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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Thanks Nich', always good to talk to you. May you and yours have a Happy Christmas and a happy and healthy 2023.
  2. Looks like I will have to accept your word for it in the absence of anything else forthcoming. You state that the software provider tries to fix " stupid " things thereby creating even bigger problems, surely whether something is stupid or not is a subjective matter...One persons stupid could be another persons important, who are we to judge. I do though agree with you regarding going back to the Simple Machines software, except that indirectly premium members are contributing towards the bill I imagine. Good to exchange comments with you.
  3. I ask the question " Does Admin Really Exist " or is it just a title. Has anyone ever received a reply from Admin to any query put to them, or is it just ignored completely in the hope the enquirer will eventually get bored with being constantly rebuffed and give up? Apart from being rude it doesn't bode well for the forum if the Admin does/will not or can not operate properly, as can be observed with certain items. The forum charges $20 for premium membership which I don't think is outrageous, and I would suppose much of that goes toward Administration costs, so is it asking too much for the Admin to give an answer to a members question? Just a little in return, even if it's "fuck off " would be appreciated. At least we would know a person does occupy that lofty position. Come on Admin ! If you can't do the job then walk away from it( would anyone notice I ask ), you are supposed to be contactable, yes you are contactable but the problem is you NEVER RESPOND.
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