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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Fuck me SC, you have really excelled yourself with that one……Fucking gross!🤢
  2. You my friend should be the last one complaining. In the past month you have won 4 + days with rep points far in excess of what your actual totals should be...ie: on one day you had perhaps 38 ACTUAL rep points yet you totaled over 250 for that day, and several other days likewise. I have questioned Admin but as always he/she does neither read or reply to messages.......Total waste of time, yet the Mods rush to support him and state that he is busy, in which case he must be selectively busy....The exception being SC who does at least try to explain the situation... Having said that, they won't be too busy to take your $20 come membership renewal time will they.
  3. Others cannot clean the house to the standard that Leora demands, and I think she enjoys doing her housework. Paul is a slob and as such would merely spread the dirt around, and Malia was not much better, she left a pair of menstrual soiled panties in the toilet on one occasion, as well as not flushing her snot away when she did her daily " farmers blow " from her nose into the sink.
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