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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Most definitely not !😃 Bring Back The Brazilian !!
  2. She is making room for her Brazilian guest!! And the Koala and Bear had turned it into a junk room.
  3. Yes I understand that to an extent Pulo, but surely that is why the blanket is there in the first place, it doesn’t need all that arrangement to ensure the couch doesn’t get wet does it? Bring back the Brazilian ! 🙃
  4. I wonder why Leora has developed the habit of pulling the blanket or whatever cover is relevant up under her arse and taking so much trouble to ensure it’s in the correct position. There seems no practical reason for it, and she can’t be bashful as she has nothing hidden that we haven’t seen numerous times before.. Any suggestions? Bring back the Brazilian !🙃
  5. Whilst I can empathise with some of what you are stating, it is after all a personal view and as such should be accepted as such. The difference being about me being a critic of Leora is perhaps that I only watch Leora. No Leora no RLC !! Purely and simply my choice and it always has been. It matters not whether she is alone, with Paul, Malia or whoever as long as she is part of it I will watch....I might not though always be happy with what happens during those times with the different scenarios but again that is a personal choice, and because after watching her for several years I like many others am fully aware of her capabilities, and naturally sometimes get a little pissed off when she sometimes in my opinion "underperforms " by the very high standards she has set in the past. I don't demand she does things, although I might sometimes state that I would like to see her do certain things such as dancing etc that I know is within her capabilities...If she does them I am more than happy, if she chooses not to then so be it, and if the time comes when she consistently falls below what I would think reasonable in my expectations then I will cease my membership of RLC. Her being alone in the apartment is her choice and should be accepted, just as her choice of whether to invite guests back or not. If she wanted to invite Denis or anyone else back then so be it if she enjoys it, and if not then I am indifferent What I wouldn't like to see is her have a different guy in the apartment every week just to keep up viewing numbers, it's not who she is or what she is about......RLC know and understand this and must be OK with it. All the time she is on here I will continue to applaud and support her when she deserves it, and likewise honestly criticise her if she doesn't......Solely from a personal point of view, and I never expect other people to agree or disagree, that again is thier choice which I respect. Bring back the Brazilian !🙃
  6. I have been a big admirer of Leora for many years now, but also one of her fiercest critics when I think she may be taking the piss out of the subscribers of RLC, purely my opinion of course, and as a fee paying member I feel I am justified to air my views if at times I am not satisfied. I don't at the moment feel she deserves criticism regarding her contribution, I asked that she tried to balance her private life with what I see as he moral commitment to her fans and members, and as far as I am concerned she is now trying to accomplish that request. Naturally we all have different views on what we think we are entitled to as subscribers, motivated mostly by sexual preferences or other aspects that are of interest to us as individuals, but we certainly do not have a divine right to anything more than she gives us. You quote RLC rules, but nowhere in RLC rules does it state that she has to do anything . She would I believe not last long if she didn't do anything at all, and the members deserve some reward for thier subscription but she is certainly not compelled to do so...solely her choice ! She can at times be unbelievably frustrating and at other times unbelievably satisfying, so to my mind she has almost struck the right balance...What she does outside the apartment has never been any of my business and I therefor have no interest at all in that side of her life, if she wanted me or us to know she would bring it home or contact us in other ways to inform us...She hasn't, so her choice must be respected. My only complaint at the moment is one of personal choice !! BRING BACK THE BRAZILIAN PLEASE !!!!!!!🙃
  7. I'm not 100% sure but I thought there was originally a difference of opinion between Leora and Malia because Leora thought Malia should have gone home to see her very ill mother before she even though about following the guy to the Ukraine.
  8. What a surprise ! Who would have thought it ?
  9. That's somewhat harsh I think....Why do you think she is lazy ?
  10. Leora wants to deport the Koala and has named Malia as it's adopted legal guardian......Malia has replied " Fuck you Pal and your motley critter, throw the fucker in the bin and bring back the Brazilian"🙄 End of message ! Not sure what took so long.
  11. A great father and daughter......Just something to watch while you all wait.🙂 Enjoy! And for all the miserable fuckers who say it's " off subject " Yup ! You're absolutely right.....But puts a smile on faces.🙂👏
  12. I would imagine she is content, and she certainly isn't losing any sleep over it, myself likewise.😁
  13. I'm not sure that could be correct, unless of course it would be specific to that particular block of apartments. If you notice, the majority of the apartments elsewhere that RLC uses have allowed pictures and paintings on the walls. I think possibly Leora's mindset could be a contributory factor...Items on walls are dust collectors and places for critters to hide behind, and we all know what an orderly and cleanliness freak she can be at the best of times.
  14. Top of your shopping list please Leora......Batteries !
  15. Leora !! Top of your shopping list please.....New Batteries ! 🙂 Bring back the Brazilian ! 🙃
  16. He would need to lick his lips first I think.
  17. You can't have much left to give away mate can you? 🤪
  18. One of the most expensive mouth washes on the market !🤢
  19. I have, and as an answer to my original post I can’t see what’s wrong mate. Please enlighten me... Bring back the Brazilian !! 😁
  20. I’m beginning to worry about you now Aussie, you actually think you are the fucking Koala…I think it only fair to inform you mate that it is only a stuffed toy….really stuffed at the moment mate.🥴🤪
  21. Best choice she ever made, she should have done it a year earlier.🙄 Bring back the Brazilian !!🙃🙏
  22. Watch out you bugger, we're coming for you to make it permanent. 🤪🤪🤡
  23. Having said that, I must confess that although it was rushed to an extent it was a good anal show.
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