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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. WOW!!! This girl is absolutely stunning. Like take-your-breath-away stunning!!!!
  2. First, let me say right up front, I don't want anyone to be unhappy with what I post. So, if there is ever anything you don't like, by all means, do not download it. Second, if you view a picture or a video at higher than its actual resolution, that is the most common and the quickest way to cause pixelation in a pic or video. So, please don't do that. If you don't like what I post, please feel free to search the Internet until you find the videos you like, process them however you prefer and post them yourself. But, I don't see you, or any other complainer, posting anything. Maybe you'd prefer the original video. Leora nude1 (Content No Longer Available)
  3. Leora dildo masturbating in Guest Room (Content No Longer Available)
  4. Leora dildo masturbating in Guest Room (Content No Longer Available)
  5. Duck #1: "Quack." Duck #2: "Quack." Duck #3: "Quack, Quack." Duck #1 takes out a gun and shoots Duck #3. Duck #2: "Why did you shoot him?" Duck #1: "He knew too much."
  6. Hey, Bubbleo. Much appreciated. I'm still tired, but I think I'm done with the worst of it.
  7. Thanks, Bear. I think I'm pretty much back to normal, I'm just still real tired.
  8. Sorry, guys, for the lag in videos. I haven't been slacking. I've just been really sick.
  9. Martina and her cousin drink wine, dance and have fun in the hot tub. (Content No Longer Available)
  10. @Skiper29, here are the new links. Martina her first big dildo. (Content No Longer Available)
  11. If he doesn't visit again before this Thursday, it should say 10/27/21, or however the date stamp is written.
  12. Are you possibly confusing this date: His last visited date with his last posted date? I know it's an obvious question, but...
  13. Actually, it does tell you which Wednesday because if it was any other than the most recent Wednesday, it would show the actual date, like 10/22/21, or however the date stamp is listed. Your second sentence I don't quite understand. His last post was on 7/31 and when you go to that post, it has a date of 7/31, not 7/7. And, while there's no timestamp on his post, the timestamp on your post that he quoted is 11:50 AM. Where did 7/7 and 4:50 PM come from?
  14. It's even easier than that. It's listed in the center of the header, at the very top of his profile. Just click his avatar or username, and it's front and center.
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