should that be, then Stepan has less of a spine than I gave him credit for. Stepan shares an apartment (and bed) with a girl he no longer dates that he knows is banging another dude. If this was Twitter,....#Loser
  21. Just talking out loud, Boy-Toy is comfortable having sex in front of the cameras. So one has to wonder if Maya & Boy-Toy do eventually shack-up, will Stepan get the boot or will Maya move on in life without being on-cam? On a side note, still surprised RLC hasn't shut down (or do something) with this apartment. If Maya didn't boink Boy-Toy recently, this apartment would be dead. It's still kinda dead as sex has only happened for about 4 days of the past 90+ days.
  22. Whenever I stop to check on these two, Margaret is assaulting him (In a good way). This girl is a horndog!
  23. Couples get compliant after the sizzle of a new relationship wears off. Stepan & Maya "thought" they were in it for the long haul. Most early 20-somethings think that way. IMO (and this may light a fire under some), it's those that are highly moral, ethical and come from a faith-based background that look at dating as a long-term commitment (marriage) and not hook-ups. I think M&S started as a hook-up and unwisely, turned into a shacking-up scenario (I also don't see them ever having much in common). I think Nelly & Bogdan started dating, shacked up, shared mutual interests, got married and will live happily every after. Yes, I'm generalizing. But if statistics are to be believed, it makes sense. Boy-toy is just a dick to fuck and suck. I think he's a 'rebound'. It may last weeks. It may last months. But I doubt it will last through 2018.
  24. Yes...and no. I think the sex between Maya and Stepan was good. As I said recently, for whatever reason she (not he) fell out of love, making their sex meaningless. The sex between Maya and boy-toy is still fresh. Like every new relationship, emotions run all over the place. I do see a new side to Maya has far as sex goes. She's less inhibited then w/ Stepan and may even allow boy-toy access to the back door (if that's what he wants). Stepan had entered her back door twice (that I know of) and I don't think she liked his method (could be his large wiener was too much for her).
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