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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I thought it was Chipper who posted that.
  2. I'm not sure exactly what that means, Leora-Fan, but I'm extremely sure that COVID vaccinations are absolutely what this world needs.
  3. Only standard and premium members can vote.
  4. They do. Probably a toddler by now. Maybe 2-3 years old. Jabba could probably give you more details.
  5. I would be overjoyed to vote for their Halloween decorations, but VHTV won't let me.
  6. Then, who are these two girls? Noldus posted pics of them from the 4th to the 24th.
  7. So glad to hear that. I just had my booster shot about a week ago, and a flu shot a few days before that.
  8. Dave, you never said. Are you fully recovered? How are you feeling, buddy? Did anyone else catch it?
  9. She used to be a porn actor. She's the only person living here. Go back a page or two, and you'll see plenty of pictures of her. Hope that's helpful.
  10. I didn't think that was Tata. I thought Tata was a MUCH smaller girl.
  11. Hi @Frankenthal. You quoted a post of mine in Kitty's Video topic, but it was deleted before I could read it. Would you mind reposting it here, please? Thanks a lot.
  12. Implication aside, that wasn't the intent, at all. I was simply trying to explain where I stood in the overall scheme of things. Free speech I'm all for, but in this forum there are rules. And, as stipulated by the administration, it is acceptable and expected that people report rules violations. I'm surprised Fredrik hasn't been reported. Cheers, mate.
  13. They had been here for nearly four months.
  14. Hey, Squish. I am as heterosexual as the day is long, but I respect everyone's right to choose their own sexual orientation, 100%, which, BTW, is a bit higher than 2%. UCLA compiled 11 large-population surveys and found the average US percentage of homosexuals to be 3.5%. Wikipedia says it averages 3.8%, with a high of 5.7% in Maryland (DC had an average of 8.6%, but they obviously have a smaller overall population.) They may be a minority, but plenty of people are listening. Unfortunately, the LGBTQ community does seem to get the short end of the stick more than their fair share of the time. As for Broxman, "moron" would be considered an insult, but the guy was being a homophobe, without question. His use of the word "tranny" and saying someone "looks supergay (sp)" is being homophobic, and both those terms are considered insulting labels. Calling him a homophobe was right on point and that's not an insulting label. It's a recognized, legitimate description of someone who dislikes homosexuals. If he doesn't like homosexuals, that's fine—for him. But, maybe he should take Broxman's advice and watch apartments he does like and stop bitching about this one. And, your use of the phrase, "poof site" and calling someone a "deviant" because of their sexual orientation are also considered insulting labels.
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