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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. On 9/16/2017 at 6:59 AM, Rhdem said:

    VH only not RLC pls ::) I'm allergic to RLC ... lol and don't steal Hope85's pics 

    • You're right, only VH Funnies in VH Funnies. Wouldn't want to taint the
      bloodline. :biggrin:
    • What are the symptoms? Wouldn't want to catch anything. ::)
    • Unless Hope works for RLC, he doesn't own those pics, so in this case, you
      can't steal what he doesn't own. :shy:
    • Like 2
  2. On 8/16/2017 at 3:43 PM, herd0 said:

    i agree with your friend, it says Marco is on vacation until the 26 of August. This is the second time i've seen this other guy at the apartment, in my opinion you can definitely tell there is something going on there. I think Stesha is trying to keep it off camera though.


    On 8/16/2017 at 3:50 PM, herd0 said:

    the other day she left and did't come home until late morning/early afternoon the next day, so it's possible she stayed with him...That's just my opinion though, she only has about a little over a week until Marco returns, so we'll see if anything further happens.

    I have a question. But, don't misunderstand, I'm not doubting a word you're saying.
    I can't even watch anymore. RLC is blocking my IP.

    I was wondering why Stesha would bring a guy to the apt, showing obvious romantic
    overtones, as you said, or stay away from the apt overnight, knowing Marco could be
    watching at anytime?

    Of course, one of her girlfriends could cover for the overnight stay, but Marco would
    still probably think it suspicious, especially if he saw that guy at the apt.

    And then, when he gave her the ring, she went absolutely crazy happy. I don't know in
    what order these things happened.

  3. 16 hours ago, Howard said:

    You can thank me now.



    I love the cat. I wish I could read its mind. It might be thinking, "Oh, God, do
    I have to watch this, A...gain?" :biggrin: Just playing Nelly, Bogdan. I love you guys.

    I am curious about one thing, though. What is it with you and the cats? I
    only ask, because I love cats. Why don't you keep any? I really liked the
    hairless one. He/she seemed very attentive and protective of you. I would
    have a very difficult time giving away a cat I had owned for any length of

    I sure wish you guys could talk with us. Anyway, I think you're great!

  4. Just now, Stauffer said:

    It's Ana & Danna from RLC in the Appt. Adriana. 2013


    Just now, StnCld316 said:

    It was Ana & Dana. they were a Lesbian Couple from way back in 2013 and were in the Apartment Adriana & Daniel now occupy. 

    I have removed the Link and reminded the Member who posted the Link to Read the Rules.

    I guess that was a VERY old video. Thanks, guys.

  5. 22 minutes ago, grizzly14 said:

    je serais curieux de savoir si l'appartement de Lisa est au dessus, au dessous ou à coté de celui de Misty.

    I would be curious to know if Lisa's apartment is above, below or in quoted(esteemed) by that of Misty.

    I believe someone once said it was one floor above, on the same side of the building.

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