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Everything posted by Howard

  1. How unfortunate, but true. People drink to excess and the shit can hit the fan in so many ways. Let's hope it doesn't turn (excessively) violent.
  2. I don't think he hit her (did he?) while she did give a couple slaps to his head.
  3. ...and to think I almost spent $30 going to a movie theatre this evening for entertainment.
  4. I tune in to them on occasion. Always thought they were a loving, trouble free couple. Never saw this dude drunk before.
  5. Gonna sound racist, but I don't think black people fit RLC's demographic (there have been blacks on RLC in the past, but less then you can count on one hand). What's the ratio of blacks to other races or ethnicities on Chaturbate,or VH?
  6. She did topless jumping jacks about 3-4 weeks ago. But after about 3 jumps, she held her boobs and then came to the conclusion she needed to wear a sports bra. It was a miracle she didn't break a cheek bone her give herself a black-eye.
  7. CORRECTION: It was LEORA having sex with Paul.
  8. I use to work in a store that sold lady's undergarments - not as 'interesting' as you might think. I can only compare it to Al Bundy selling shoes. Educated guess is she's either a 34C or a 32D.
  9. Yes, she blew him. While I don't think they're parting ways, it has been 2+ years she she's seem interested in having sex. When was the last time she initiated sex??? She has psychological issues and it doesn't seem she's getting outside help (or if Tibor is supportive).
  10. Linda's tits have doubled in size (or Linda has doubled in size?) 🤣 Seriously, her 15-20 lb weight gain the past two years has mostly gone to her chest and thighs (I'm not judging). But much of that has to do with sitting herself on the couch with the TV remote in one hand and her cell phone in the other hand. She isn't much of a snacker. Her laziness contributes to her weight gain.
  11. Originally for Paul and Leora, their goal was to be on cams for two years (free rent and a small stipen) and then move. Turned out Leora was more an exhibitionist then she knew! Also turned out 10..11 years later, her life hasn't changed (what a waste!). Everyone needs life experiences to get the most out of what's given you (and what is available to take) For her and Paul, they remain in2013. 10+ years of their lives with minimal internal growth.
  12. Agree. You can move them to a mansion with housekeepers and butlers. They are like dried apricots. Minimal interaction, they rarely entertain. He comes home and goes straight to the computer. She comes home and goes straight to the couch. They barely talk to each other until they go to bed to watch television, and then they use the excuse of television NOT to speak to each other. This couple is broken. Not sure if it is due to (IMO) psychological issues Linda has, or the distance Tibor keeps from her. We (the viewing public) see things different from each other. The only thing we see in common is this couple is broken.
  13. She's easy on the eyes. She has also been pussy-wide to the cameras for 11 years! She and Paul need to move on to the next chapter.
  14. Am I the only one who feels the last two "interludes" seemed more evident of fulfilling a contractual obligation? On Wednesday, she wasn't into it. Thursday, I saw very little enthusiasm from her (but the same damn airhead look from Paul). Side note: She needs color. She looks pale.
  15. I assume the cameras going dark is when they got into an argument? Was there any physical altercations? I ask because why else would the cameras go 'black'?
  16. There are plenty of women who would get nekkid in front the cameras for free rent and a stipend. The interest for Linda now is the possibility she will be leaving (people don't generally like change). The interest in wanting someone else is because there's little life left in this apartment. As much as we would like, we can't eat cake without repercussions. If she leaves, we hope she has a brighter future ahead. If she stays, RLC needs to re-name the channel Tibor and Peg Bundy, as lately all she does is watch TV and sleep.
  17. They (especially her) have done little of interest in the apartment the past 18 months. If you're going to miss Linda, as I said previously, there's video. But trust me, the flavor of the month is around the corner and Linda will be a memory (and everyone's life will go on).
  18. The only thing that matters are boobs.
  19. Well...until the mid 1960s, those in front of the camera slept in different beds. Then again, those people were not binary, woke or generally damaged..
  20. Linda has become the Peg Bundy of RLC.
  21. OK. Val and Jul...I think they are living a life of convenience. Free rent and a stipend. See very little g/f-g/f interaction (unless they are binary).
  22. It isn't whether or not I disagree (or agree) with you, but your outlook is not realistic. There are 26+ million people in the five most populous cities in the USA. 19% live at or below the poverty rate. Another 31% live paycheck-to-paycheck. They can pick up all the aluminum cans they can find and recycle whatever newspapers still exist. They can buy clothes at thrift stores - they still need revolving credit to survive. I employ 78 people. 65 are considered blue collar, the remainder middle and upper management. Blue collar gets a competitive wage $22 - $26/hr) and 80% of their health care paid. Yet I know they can't make ends meet. Most have a spouse who also works, and they have kids to feed. If together they take home (after taxes) $5,500/month, $3,000 goes to rent (in Los Angeles in a semi-safe area) for a small 2 bdrm apartment, $500 for (one) car-related expenses, $1,200 for food, and the remaining $800 for clothing, utilities and other misc expenses that involve life and raising kids. Not much left at the end of the month. The arrogance that everyone should be able to live debt free is ridiculous. The American dream is reachable. It usually doesn't happen (for the minority) until your 40s. So what does that mean for the 18-40 yr olds??
  23. Even with her yawning, at times laying like a dead fish, and not seeming overly interested in fucking, nevertheless I haven't seen her this active since the day BEFORE they got married. She actually moved her hips while on top of him. If they are leaving, this may have been the farewell fuck.
  24. If Linda (and Tibor) leave, you'll miss her tits. There is nothing interesting we see in their lives on camera - just her tits; and that's why video was created.
  25. He's not open to the fact that some people rely on revolving credit to survive. Just as not everyone can be a top earner or live in a 3,500 sq ft home, he makes absolute judgements then everyone should (or should I say can) be debt free. That's now how the American economy works for 95% of its residents.
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