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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Dave give decent advise, but the last few years he's become arrogant.
  2. I don't know about being in a rut. I never fully understood couples who sleep in different rooms (unless their work schedule was a reason). But it isn't like one works nights as a security guard and the other work's days as a secretary.
  3. If you look at Linda's profile when nude, she has always had a slight spare tire around her waist - even when she was 15 lbs lighter. That's just her body type.
  4. If Wednesday was smart(er), she'd find herself a sugar daddy. She has the body, looks, and demeanor to attract someone with money. I can see her with a purse full of her sugar daddy's credit cards shopping along the French Riviera or Rodeo Drive. All she has to do is become a socialite, dress well (which she already does), and open her legs a couple times a week. No need to cook - her staff will do that for her.
  5. In their 20s and sex only once a month? If both had day jobs, came home hungry and tired, I can accept sex only happening 1-2x/week. But considering what they (don't) do and their youth, they are behaving like octogenarians with bad hips.
  6. You can tell she lost a lot of weight before coming on RLC.
  7. I don't think anyone knows what was behind it all. Someone does not pack everything she owns into one suitcase and a shopping bag, to return 18 hours later. Their romance was always strong and rarely did I see them argue. I doubt it had anything to do with RLC as if she was permanently gone, the 98% of dudes who make up membership don't want to see Wayne jerk off nightly.
  8. 24 hrs later and saw a mouse run across the mattress and the floor heading to the living room.
  9. Why was she in the bedroom crying (around 13:20 local time)?
  10. She's been on the phone a looong time. Putin won't take her military advice and she's upset.
  11. FINALLY!! Leora putting on a face mask....to attract new guys! Hasta LaVista, couch potato.
  12. Not much money. Take away cost of living (excluding rent), dog food, taxes....that leaves just enough money to buy several new nighties each month (but what about savings?). She should do an OF - I can't think of one reason why she doesn't (unless her contract doesn't allow it).
  13. Please inform us what kind of weed you smoke. I also would like to escape from reality. 🙂 As far as RLC is concerned, she's overstayed her welcome. Unless she is going through psychological issues, it's time for her to get a job at the local food market bagging groceries. Although she would make much more money as a topless housekeeper (they make $200 - $300 hour. Happy endings cost extra).
  14. Nice of Leora to close her laptop of the the family friendly video she was watching to do something not-so family friendly.
  15. Leora seemed to have more built-up sexual frustration to release then Paul.
  16. After a few weeks hiatus, I started tuning back in last week. I think it's a psychological issue she has being fucked on camera. When Tibor wants to bang her at night, she'll "allow" it but she's mindful to be covered. Yet she's OK taking a shower and changing in front of the camera. She didn't bate much when they were newlyweds and I doubt she's more horny now then a few years ago. She's an easy 15+ lbs heavier then a couple years ago and often weight gain is an indirect action of head problems. I'm leaning towards something triggered her in the past couple years that has created psychological concerns.
  17. Eva is getting old. When they humped, she use to hump. Now she lays still with her back towards them - uninterested. She has morphed into a version of Paul!
  18. A lobster with all his claws can massage Leora better then Paul.
  19. All valid points. While I think Paul holds her back from doing things as couples do, she holds herself back. She should be (or should have been) living life when in her 20s. She's not college educated (I think they started living together when she was 19). Joined RLC to save money on rent. 11 years later, the foundation of their lives hasn't changed. She still bates for free rent and some meal money, and whatever work he does couldn't support him paying rent and food. ...She (they) are in an 11 year rut that sees no end. Whoever is reading my post, hopefully YOU are in a better place then you were 11 years ago (I know I am).
  20. Whenever Paul shows the slightest bit of interest in sex, Leora wont deny him. She lacks the frequency of a physical connection with him that she would like and will grab any opportunity that's available.
  21. Today's Leora/Paul interaction was in the bottom five of how a loving couple should be together. #Sad
  22. Approaching middle age??? You're an old fart 🤣. She's a 31 year old woman who (IMO) should have a 3 year old with one in the oven, living in a home (at least a condo) with a guy who can provide for her. Also...if she put roots in the westside of Los Angeles, wiggled her butt down any major boulevard, she would end up being a trophy wife wearing Versace and driving a Ferrari.
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