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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. She's on a 2-week vacation at her parents'.
  2. Sorry, can´t read you..... 😥 Just translate it.
  3. It says $49.95, but the Guarantee Certificate is dated Aug 20 1957, which would seem to indicate this is a 50's model. $50 sounds really expensive for the 20's. But, maybe it was that good. Thanks for the info.
  4. That's amazing! 100 years old and they still work. Do you know what they sold for when they first came out? And now they're sold as antiques for 100's of dollars. I liked the reaction of the first girl in that video. She was great.
  5. It was made before you were born, back in the 50's. 😊
  6. It certainly gets the job done lickety-split!!! Thanks for the video.
  7. So glad to hear it. I wish her a speedy recovery and the very best to both of you!!
  8. You can get similar results for completely different reasons. You asked a question and I gave you the benefit of my experience. If there is an inferior camera in use, that can also play a part in image degradation. In the case of the first pic, the things I mentioned played a major role in the bad image quality. In the second picture, blue light in photography makes things look blurry because it has a shorter wavelength. Blue light is scattered ten times more than red light. One reason is that blue light has a frequency that is closer to the resonant frequency of atoms than, e.g. red light. Due to this scattering, the eye has difficulty focusing, as object edges get fuzzy.
  9. I am so sorry for you both. I hope Alex pulls through and you can have your friend back. ❤️
  10. If they always have those bright lights shining into the camera, it will always be a problem. It would be a problem even with expensive cameras. Even a lens hood wouldn't help, in this case. The only thing to do is move the lights, the camera or both. And, since all the light is coming from in front of her, her ass, in this position, will always be in shadow. Darker areas will have more noise in digital photography. It's similar to graininess in film photography. It does not make good pics. There are many types of artifacts and image noise caused by many different things. https://www.photo.net/discuss/threads/list-of-all-types-of-image-noise-and-artifacts.329761/
  11. Was there an accident? is she in the hospital? Can you give us any details? I pray she will be OK.
  12. There is at least one thing and possibly two (or more) working against this cap. First, there is that big umbrella light and that big, bright monitor shining right into the camera lens, which causes lens flare (the haziness). Then, if she was moving her ass, at all, that causes subject movement, which also contributes to the blurriness, especially since her ass is in shadow. There could also be an issue with the camera using a low frame rate (frames per second, FPS), but that's just speculation.
  13. I think Elle is on CB right now and she's not holding the camera. And she is in a playful mood.
  14. I guess you'll just have to sue me for copyright infringement. 🤣🤣
  15. Cute as a button and...alien! Cute as a button - and alien.webm
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