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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Do you honestly think anyone would bother to watch ? 😁
  2. Edvard Munch painted " The Scream " and it was worth millions. Perhaps she could reproduce it and slightly alter the mouth and rename it " The Yawn "
  3. And I would imagine most people would agree with you Nich. Also her dancing! It was those sort of thing that contributed to her popularity. All of which have become a rarity this past two years.
  4. The only thing she has drawn in the past two years is her over inflated salary cheque each month. 🤑
  5. Much of this apartments thumbnail numbers IF true are made up by expectation and wishful thinking, and not by actual mind blowing incidence, as it used to be in the past Some people on here would watch her picking her nose 😁 And yes you are correct, numbers can be manipulated in any way the site owners see fit, they would certainly find it rather embarrassing if their " poster girl " wasn't in the top spot more times than she wasn't.
  6. Not much different to the last few months I don't imagine.😁 Morgan Freeman says it all about this apartment now. Like an old box of chocolates. The box looks inviting, but when you look inside the chocolates are stale and have lost their appeal.
  7. It's all part of the arrogant attitude she now displays towards her viewers. She mistakenly believes that we are fortunate to have her, when in actual fact the opposite is true, she is fortunate to have us. She throws a few crumbs to the peasants and smugly enjoys the power she believes she still has. She is living on her past glory and not the present. She could get a hundred negative remarks and one positive, and her vanity would allow her to think she is still " Miss Wonderful " She has become repetitive, disinterested, arrogant, smug and boring. I will be waiting for the statutory " sad, laughing, and confused " emojis from the "kiss you all over " fanatics and self appointed guardians of her rapidly diminishing once glorious reputation. Bring it on!! 😁
  8. SPOT ON !!👍 But you will no doubt have ruffled a few feathers of some members.😱
  9. Not as sore as your tongue must get from all the arse kissing you have done in the past, or your lips from kissing yourself in the mirror when you put your crown on and try to impress people with your self inportance. Oh ! I forgot, you don’t wear the crown any longer do you? since I reminded you that someone who struts around wearing a crown is hardly in the position to accuse someone else of having ego problems.🤴Then I realised that you and your buddies use that expression when you can’t think of anything relevant to say.🤣 What a laughable pathetic creature you are ! 😁
  10. As with everyone he fed you bullshit, that’s all he has to offer.😁
  11. He would have to be if he believed you. And it’s were not where…🤣
  12. Ah the second stooge, has he briefed you sufficiently to enable you to function properly slug.🤣
  13. Not half as sensitive as a skunk gets as he is exposed as a serial liar and hypocrite...hoisted by his own petard. Keep the emoji's coming, they worry me not at all, other members make their own decisions, and see yours and your little cliques behaviour as infantile which I won't argue with. 🤣🤣
  14. Absolutely right, Pepe, Scutus, and Masterchef....The skunks little controllable clique, or the three stooges. What a lying hypocritical shameless fool you are, you appear on here tonight to try and impress Juggs, everyone on the forum knows what your game is skunk....You have no credibility. By the way the word is clique not click 😁
  15. I won’t bore you with the details, suffice to say that I am more than happy with the arrangement as it stands.
  16. That's all the skunk does have, he has nothing else, his credibility is shot to pieces and all the sad man does now is send predictable emoji's to those he dislikes. I laugh at his pathetic actions.....
  17. It is my honest opinion as I perceive it Juggs, not like some hypocrites and liars who used to post, who said one thing but thought and meant another. Yet they have the temerity to sit in judgment of others. Laughable and Pathetic !!
  18. Much of what you say is credible Juggs, although not all people have an ulterior motive for posting what they do, even though some others think they do. Some post out of sheer frustration at the perceived decline in the quality of a particular apartment, which is purely an opinion of the poster, they acknowledge that no matter what they say nothing is going to change, but it makes them as individuals feel better that they have vented their frustration, and if the tenant reads it so be it as long as it's respectful. How they interpret it is their concern, just as those who post that they love a particular person or whatever, very subjective topic and all open to contrary opinions. It's what makes a forum work, if everyone had the same opinion then what's the point.
  19. I don't recall any situation to that effect being anything different to normal.
  20. Nich, I take your point and agree that it was indeed nice of Leora to show some genuine affection toward Malia the other day...One of the only genuine things to happen in the apartment for a while.
  21. Correct Brokk ! I should possibly have written " Supposed Ex " Her record with the presumed present BF certainly does not qualify her to give advice on relationships either.
  22. 🤣 HaHa...Pulo you do make me laugh...Leora can't even get over her ex boyfriend and partner Paul, she shows him her tits and flashes he gash if he asks still....What a wonderful Councilor this fucking hypocrite will make.🤣 " Physician heal thyself " 🙄
  23. She should walk into a kid's cancer clinic and get things into perspective, you don't see those kids wallowing in self pity. She get's absolutely zilch sympathy out of me, in fact the both of these two bit cock magnets have got their heads so far up their own arses they have lost touch with reality.
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