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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. When you think about it, that's really funny. It would be hard for Hope not to stay on topic, because he/she never, ever says a single word. I don't think I've ever seen anything posted but pictures and GIFs. Don't get me wrong, I think Hope is fantastic and his/her work is even better. I guess it really is true what they say: Pictures, (and GIFs), speak a thousand words.
  2. I think the rule is, when they've fucked in every place there is to fuck, 50 times each, they win a new apartment.
  3. Actually, Foamy, there was a nice food fight between Polya and Irma, with Stella in the middle, a while back. It looked like they were making cookies. Hope, as usual, posted some great GIFs of the action.
  4. Well now, hold on a second, there. First you say that Daemon didn't know the meaning of the word 'fat' and should look it up. (Just to be clear, he didn't apply the word directly to Desiree, he simply made a general comment that he didn't like fat.) But, secondly, you said there was nothing about Desiree that was fat. Now, that is just simply false. Possibly, it's not Daemon who should look up the word, 'fat'. All you have to do is watch her riding Raul, cowgirl style, on the sofa a couple of times to see all the "cheese" in her thighs. That "cheese" is pure fat and there is a significant amount. You also said she was one of the sexiest women you've ever seen and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that. I think a lot of men, and women, like that body style, but it's the fat that makes her sexy-looking to you, because she is a full-bodied woman. And, it's the fat that makes her full-bodied. Now, is she fat? I wouldn't say so. Is she a little overweight? Yes, but that is what makes her sexy to some. Does she need to do anything about it? Probably not...yet. If, however, she continues to lay around the house, eating fatty foods (not saying she does) and not doing enough of the right type of exercise, she could get fat, quickly. And then, you said it was not OK for people to make negative judgements about Desiree, because it would show a lack of something in their own lives. Yes, you did say they had the option to do so, but you still said they shouldn't, because it would show something lacking in them. You even went so far as to make a negative judgement about the people making negative judgements about Desiree. What I hear you saying there, is people shouldn't make judgements about Desiree, unless they agree with yours. That doesn't seem very democratic. It is OK for people to make whatever judgements and comments they choose. If you don't agree with them, that's fine, too. It's not OK for anyone to try and censor what someone else has to say, unless what they say is against the rules. And that would be up to a Mod or Admin to decide.
  5. I knew she wore a blindfold, from videos I'd seen. I wasn't aware of the earplugs. Oh well, scratch my idea. Thanks for the info.
  6. I do agree with that, because that's what the rules say and why I originally replied to your comment. Your comment is close to the bottom of page seven and there are two posted pictures close to the top of page six of the picture thread. The majority of the comments between those pictures and your com- ment, pertained to those pictures, one of which is from the apartment. But, your comment said, " Four pages of chat and not a single picture of this apartment," both being off the mark. That's what prompted my reply.
  7. I would tend to agree with you, although possibly for a different reason or a combination of what you said and this. The day after Ilona slept on the sofa, she went out and bought something. When she returned, she sat on the sofa with Irma and the purchase, pulled something out of the package and stuck one in each ear. After that, she seemed to indicate she couldn't hear what Irma was saying. I figured they were earplugs and whomever she'd slept with the night before (I'm not allowed upstairs), had been snoring.
  8. Aaw, Stone, that is cold (see what I did there? ). I don't know when she arrived, but it couldn't have been more than a few days ago, a week, maybe? I don't know what day for sure, but she used to clean Barca-One all the time. You ever see Ilona clean anything? Ilona would plant her ass on the sofa with her phone and/or laptop and watch everyone else clean all around her. If I'm wrong, please correct me, but Anna doesn't shy away from a little cleaning.
  9. Hey Boitoske. Thanks for getting back. Your point was,"...that no-one seems to apply the rules for that particular apartment (or for that matter other apartments as well)." My point was only that the rules don't require the pictures to be from that particular apartment or any particular apartment. I didn't mean to be so obtuse, the first time.
  10. Please follow me to page 158 of the General Chat thread, because the system won't automatically tell you that I replied to your comment in that thread. Thank you.
  11. 4 hours ago, Boitoske said: Four pages of chat and not a single picture of this apartment. If you want to chat then go to "general chat..." This is the PICTURE forum and chat is supposed to be relevant to the posted picture. What's the point of having rules if no-one abides by them? This is called "Anarchy" This apartment is boring enough without the idle chit chat. So lets keep the forums relevant please. _________________________________________________________ "This Thread is for Pictures & Comments Relating to the Pictures Commenting is allowed but it is to pertain to the Topic of the Pictures that have been Posted. Any Comments that are not about the Pictures Posted... Any Comments or Quotes placed that are not about the Pictures will be removed."
  12. Hope, I know you posted this almost a month ago, but I keep coming back to it over and over. It has to be the funniest thing I've seen on this forum. Thank you for making me laugh.
  13. I agree, that really is funny. Different people see different people.
  14. Irma loves her broccoli and cauliflower as much as Ilona loves her watercress and oranges, though I've not seen her eat many oranges since she's been back.
  15. When you want one, you want one. Sometimes, a girl's gotta have what a girl's gotta have, you know.
  16. If you blurred out Nelly's tits, put the RLC website name back in the lower, right corner and put it up on YouTube, RLC might just have more business than they know what to do with. Might be an interesting test. What do you think, Hope?
  17. I'll second that motion! Pun intended. (They're almost always in motion.)
  18. DAVETECH4LIFE replied "Maybe limp as your dick. Mine is at attention." ________________________________ Maybe he meant, "...limp as a cold dick."
  19. This girl sure does love her watercress, though they may call it something different where she is.
  20. i agree completely, but the only way to get around that infringement, would be to mute all the mics and that wouldn't be a very pleasant experience for members or non-members. There may even be some leniency in the copyright law for music and TV in that type of situation. IDK. Because they're in a different country, we're talking about inter- national copyright law, not US law. I could be wrong, but I don't believe they can use our own copyright law against us. I'm presuming you live in the US. If not, please disregard what I said about the US.
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