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- In Pepe's and GagHer's Head and mouth 🖕 😄
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jimbo4 started following Leora & Paul (2025) #10 and Leora & Paul (2025) #11
🤣 Are you at work then or are you a "lazy parasite"?
The funniest thing I find is one minute you deny making reference to another guy fucking her and the next you are mocking those that don't think it's factual at this particular time. Nothing points toward her having another man at the moment, the fact she goes out alone does not mean she is fucking someone else. She has had the opportunity to leave Paul before but what do you know he is still with her. He might be fucking useless and self centered in bed but he suits her. When she is in the mood she enjoys the pleasure the sex toys give her, especially watching herself fucking her arse.
Now there's a rare opportunity @Brokk ! ! I actually agree with your sentiments.
You actually said " There is certainly something behind all this, which would explain her doing nothing, she cannot please Paul, her fans, and another guy and if you think about it, it has been almost a month since 06/03 that she has been constantly reading or responding to text messages much more than before and getting up early to go out for 2 to 3 hours and come back and take a shower and put on her underwear as if nothing had happened? What you have written certainly implies you think she is seeing another Guy !!
Hello Anode, I think you are completely wrong about her having another guy on the go. One reason would be that if that were plausible she would surely shower prior to going out and supposedly liaising with him......She doesn't !
If she were interested enough she could use an extension lead from the camera 8 side to the camera 10 side, no big hardship if she had the will. Perhaps she is trying to make a statement to the now disenchanted occasional viewers like myself and a few others that she is the boss.....Haha ! Leora love! You used to be the boss when you were worth watching.....Those days are gone since Paul arrived, it's not Paul's fault, he hasn't changes with his attitude at all, it's you that has changed for the worse.
I don't often agree with things that Anode says but I defend his right to say it, just as I rarely agree with your sentiments toward this couple but defend your right to express your opinion. But you have castigated Anode for saying Paul was a liar when he doesn't even know him, yet there you are stating that something Leora read on this forum has stopped her from performing this past few weeks.....Are you stating that as a known fact because you know Leora or are you making an assumption just as Anode did in your opinion. People should stop being so sensitive around the subject of Leora, she is more than capable of looking after herself believe me......Perhaps she doesn't enjoy people giving negative views on repetitious performances when they know full well what she is capable of when she cares.
There's a simple reason why Paul is there, it's because Leora wishes him to be so, otherwise she would have moved his lazy arse out ages ago. Difficult for many of us to understand what she sees in him, but perhaps her expectations were never high in the first place.
That wasn't the reason Paul came to Prague at all. Leora was settled in Prague, she had had a relationship whilst there which finished presumably before Paul arrived with Eva. Paul was and is her soul mate and they were in daily contact while separated.No he doesn't know how to show emotions or to be a sexual athlete and have social graces but he is Leora's choice for whatever reason...Although it's difficult to understand that a woman with such a high sex drive would choose a partner so sexually naive and incompetent and with such a lack of social graces. I certainly don't give a rat's arse whether she ever performs again or not, as this past year or so she has become boring, predictable and repetitive, the is no mystery to her and her imagination is redundant. Some people will accept anything she cares to throw at them and we are well aware who they are, but anyone who can be honest would admit their disappointment in her indifference towards the paying viewers.
So I see @ GagHer is again confused, I don't doubt it as he cant differentiate between his arse and his elbow......He may be able to speak Russian but he fails to understand life...Poor demented fool. Never mind little man, you still have Dumb and Dumber to keep you company in your little sad world of make believe and fantasy. Don't be too lonely living on your own, come back and see us all again when you're not so confused. Love you !! 😉🤣
There is a vast difference in what you interpret as bullying, but then I wouldn't expect you to agree as it gets in the way of the truth as you see it through your rose tinted glasses. Leora is on sale whether you like it or not, she is a commodity and is sold by RLC as such.We as viewers are the purchasers and expect value for our dollar/pound/or Euro, when we don't get value we as purchasers feel entitled to air our grievance, which is not bullying unless interpreted by someone who regards Leora as Sainted or untouchable by common people. Its also known as freedom of speech....perhaps you have heard of it? Pauls actions of last night on the other hand were supposed to be those of a loving caring partner, not of an uncouth Neanderthal using her as a lump of meat to satisfy his sexual craving. I don't expect you or the other Luvvies to understand and accept this, but hey do you really matter in other peoples lives.....Nah ! You all have a wonderful day now. 😁
What we witnessed tonight wasn’t far removed from rape. She was like a rag doll being positioned for him to get his gratification. Her self esteem must be rock bottom….Since his arrival she has been unable to elevate him to her position but he has certainly dragged her down to his. Such a shame! She deserved better.
What an embarrassing specimen of a man this limp dicked sack of shit is. He has no finesse and is incapable of any emotion whatsoever, he should be ashamed of the way he uses her to satisfy his sexual urges. She is just as much to blame as him for allowing herself to become no more than a cum deposit bucket via the mouth or cunt whenever he demands. She has no shame whatsoever! That was an example of the new low this apartment has sunk to. Fucking disgraceful!! She should be ashamed !
I don't imagine anyone gives a fuck what you do, I certainly don't ! You can saddle up and ride one of your steeds of into the sunset for all I fucking care.
Talking off "Leora Luvvies" and demented souls and wouldn't you know one of them GagHer appears from under his rock full of confusion...Strange how his and the others confusion doesn't confuse me at all....😉🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Wait for the others !🤣🦨🐌👨🏻🍳🌈